Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (2024)


  • 1 Samantha
    • 1.1 Akaria
    • 1.2 Ao no Byakuya (Blue Gang)
    • 1.3 Red Lane
  • 2 One year later
  • 3 Brotherhood of the Serpents
  • 4 Green Lane
    • 4.1 Satoshi vs Ferdinand
      • 4.1.1 The Arrogant Junior King of Britain vs the Humble High Prince of Spain
  • 5 Sakura vs Mr Okachi
  • 6 The Final Battle - Satoshi vs Thomas Harimatsu
    • 6.1 The Aftermath - Part 1
    • 6.2 The Aftermath - Part 2
  • 7 The War
  • 8 The End of an Era
  • 9 Personality
  • 10 Powers and Stats
  • 11 The Family Head's Wife
  • 12 Personality
  • 13 Powers and Stats


Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (1)

Samantha is an Akarian officer who eventually fell in love with Ferdinand of Cavalon and had a child with him.


“Sakura … I have a request.” Satoshi asked as she looked confused upon hearing this. “Yes?” She asked as she remained completely calm, as Satoshi still bore his sword. “Can we go back to the Kingdom of Akaria, together? There’s something that you have to do.” Satoshi said as Sakura remembered herself, the night after her parents were murdered as she lay in the Castle, crying and scared. “Yes, we can. Why? What are you planning?” Sakura asked him, questioning his motives as she slowly sipped her orange juice. “I want you to return to your rightful place, where you should’ve stayed, as a Princess with your parents alive. But the past can’t be changed, for what its worth. Do you remember what happened after that event?” Satoshi asked as Sakura’s head began to spin from the inside, as she just managed to control her rage upon him mentioning such a thing. “Unfortunately not. After that, the guards and servants of the castle still remained loyal to me, but the people began to sway into absolute nothingness. A government that I believe my bastard of an uncle headed up became the ruling force behind Akaria, being a shadow government. However, I can’t say exactly who headed this government for certain, but what I do also know is that while a majority of guards remained loyal to me and the King and Queen {including all those which you killed}, some guards followed the orders of the Government, becoming the State Police. The Government also had soldiers stationed on every perimeter of the area. These soldiers carried advanced technology, from what I remember. No-one could go in or out without express permission of the soldiers, of which was extremely rare as the people of the Akarian kingdom tried to rebel, only to fall thanks to propaganda that they were the true royals and also through extreme use of mass force. The only person that could expressly access any of the areas are myself and my uncle [who you murdered]. I remained in my castle, locked up by any remaining guards who were loyal to me. The Government also were ever watching, observing you through any means necessary, such as people’s homes or even technology that only the Government own, because handing it to the public would be far too dangerous.” Sakura explained as she put down her orange juice, as it rippled slowly within the glass. “In order to get into Akaria, as it stands, we need to infiltrate it. We can use your Gem to go invisible, but the Government also manipulated the weather system through atomic technology that allowed rain to constantly persist, that could track anyone who entered or left. The lack of help towards the public left it a dystopian area, with a constant scent of nothing. Nothing will come of nothing, as the Government said to the public. Furthermore, the Government bore a large screen in the middle of Akaria that always said ‘He is watching you.’ I don’t know the current state of affairs in Akaria currently though.” Sakura explained as Satoshi put his mask on his face as Sakura continued drinking her Orange juice, finishing it completely. “With that in mind, it appears that the highest-ranking officials of places such as Ponawa bear castle-like structures which they live in. Thus meaning that this Government all live in one area, with the Mayor who I killed bearing some connection to them in terms of ranking and power within the town of Ponawa, thus meaning that this area of Kappalo is likely a part of the area of Manoru, which is city-sized. Therefore, Akaria is a country-wide state at least. Getting in will require death on an unforeseen scale, most likely.” Satoshi surmised to himself and Sakura as they still remained in the house. “Let’s go at the dead of night.” Satoshi said as she nodded.

  • Nightfall

As night fell, Satoshi noticed a letter on his front door, as he went to have a look and picked it up. “Erase the Party, by any means necessary, no matter how long it takes. Pay out: 999,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000 yen all transferred into 2 trillion yen.” It read as he looked truly shocked as they walked outside of the house. “This’ll be difficult.” Satoshi thought to himself as a flock of crows appeared from the sky. “Do you have some sort of connection with crows? I see them everywhere whenever you’re around.” Sakura asked as Satoshi remained calm. “Yes. We can communicate.” He said bluntly as the crow from the roof flew on his shoulder only to fly above with its murder of crows. It took them a day to get to Akaria. Upon reaching the State of Akaria late at night, Satoshi’s gem glowed lightly. “Wings of Concealment.” He thought as they noticed the structures around the castles were considerably more advanced than when Sakura was actually there. “Something changed. The government must have modernised the place, and allowed technology to fester here.” Sakura said as she noticed a man slumped on the edge of the roadway in front of him with nothing more than a loaf of bread. “We’re invisible, so we cannot interact with them in any capacity. They’re likely homeless, and thus the government likely sacrificed them for the sake of observing all things done, anywhere.” Satoshi explained as he noticed a large transponder above them in a nearby skyscraper as multiple skyscrapers summoned beams that manifested a screen with a large man with a big moustache. “Nothing will come of nothing. Loyalty to the Party is loyalty to the true Royalty. Freedom is Ignorance and Strength is Emptiness except for the Party. The Party is the true helper of the State, for all shall return to the Party once they perish, all for the sake of that which we give to you.” The man said condescendingly as Sakura looked outraged. “How dare those bast-!” She thought as Satoshi patted her on the shoulder. “Calm yourself down. We have to do this properly.” He said as he noticed that, as the man finished the loaf of bread, a microscopic light on the roadway shot up and revealed itself to him. “Share your bread for the sake of the Party. “ It said as he nodded, as both Sakura and Satoshi noticed a soldier coming up to him. “Have ye anyone to share?” The soldier asked in a cold and apathetic voice as the homeless man nodded. “This ne’er should’ve occurred, if not for your Mi-!” He said as the soldier grabbed him, and shackled him to the wall, and pulled him in the car that bore a sign that resembled a skull of sorts, with two petals on the top and bottom of it., as the soldier drove off. “We have to observe the location he’ll be taken to.” Satoshi enquired as he grabbed Sakura’s hand, and jumped onto a tall building that resembled a semi-detached house, but slightly larger in its form, as they both saw the man being removed from the Car, still in shackles as they saw a large building which he was being put into. “Damn you Minist-!” He shouted as he could not move, as the soldier shut the gate, preventing any from seeing the true darkness that the Party held. “You will obey the Party.” The soldier said in an apathetic and monotonous voice, as all that could be seen were lights devouring a portion of the building and screams., as the Screen once more made itself known. “The Will of the Party will be done by all for prosperity and peace.” The Screen said as Satoshi and Sakura still remained calm, despite what they heard. "Because we're invisible, we should be able to escape any potential confrontation with those soldiers. Given their capability, they're clearly dangerous. They likely put him in some sort of chair and silenced him through some control of fear. Fear is an extremely powerful weapon when used correctly and the man continually mentioned the Ministry. Therefore it appears the government that it is is likely a puppet of the true government or there is still a possibility of it being the actual Government under a different name depending on those who knew it. Clearly that man knew the history of Akaria before it became what it is. There are likely books on the history of Akaria which you should possess." Satoshi explained as he grabbed her hand as they observed the largest structure of the area by far as Sakura looked enraged, noticing it looking haunted and far gone. "The castle…. What did they do to Mother and Father's castle?! Those bastards!" Sakura thought as she remembered her Royal Library. "Yes, but I doubt they've allowed anyone to access it. Records of the past are seemingly what the Party decides. These soldiers are clearly the smallest part of the force of Akaria." Sakura explained as they both heard soldiers walking from down below. "Satoshi, do you have any other gadgets?" Sakura asked as he nodded. "No, I don't." Satoshi explained as he stared at the soldiers, observing the soldiers' weak points, if any. "If we were visible, we'd be done for without a doubt. My kunai would likely break upon making contact with him." Satoshi thought as both him and her observed everything else. "Luckily we're invisible. Let's attack while we can." Sakura said as they instantly appeared downwards as Satoshi slammed his kunai into the neck of the soldier, as he noticed it break only to appear behind him and knocked the two of them on the back of the neck as he noticed the technology of the soldiers as his eyes flashed white seeing the time from the Past long gone. "These memories of mine are flashing and bleeding into the present. But the WMD… Don't tell me that these guys are from the WMD?! These guys are the small fry of this place and they all bear immensely advanced technology? These guys are, self admittedly, dangerous. Far too so. But that death contract means I have to kill only one of that Party." Satoshi thought to himself as he noticed the Screen appearing once again. "A servant of the Party was ended in a endcrime. Rise up and grow. For the Party." The man on the Screen said as he looked cautious. "So that Man is likely an avatar of the true Leader of the Government. He knows everything, everywhere. I'll have to get dangerous and fast. And then I'll have no choice but to take the Blue and Red Gangs as fast as possible." Satoshi thought as he grabbed the weapon from the knocked down soldier as his eyes were still flashing white, seeing a taller man with technology on his arms, as everything returned back to normal. 'So while That occurs, I can still think." Satoshi thought to himself as he slung the weapon behind his back. “The weapon from what I can tell, appears to resemble some sort of assault rifle.” Satoshi thought to himself as the Screen simply disappeared, as they moved forward into the higher towns of Akaria. People were getting taken into camps and buildings left and right, by the same soldiers from before. “So the soldiers are indeed, as Sakura postulated, the least of our concerns. But I have to kill at least one member of the Party. The invisibility will be helpful though, allowing us to skate in and out of each part of Akaria. Meaning, we can still achieve that goal.” Satoshi thought as they both saw the humongous castle. “Let’s go.” Sakura said as they both appeared into the castle, as they deactivated the invisibility of the Gem only to hear a blaring red alarm. “Satoshi! We can’t do this!” Sakura screamed as her words were utterly deafened by the Alarm, as Satoshi slit the throat of the black uniform wearing Party member, killing him instantly. Ten Guards wearing armour and spears appeared, to Sakura’s shock. “We are the dead. Our only true life is in the future. We shall take part in it as handfuls of dust and splinters of bone. But how far away that future may be, there is no knowing. It might be a thousand years. At present nothing is possible except to extend the area of sanity little by little. We act collectively in the Party’s will. We can only spread our methods, outwards from individual to individual, generation after generation. In the face of our enemies, there is no other way.” The guards said individually in a continuous monotone voice. “You are, no, were my guards! Rashi! Surak! Leto! Jaku! Araten! Eisa! Adel! Namo! Xari! Zanoomba!” Sakura said to them as the red Alarm shut off. “We are no longer working under such filthy names with such filth as yourself. You royals were impediments and slaves to such oppression. The Party is beyond such humane ignorance. Nothing will come of nothing. Loyalty to the Party is loyalty to the true Royalty. Freedom is Ignorance and Strength is Emptiness except for the Party. The Party is the true helper of the State, for all shall return to the Party once they perish.” They all said as Sakura looked partially enraged, only to feel her presence shifting away. “I’m invisible once again.” She thought as Satoshi went and proceeded to slaughter any members of the Thought Police that he could find; a black shadow moving around, as he also noticed them detaining innocent people, as they placed their fingers on the forehead of the innocents, as a white gas poured into them. “That gas…. It likely has the ability to pacify memories of the Past and replace it with the will of the Party. These guys…. They’re like zombies.” Satoshi thought to himself as he was immediately surrounded by many soldiers and armed guards as the Screen also showed itself. “That is the famed White Spirit; an enemy of the Party is he. Kill him and your freedom will be rewarded without question.” The Man said as Satoshi jumped out of the castle. “Saving Sakura is my lone priority at this moment… nothing more.” Satoshi thought as he felt shots zipping at and past him at blistering speed. “Looks like my legend spread far, much further than anticipated. Let’s end this now.” Satoshi said coldly as his red eyes glowed darkly in the rain, shining in each and every raindrop, as he noticed some more innocent people. They were wearing long kimonos, with no designs except lines on them. They wore geta with no colour except a boring brown to them. “So these guys wear kimonos, meaning the Leaders took the Heian-style clothing of norm that people wore prior to the takeover by the Ministry, and absolved it, removing any sense of individualism.” Satoshi thought to himself again, as all that was seen was a black shadow and nothing more as Satoshi shot a kunai on the ground, creating a massive bright light as he slaughtered every last soldier, as the blood from all the soldiers absolved themselves in the water. “We surely have a firm idea of your capabilities, White Spirit. Illusions are false except done by the Party alone.” The Man said as the soldiers disappeared into the night. “Very well. I’ll allow myself to be arrested… to infiltrate the enemy from within.” Satoshi coldly thought to himself as one soldier took him from behind and sent him away to a facility that bore black buildings. “You’ll be made an example of. The Party shall win.” The soldier said as they trudged him in the room, as a chair made itself seen. “Good luck.” Satoshi said sarcastically, as he spat at the soldier mockingly, as the soldier attempted to break his hands, but failed. “This’ll do the trick.” The soldier said as white gas appeared in his hand, as Satoshi smelt it, as he felt his eyes flash white upon seeing it, as what he saw within this Moment appeared to twist and turn. “The will of the Party is in you; a servant you are always.” The soldier’s voice said in this eternal stream of thoughts only for the thoughts to return back to their normal form in that instant. “So both things coincide with one another.” Satoshi thought to himself as his hands were bound in iron straps, alongside his legs as a Screen played. It played pictures not of his mind from the Past long gone, but instead the Past from the time Nearest as his eyes remained cold and red. “Well done… I applaud you for being able to access my memories. But breaking an assassin never works as intended.” Satoshi said, still in a sarcastic tone as he saw the pictures constantly replaying in his red eyes. His emotions remained unplayed, with nothing left to be desired. “Method B.” The soldier said as he took Satoshi’s gun and continued to shoot it at him, everywhere, until Satoshi seemingly let up. “You are truly weak.” The soldier said as he was let out of the chair. “I am a servant of the Party…. Of Death.” Satoshi said as he grabbed his sword and slashed the soldier to death. “Now that my body is riddled with holes, I suppose I can’t go too quietly. I’ll have to kill them all.” Satoshi said menacingly as he grabbed his f*ckiya and kunai from the ground, as he noticed it was covered with blood, also observing a small camera next to him, on the right-hand side. “Sakura’s still invisible, meaning she’ll be alright.” Satoshi thought to himself as he managed to remain calm. “This is the same facility that the Old Man was in. I need to find him fast.” Satoshi thought to himself as he moved as though he was teleporting, slashing and hacking his way through a majority of the soldiers, as well as even shooting a couple of them, removing any prisoners from their shackles, as he found himself on the top of the facility as an Old Man showed himself. “Hello there. I’ve come to free you.” Satoshi said as the Old Man looked at him with no more emotion, as he remembered what the Soldier from before did, by putting his thumb over his forehead, as his white eyes, seeing the Past Long Gone and the Future of Reach. “I am a servant of the Party through and through.” The Old Man said as Satoshi placed his two fingers on his forehead, knocking him out on the ground, as he placed his thumb over the Old Man, as his memories started to slowly be restored, as he screamed an ear-piercing noise. “We can stage a revolution, to put the Party’s stability into question.” The Old Man said at a prior time, after the Monarchy’s dissolution. “We CAN do this! The Monarchy shalt be restored with the Princess as our new ruler! We shall guide her, and advise her to a new tomorrow!” The Old Man continued to say within his memories as the Old Man looked up at Satoshi, as he noticed the Skull Mark on his forehead had slowly started to disappear. “Who are you?” the Old Man asked as Satoshi had his mask on. “You are… the White Spirit.” He said as Satoshi took it off and smiled gently. “Your kitsune mask… are you a pupil of Kouyate-dono, the Angelic Samurai?” The Old Man asked as Satoshi nodded peacefully and humbly, as his white eyes flashed, seeing an angelic being in the same dojo he was in previously. “Were you an apprentice of his?” Satoshi asked as the Old Man smiled peacefully. “No. I was an accomplice of his. I never found the killer except you weeping in absolute horror on his body. I exhumed his empty body after you buried it. After the Monarchy’s ending at the hands of a wretched assassin, I watched as I noticed the Revolution that I led. The Party crushed us entirely through using the guards of the Police, or GuaPol. I am a staunch anti-lobbyist. I am the last living member of the Revolution, who knows the complete truth about the Ministry. They are no government. They are one Party who rebuilt the Castle you saw. If the Princess is still alive, which I have a skin’s touch she is, then she can help annihilate the system. I am considered an unperson, but I can still be a predicating factor to help end the Party those bastards in high made. My name is Xarxa.” The Old Man stated as Satoshi felt his hands dripping with the blood of the sins of the Past. “That is a truth I have to admit. I was the assassin who was forced to murder them because of the Contract of Death.” Satoshi explained as Xarxa looked absolutely shocked and enraged. “I am saddened by such a loss, for I shalt press a button and end you alongside myself.” Xarxa said with no emotion as Satoshi pointed his chokuto at his neck. “Do that, and I’ll remove your very existence here and now.” Satoshi said coldly as Xarxa noticed his artefacts that Satoshi bore. “Very well, for I shall not. You are useful. You bear a blowpipe, kunai and the like. Contract killing gives you riches at the cost of humanity. The one who sent that is likely the one in this country. Unless…” Xarxa said as Satoshi showed him a letter that read “Erase the Party, by any means necessary, no matter how long it takes. Pay out: 999,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,0000 yen all transferred into 2 trillion yen.” as Xarxa looked absolutely shocked. “No! Whoever sent that is not from here unless there are informants! Thus whoever sent that is from the famed Blue Lane where the Red Gang reside, within the kingdom of Crucior. The Blue Lane is the richer half of the two Lanes,separated from the Akarian landscape by the Party. Interacting with the Red Gang is absolute death. They are easily rich enough to give you that money with ease. The Blue Gang are from the Kingdom of Bastia, residing in the Red Lane.” Xarxa explained as Satoshi remembered himself having murdered Amadeus Akamatsu. “Regardless, we are dealing with something beyond a majority understanding. I was a librarian before the Revolution, and after, they released me, deeming me an unfit one. The soldiers were part of WMD in their Original Faction.” Xarxa explained as Satoshi remembered, with his white eyes flashing, seeing the time of the Past Long Since Gone as a soldier appeared and shot a woman who was protecting him in a bathtub, in a black-checkered house, only to return to his red eyes. “You see, after your killing of the Monarchy, the brother of the King manifested a royal decree using Princess Sakura as a scapegoat to reduce any form of protests, thus causing no-one to fight back. Crushing the protests reduces will. This uncle of hers soon instigated her, relieving her of any duties to the Crown. He allowed people of high ranks in Akaria to gain even more power, as he could easily do what he wanted without restriction. He then restricted any flow of information that did not need to be known, burning many books of the Royalty. As I was a librarian, I still had unlimited access to that information but I noticed all of my fellows being seduced by this new Royalty. These people of high powers, mostly and only men, desecrated the former beauty of Akaria. The uncle soon left, leaving Sakura alone and bereft of anything meaningful. The Men soon created a Party, further annihilating any dissent. The Guards of the Royal House still remained loyal, but others fell and let prey to their darkness from what they lacked; status and meaningful power, becoming the State Police. Outside of that, I still allowed myself to contain the information within my head, removing any control of the Party. However, even with that supply of information, they even destroyed the Library but still I managed to preserve it in a book called 'The Truth: Ministry of Falsehood and the Monarchy.’ That was shortly written after the dissolution of the Monarchy, a few months of six after the Party ended all things seen formerly in Akaria. Technology and control prospered at the cost of all. In spite of this, there were members who were aligned to the anti-establishment who desired the Monarchic rule of things, for Akaria was around 2000 years old. The State Police were endowed with spears and the utter maximum technological powers, but if Sakura can release them from their clutches…. We have hope. Even in this society, desire can never be quelled as the Police manipulate memories through force and trauma via white gas.” Xarxa explained as Satoshi remained calm, giving him the book from his pocket. “Take this, for you can surely rewrite the Akarian history for the better.” Xarxa explained with a soft smile. The book was burned beyond belief, bound in a black leather, as he read it, all the way through, from what could be deciphered. “You are a ninja. An exiled ronin by all accounts. But you possess other gifts. More useful Gifts. Gifts from Beyond.” Xarxa said as once more, Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, seeing more memories as he released Xarxa from his shackles, and teleported them away. “You are not the Princess of this house. You never shall be.” The Guards all said as Sakura’s necklace darkened with a glowing red aura. “No! You are indeed traitors then! Betraying Mother and Father for the sake of power!” Sakura said in outrage as she grew horns, as her fingers grew into claws as her teeth grew into fangs, as she raced towards the guards and sliced them up, as she noticed the Guards dying with a smile, as a tear went down her face, as she passed out only for Satoshi to pick her up. “Now let’s end this.” Satoshi said as they once more appeared at the facility. “This is Room A.” Xarxa explained as he went with the other prisoners to the Outside as helicopters and soldiers surrounded them. “Let’s do this.” Xarxa said as Satoshi disappeared, slicing up all of the soldiers in the immediate vicinity, as well as damage a few of the helicopters, as he then disappeared off into the Castle and slaughtered a few more Party officials, as he soon entered the final level of the Castle. He noticed a grey-bearded man with a purple kimono that bore symbols that resembled a crown with a large hat. “So the White Spirit has come, eh? You murdered our Police. How foolish for you to think that stopping this organisation will happen. The Party will crush you.” The man said as a multitude of soldiers and zombified people appeared behind the man. “So you stole the King’s clothing and reversed everything.” Satoshi coldly said, just as a multitude of men and women appeared behind him, as the man callously smiled. “Fight!” The man said as both sides fought valiantly; cameras showed the other soldiers murdering anyone who harboured negative thoughts. The man also bore a technologically-enhanced arm as he fired a rocketing blast as Satoshi, only to feel multiple shots entering into his location from above, as the crows also appeared from above and destroyed the helicopter slowly, as a black shadow appeared from behind both of them. “You are the original Revolutionary. Information IS knowledge. The best books... are those that tell you what you know already.” The man said mockingly as Xarxa made his presence known. Satoshi backflipped out of the castle as both sides attacked each other as he felt laser-like missiles firing at him from all directions, as he just dodged them. “It’ll take you years to destroy the Party. Years.” The man on the Screen said mockingly as Satoshi jumped onto the top of the Castle and violently struck his followers, knocking them out as more emerged. He then commanded the Crows to strike the signal towers, as they did, releasing any form of the Screen. “I will end you!” Satoshi said as his eyes lit the flame of bloodlust as both ground and air forces fought against the Second Revolutionaries valiantly as Satoshi’s eyes glinted in rage, as a chainsaw-like blade went through his chest, as he vomited blood, and jumped onto the ceiling of the Castle Wall. “Final: Activate.” The Man said as Satoshi sensed thousands of people being blown up, all at once as Xarxa rushed towards him as drones fired at the masses, wherever they were. Robots stood firm and washed away any protest through bloodshed. “I will end you, MYSELF!” Xarxa screamed as upon pushing Satoshi away with a gust of wind, he slammed his Book into the Man’s face, as Satoshi felt the Book’s knowledge being absorbed into his very psyche, as Satoshi appeared behind all of the Enemies and struck them, killing them with his blade, as a tear shed from his eye, as he slapped Sakura’s face gently, waking her up. “Surely, it is us who shall restore the dynasty!” The guards behind Xarxa said as they clashed with the drones, destroying a majority of them with high difficulty. “After this, I will make sure to end the Blue Gang first and then wipe away the Red Gang.” Satoshi thought to himself as the Man fired a rocket at the back of the Wall, releasing a vacuum as he smiled menacingly, as he jumped out, to Satoshi’s horror. “Go back! You need to be prepare yourselves for whatever is to come! NOW!” Satoshi said as he took both Xarxa and Sakura down the hole as they found themselves in a place that bore similarity to a prison, if anything. “Hello there, White Spirit, I am thy doctor, Kulana.” The man said as he wore a white coat, with multiple pieces of technology around him, wearing goggles that obscured his eyes. Satoshi’s eyes flashed as he saw himself in the exact same location from the Past Long Gone as he also bore another weapon with him at that time. “Please, Doctor, do whatever is needed so we can crush this wretched government, for good.” Satoshi explained as Kulana smiled peacefully. “We shalt implant this into ye. I interacted with someone who resembled ye once before, from a long, long time ago.” He explained as he noticed Satoshi’s gloves as the technology around him was the utmost of advancement in technological standards. “This is far beyond the Government and even the Monarchy from time immemorial. But I sensed that the Man is not dead; not yet.” Kulana explained as he placed Satoshi onto a chair, as both Xarxa and Sakura smiled. Time passed as Satoshi was still the same physically as he noticed his arms, as he bore a technological device atop his right glove as his chestplate looked considerably more advanced than before. “That is from the Past. All of it is.” Kulana explained as he noticed a purple Gem in Satoshi’s left pocket, glowing. “That’s the Gem of Gabriel.” Kulana explained as Satoshi remained completely calm. “You should allow yourself to attune to your original body, so to speak. You are still human, with a few Minor adjustments. You can further passively swap your armour into Kouyate’s Kimono and your own new clothing if you wish.” He explained calmly as Satoshi smiled gently. “Satoshi, the reason why I am down here is because I was ostracised by my peers for possessing such technology for thousands of years, locked away I was as the Party turned me from a mere doctor to an Enemy of the State, but in return, I healed any whose family members were propagandised with the technology using a system of healing called Ayurveda. I resented the Government to my utter core, much like Xarxa.” Kulana explained as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, seeing a bald man performing healing on another man, as green energy split out from his hands. Satoshi felt his senses heightened severely as he could sense where everything was in the State of Akaria. “You’ve killed every other member of the Party barring one, who isn’t the Leader. The true Leader isn’t the Man of the Screen, for that is the avatar of the real Leader.” Kulana explained as Sakura observed Satoshi’s clothing, as though she saw something from her archive of memories. “He’s right. The true Leader is acting behind the Scenes. That Man had some level of connection to the true Leader. We have to interrogate the Man once we actually find him. But for now, we can use your upgraded body to allow for me to state a royal decree in the form of my uncle, who none knows is dead. They will then follow the command, where we will reverse it and have him interrogated and killed. The Crows are a good tool for surveillance due to the sheer amount.” Sakura explained as Satoshi nodded calmly and the Doctor smiled. “As for you, Princess, your original heritage will be needed, because from what I can observe, the Future is at hand.” The Doctor explained as he smiled at her. “You see, you come from the Devil and his Woman Miyakumi.” Kulana explained as Sakura looked utterly shocked as she remembered seeing her mother being slain by the Devil in a vision, as she broke out into a sweat. “Regardless, through a combination of knowledge and status, we can possibly topple the government.” Kulana said confidently as Satoshi teleported all four of them away into the Castle, and rewired everything from the inside as a large screen appeared from Satoshi’s device for all to see as the same Man from the Screen appeared. “Follow our command, and ye shall win for the Party. We will crush all others under our iron fist. It is this. The Party seeks power entirely for its own sake. We are not interested in the good of others; we are interested solely in power, pure power. What pure power means you will understand presently. We are different from the oligarchies of the past in that we know what we are doing. All the others, even those who resembled ourselves, were cowards and hypocrites. The Kingdoms of Crucia and Bastia came very close to us in their methods, but they never had the courage to recognize their own motives. They pretended, perhaps they even believed, that they had seized power unwillingly and for a limited time, and that just around the corner there lay a paradise where human beings would be free and equal. We are not like that. We know that no one ever seizes power with the intention of relinquishing it. Power is not a means; it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now you begin to understand me. Follow our final command, seize, kill and maim any who harbour thoughts to the false leader of the Party: Stansikowli. For, I, the Brother of the King, am the true leader of the Party. Close your eyes and ears to the false commands of him who defy my rule.” The Man said as everyone in Akaria noticed, as they fought against their de facto rulers including the Police and Soldiers, as Satoshi manifested a small missile from his wrist, firing it downwards into the room of the Battle as the enemies were knocked out cold, shortly thereafter, as Kulana made his appearance known, wiping their programming rather swiftly, as they soon “woke” up from their “slumber”. “Let us reawaken the system of the Monarchy!” They all screamed in outrage and defiance as every drone attacked them as the Guards all defended from it with ease. “Ayurveda can rewrite their minds through healing, reversing mental barriers including this brainwashing of the Highest Order. It is likely from the Devil himself no less, acting through an intermediary.” Kulana postulated as they all jumped downwards, staging a third and final Revolution. Drones surrounded them, but they fought valiantly beyond method and doubt as the Doctor began using Ayurveda on the soldiers, reversing their programming over time as they all ran through multiple streets and roads, as he teleported all of them all over to the Man’s location; draped in his royal garments, as he shot his gun at the protestors, releasing some green liquid that transformed them into alien-like Creatures. “Their clothes are being ripped apart instantly. If they explode, it will cause instrumental harm to everything that exists in the country. But that gun likely was the originator of the Propaganda but he isn’t the true leader.” Kulana thought to himself as the Alien-like Creatures attacked the Protestors, as Satoshi immediately appeared as Kulana looked at him slicing the aliens. “Satoshi! Do not attack them completely to kill them off entirely therein. Use this with your sword. ‘Bhūtavidyā.” He said as he fired a rocket-arrow at Satoshi as it landed into the tip of his blade, green energy coursing through it, as he blitzed past a majority of the Monsters, as he remembered his parents dying in the exact same form, as a few of the Monsters began to trap him, as they all noticed a violent red energy manifesting from his being. “That’s the Okami no Shinkai. A barrier of the utmost calibre in defence and offence caster’s own energy which manifested due to his past, present and future colliding into one. It beareth the caster’s own spirit.” Kulana explained as Satoshi’s Okami bore a shield and sword, grabbing the others, as they noticed the Gun firing a green mist into the air, spreading far past them as Sakura noticed something about Satoshi, alongside Kulana as blood poured from his mouth, as he began to cough violently. “He bears some form of illness. It is terminal but the fact that he has maintained himself for this long is absurd, even for myself to understand. It is no cancer…. It is beyond such, coming from the World beyond this.” Kulana explained as they were both shocked only to see multiple explosions manifesting even more, as a fiery blade shot through the Man, binding him in place, destroying the Monsters as their human forms made themselves known as Kulana ran out of the Okami and healed the others, as Sakura saw Satoshi’s injuries being healed. “The Gem… its passively healing Satoshi!” She thought as she smiled gleefully as Satoshi ran to the Man and grabbed him, teleporting him away to the Castle, as the Man from the Screen observed him. “So the Man is her Uncle’s dead essence, made manifest.” Kulana thought to himself as the Man was bound and Satoshi’s finger turned into a nail, going above his head, as he absorbed all the information he needed. “Tell us everything now! Traitor!” Satoshi said coldly as the Man nodded, as Satoshi punched him on the face, causing a massive scar. “I am… a traitor to the Party! I institutionalised this Party for the sake of control as the Monarchy disillusioned itself and went away, as it should’ve. Propaganda is an effective tool for the masses, giving them an idea of the true reality of the truth. The Monarchy were corrupt fools, having been so for the past 2000 years! How could you make appeal to the future when not a trace of you, not even an anonymous word scribbled on a piece of paper, could physically survive? Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’ Tragedy, he perceived, belonged to the ancient time, to a time when there were still privacy, love, and friendship, and when the members of a family stood by one another without needing to know the reason. Never again will you be capable of ordinary human feeling. Everything will be dead inside you. Never again will you be capable of love, or friendship, or joy of living, or laughter, or curiosity, or courage, or integrity. You will be hollow. We shall squeeze you empty, and then we shall fill you with ourselves. Even though I am not the true leader of the Party. Your death contract said for you to do the deed, that which you have done in steadfastness. After me, there will always be people to rule. Sakura is a lying bitch! She would have been terrible and would have fell into chaos. She is useless. Just like her mother before her. WHY DON’T YOU TRY AND KILL ME, SPAWN OF THE DEVIL?!” The Man said as Sakura bore tears in her eyes upon hearing this, as she held her urge to annihilate him in her demon form. She grabbed Satoshi’s sword and looked at the ground, her hair covering her expression. “The true leader is-!” The Man said as Sakura decapitated him on the spot, relieving any information that could’ve been negated. “Once we find the true leader, Akaria can then be restored.” Satoshi said as they all nodded in agreement upon this being said. “Me and Xarxa will stay here to relieve the propagandised ones from their suffering.” Kulana explained as Satoshi shook their hands peacefully teleported outside of Akaria. “May we meet again.” Kulana said to the open air, as both he and Sakura went back to the house, as the next day had risen once again. "Sakura…." Satoshi thought as he ruffled his hand through her hair with a sense of gentleness and empathy.ght as he ruffled his hand through her hair with a sense of gentleness and empathy.

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (2)

Ao no Byakuya (Blue Gang)[]

"We have to make a full-scale attack on the Ao no Byakuya. Their men are dangerous, even moreso than the soldiers of Akaria in some regard. It's been a few days as time likely stopped since we were last here. I know you can control your demon power. You are strong." Satoshi said as Sakura blushed ever so slightly. "Your eyes should also possess the ability to see through objects." Satoshi explained as Sakura smiled gently as he held the necklace in his hand, that resembled a locket. "They reside mostly in Manoru and in the Red Lane. When I fought them before, there was a man who drove a car much like the other Blue Gang agents with a Sniper rifle-like weapon. I do believe he'll be using you as emotional leverage. He had to have been above Amadeus in rank." Satoshi explained as Sakura looked confused. "Who's-?" She asked as Satoshi sighed. "Amadeus Akamatsu is the seeming boss but he can't have been as he never had any weapon and was clearly sent by someone higher." Satoshi explained as he soon walked out of the house. "If I don't come back…. Then know that I had a gift for you even if you dont forgive me. I committed a deep atrocity so you don't need to forgive me. Moving on from that, let's go. We have three targets and they have targets on our back." Satoshi then explained as Sakura nodded as they soon walked out, as they soon went to the bank, noticing their wealth skyrocket. "So the mission was completed seemingly. Whoever sent it is still currently unknown." Satoshi thought as they then went to the shop, still in the dead of night as they got groceries taking them back into the house. He then ran on the roofs of Manoru as he went back to the Blue Lane Brothel. The woman soon appeared outside with her geisha and Oiran. "Are the men still there?" Satoshi asked as Sakura looked shocked only to see the woman nodding in agreement. "It appears you've grown somewhat. They're still there; do the deed." The woman said as Satoshi went into their rooms and slit their throat in their sleep as the woman coldly smiled as she had a phone to her ear. "Attack." She said as the other women began to attack Sakura. "We are agents of the State Police, as well as the fact that you could never truly destroy the Akarian Kingdom." The woman said as black cars pulled up as many scores of men appeared with black uniforms. "You called the Blue Gang by that phone." Satoshi surmised as she nodded. "Think that if you will." She said calmly as multiple shots rang past him as Sakura just managed to dodge them while attacking the women. Satoshi's wrist device summoned an electric spider as it bore a large red light, as smoke showed itself. He used this to jump on the roofs of each building as crows came from the sky and attacked the men in their masses as they disappeared, jumping on the roofs alongside Satoshi violently attacking him, as he heard a loud scream. "Sakura!" He said to the open air as the man with the hat drove away with him in tow. "We've got the girl. That should curdle with his emotions." Amane said as the Woman looked enraged. "Do you think you can fight us? There's way too many of us." Amane coldly said as he had Sakura in the back as she remembered herself being trapped in the castle as her eyes slit open as she broke through the car and sliced open the car to their shock. "Attack all three. Kill the woman and her friends. End the oni." Amane said as Sakura’s fangs remained as they were with her claws growing bigger in size to Satoshi’s shock. "sh*t!" Satoshi thought as blood ravaged the ground, as multiple soldiers of the Blue Gang tried to fire at her only for the bullets to have no effects to their shock. "It should take a taser-like weapon of a rather high level and velocity to electrify the girl and then we can shoot her as her friend loses himself and attacks us, allowing Oyabun-sama to have both of them in the palm of our hand." Amane thought to himself as Sakura smiled maliciously. ground as multiple soldiers of the Blue Gang tried to fire at her only for the bullets to have no effect to their shock. “It should take a taser-like weapon of a rather high level and velocity to electrify the girl and then we can shoot her as her friend loses himself and attacks us, therefore allowing Oyabun-sama to have them both in the palms of his hand.” Amane thought to himself as a knob on his rifle twisted to a green object, as he fired it at Sakura, only for her to dodge it, as she felt her arms no longer to move, as Amane shot her in the face, causing her to pass out, reverting her back to her normal form. He took her back in the car. “The girl’s ours. Move out.” Amane said as they all nodded in agreement driving away as the other men who were attacking Satoshi disappeared, as he jumped down on the ground, as his boots were now titanium with spikes around them. “So they follow that man’s command, therefore meaning my prior suspicion was indeed correct as Amadeus is lower in rank and thus that man is the Saiko-Kommon.” Satoshi explained to the Woman, geisha and oiran. “Don’t worry, we aren’t members of the State Police of Akaria. Those bastards are corrupt as could be, otherwise why would I have just stood there as I let you kill Amadeus back then?” The Woman explained as she smiled, showing her arm to Satoshi as her geisha and oiran did the exact same. “I am a part of the clan of Adachi, descended from Fujiwara. These guys are people I hired, bearing the kanji of the Red Lane on their forearms. We were separated by the Akarian Party after they took complete control over the State. But if we were to fight you…you’d win, undoubtedly.” The Woman said as she looked at Satoshi peacefully. “The Name’s Samantha.” She said coolly as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, as he remembered such a name from the Past Long Gone, as he returned back to normal and nodded calmly. “We’ll keep this area for you safe if you ever need it.” Samantha said calmly as Satoshi walked off and jumped from roof to roof, attempting to see where Sakura as he noticed black shadows attacking him. “The Blue Gang have returned once again.” Satoshi said as he slashed them all to death, as he walked off somewhere else into the Night, as he noticed a large dungeon-like building at the end of the Red Lane. His Purple Gem was glowing violently to his shock, as he saw even more memories of the Past, seeing a large aura of darkness surrounding himself. “I have to save Sakura.” Satoshi said as the Gem guided him within the Dungeon, freezing everything around him in time, as a black sword showed itself in the darkness. It bore purple outlines as a gem was already within it, as Satoshi then saw the Gem of Gabriel show a man holding a sword, traced in golden writing. “That’s me?” Satoshi thought to himself as he continued to see more memories of the Past, seeing that exact sword, glowing endlessly. “That’s the Shadow Sword. The Sword that dispels all Light.” Satoshi thought to himself as he saw plumes of lava shooting behind him as ashes saw themselves surrounding him in what appeared to be a garden. “So this Gem’s ability is similar to the Moment.” Satoshi thought to himself as he remembered the words of Kulana “You have many Gifts from Beyond.” as the Sword bound itself to him. “So this Shadow Sword bears the ability to control souls.” Satoshi thought to himself as he walked away from the Dungeon and transferred the Shadow Sword into his normal sword, strapping it onto his back as one. He soon jumped on the roof of the Dungeon as time began to move on the outside world. He attempted to locate Sakura as his wrist fired a hook-like protrusion out of it, grappling him over to another building as he could now see the empty road in front of him; as he saw what appeared to be tail-lights, as he could hear a sound of wheels racing, as he jumped out onto the open road. “Now I can feel as though I am near. Let’s see what this can do.” Satoshi thought to himself as he fired long metallic protrusions from his fingers, as he felt his feet jutting out with rocket-like blasts out as he began to fly at the car, as the soldiers saw a bright orange light glaring at them from their windows were struck. “Is that a robot?!” One of the soldiers said from the far left as they were instantly choked to death. “Take care of him.” Amane explained as he disappeared to Satoshi’s shock. “Given these mechanical protrusions manifesting from my body parts, I can combine them with my normal weapons for a presumably devastating effect but this ability isn’t exactly under my control. But that Man has disappeared along with Sakura so I’ll have to deal with him later.” Satoshi thought to himself as he took out his sword as his wrist-device summoned a drone that fired a red light in the night sky. “What is that contraption? Fire at it!” The driver said to each of the soldiers in the car as they fired at it, only for the red light to summon itself on each of the vehicles as they all drove away, with Satoshi smiling; having noticed red dots on his wrist-device. “So that drone acts as a GPS signal.” Satoshi thought to himself as the drone disappeared, as he stopped his flight and walked on the empty road. “Sakura… I’ll get you back, no matter how long it takes.” Satoshi thought to himself as he disappeared in the darkness. “Throw her out.” Amane said as the men grabbed her unconscious body and threw her on the floor, as they were in a dark tunnel, where a room lied in front of them all. “Keep guard in case anyone tries to intrude.” Amane said, remembering when Satoshi came to destroy him for good. A soldier came up to slap her awake, as he did so, as her eyes were still tired only for her to near-instantly feel awake. “Where’s Satoshi?!” She screamed out in rage as she noticed multiple guns surrounding her. “Don’t worry about where your boyfriend is… just shut the hell up and do as we say… or else.” One of the soldiers said as they had the co*cks of the guns triggered at her. “I might as well… considering the fact that I got shot in the face earlier on, but that healed.” Sakura thought to herself as her white eyes saw a door that bore a blue dragon on its epicentre. “So this is the Leader’s Residence.” Sakura thought as the men around her smiled, as the men took her in, only to stand guard outside, as she was let in. “Who are you?” She asked as she saw a chair that was purely black, but from what she could also see, the man had golden dragon symbols on him. “So, daughter of Hell, how pleasing it is to make your acquaintance.” The man said to Sakura’s shock as she recognised the words. “Who the hell are you?” She asked once again to no response. “Sir, she was my capture. I simply shot her in the face earlier on.” Amane said as Sakura looked at him with utter horror on her face. “Impressive.” The Man said as she noticed a golden sword next to the man, that resembled a katana. “What are you? How do you recognise my lineage? What is that sword?!” Sakura asked the Man coldly as she remembered Satoshi bearing a similar blade, that was simply white. "Sakura, you see, this blade is an inherited blade of an ancient kingdom. The Blade of Heaven and Earth." The Man said as he turned around as Sakura remained calm as he bore black and grey hair with a cold oni mask that was red in its form and bore devil horns to Sakura’s shock. "An ancient relic of time it is. A weapon of divinity, one could think it is. My father’s Sword." The Man explained as Sakura was still calm. "But I shall now give you a deal of magnitude and gifts. You can either do two things: Remain with me and then… murder the White Spirit who I know you bear some connections and feeling to. Or you can go away where we will have you and him murdered in the dead of night. Or we can sell you on the black market for you'd be useful for your valuables such as that necklace of yours." The Man said as her eyes narrowed coldly. "None of your men are capable of murdering him." Sakura said as the Man smiled peacefully. "Is that so?" The man said calmly as Sakura remained slightly calm. "If anything, it wouldn't be the White Spirit that is the most dangerous. It is undoubtedly you due to your…. dark power. It is still sad that you can't control it otherwise you and me could work together to quell corruption for good. You can be my woman and then go along to wipe out the wretched Red Gang. Admittedly, they are more dangerous in their methods. But that is besides the point." The Man explained coldly as his smile still remained. "No! I would never allow myself to be fell under corruption any more!" Sakura said, remembering when her uncle used her to instigate a royal decree as well as herself. "Explain yourself, you wretched bastard!" She said as her eyes were still narrowed. "Very well. Sakura, you see the Blue Gang was removed away from the Monarchy of Akaria. We were the initial mercenaries of the King and Queen as the assassins of the Kingdom. We had to kill any non-associating Monarchists and work as legalised killers of the State with myself being the head of this faction of secret fighters. The King gave us provisional freedoms while the Queen had allowed our forces to help out as guards that defended areas outside the castle. We were their assassins as the hidden police. However, that legislative power was utterly overturned by the Party coming to power. The Prince of the Kingdom never knew about our workings but upon the King and Queen’s death, the Uncle and Party found a secret scroll that revealed our workings as the part where we resided was made into the city of Manoru but there were other cities outside of this such as Story because Manoru is a very large city. Afterwards, the Red Gang were split off into the Blue Lane, but bore gifts from the State of Akaria as they were associated with a member or two of the Party. We, on the other hand, were split off from the State as well but we were split off into the Red Lane. But, in that vein, the mayor of the town of Ponawa, near the Red Lane was a corrupt man who allowed the Red Lane to fall into hunger, destitution and prostitution loitering around, therefore fulfilling his basest desires. We were thus unable to defy the Party, as our gang were increasing and expanding in knowings of others. We were the Shadow. And then, we learnt the Prince was killed off in a coup d’etat like event, but perhaps that is false intrusions of logic and the mind at play. The Party was and is always corrupt but their true leader has never been found. From information gathered through sources in the Akarian state, it was found that a group of people had murdered the members of the Party in some form of revolution, which is admittedly very interesting and good to hear, but power will cause more men to rise up to the Party ranks as they said: Nothing will come of nothing, for loyalty is to the Party alone.” The Man said as Sakura remembered the guards surrounding her, constantly hearing the Party slogan, as she noticed a dark blue screen behind them of lines. “Sakura, now that I’ve revealed what you wanted to hear, what do you wish to do? Remain with me or fall out of line?” The Man asked as Sakura’s necklace remained empty and soundless, as a blip occurred to his slight shock. “Amane, please observe that little blip. And then take care of it.” He said as he bowed down and walked out as screams were heard. “So the White Spirit has come seemingly with new allies. But the girl will be used against him, no doubt.” The Man thought to himself as blood filled the ground of the tunnels, as Satoshi appeared in the tunnels with Samantha and her oiran as Satoshi saw a man with a gun in front of him, as they both struck one another. “So you’re the Saiko-Kommon with that sniper rifle-like weapon.” Satoshi said aloud as the man fired at him a green bullet as he dodged it. “Attack any remaining soldiers.” Satoshi said to Samantha and her geisha as they nodded, only for him to fight Amane, still on equal footing as Amane roundhouse kicked Satoshi square in the chest as he barely caught it with his sword’s hilt. “Your chokuto is string-like; strong but swift in its strikes.” Amane commented as he was kicked back slightly, to his shock. “So his martial arts skills aren’t inherently bad. He is somewhat reliant on speed and that sword.” Amane thought as kunai were thrown in his direction. “That green bullet of his… that’s just like my Blowpipe.” Satoshi pondered to himself as he noticed a light on his sniper turn blue as it was fired at him, as he dodged it and jumped on the ceiling, as a mist appeared out of it, as blood started to pour from Satoshi’s mouth. “This isn’t mist…. Its poison.” Satoshi thought as his hand manifested itself into a cannon that shone an orange light out of it as Amane’s sniper tanked the explosion, to his slight shock. “The sniper… its cracked? Interesting.” He thought to himself as the mist-like poison disappeared. “He absorbed it? So he also bears technology at a similar capacity to the sniper.” Amane thought to himself as he remained calm. “That sniper bears lights that summon varying levels or grades of attack. The green light appears to be a venom-like substance whereas the blue fires a mist-like poison that can remain invisible to the naked eye. That is a part of three colour types, therefore leaving….” Satoshi thought to himself as he noticed a darker colour manifest in the sniper’s barrel. “Red.” Amane said coldly as Satoshi’s mouth still poured out blood but in a lesser amount compared to before. “That sniper can’t regenerate on its own, therefore meaning that something else is going on-” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt his eyes begin to bleed profusely to his shock. “This isn’t the illness! This is his ability!” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt cracks racing through his body, and especially his legs. “Yes. You won’t get past this, even with an explanation. Red allows me to control the blood of an opponent through prior contact. As such, any contact we may have had via an altercation that is previous to this counts. In your case and in any other, poisoning is the end all, be all.” Amane explained as Satoshi felt himself being pushed onto the ground from the ceiling as he felt himself going numb. “So this is the final effect, huh?” Satoshi asked coldly as his sword began to pierce him in the stomach. “Any contact with blood from you… will ironically be fatal to you.” He continued to explain as Amane went up to him and ripped his mask off of his face, revealing his true appearance. “You’re one of them.” Amane said coldly as Satoshi’s eyes were still bleeding along with his mouth, as Satoshi’s wrist-device summoned a missile out of it as smoke appeared from his fingers, firing into the ground. “Smoke bombs. A typical tactic.” Amane thought to himself as the missile exploded in front of him, as his hat was blown off and his Sniper’s crack was utterly increased in size. “That sniper… acts like a dual-type weapon. It can be seen as a technological modern sword and shield.” Satoshi thought to himself as Amane felt a great gust of wind flying straight at him as Samantha appeared and punched him straight in the chest, sending him flying into the wall, as his Sniper still retained its form. “An agent of the Police defending a rogue? That is indeed ironic.” Amane said as a little bit of blood appeared on him only to instantly heal. “So what I’ve seen, that blue light and green light emit a snake-like venom and a poison. That means red is, of course, going to cause blood poisoning.” Samantha postulated to herself as she noticed no blood on her clothing, as Amane remained calm, yet still. “That barrel is the cause of the sniper’s abilities. Satoshi already fired a miniature nuke inside there, causing great damage to the sniper rifle, as he soon returned with new parts seemingly as blood lay everywhere. “I exploded after that bloodlet sword of mine dashed any hopes of fighting, but I managed to regenerate thanks to the technology.” Satoshi explained as Amane sighed. “You likely need a range considering you have a sniper rifle on you.” Samantha postulated as he changed it into a shotgun-like weapon. “Level 2: Activate.” Amane said as his weapon regenerated. Satoshi appeared in front of him and attempted to slash him with his sword as he ducked only to get kneed in the face, as Samantha appeared and injected a green vial in his side, as he laughed coldly. “You fools. I am immune to such-!” Amane said arrogantly as he felt his hand being slashed off. “So that’s what he was aiming for. Clever.” Amane thought as he shot Satoshi with a poisonous dart, as he took it out of himself and threw it to Samantha, placing it in her pocket. “It appears that I have to activate Level 3 early.” Amane thought, impatiently as he noticed a kunai stabbed in his remaining arm. “Those kunai were homing?” Amane said as he heard tapping from Satoshi’s end as a drone appeared. “That was the drone that scanned the men.” Amane remembered as it attached itself to him, releasing tendril-like arms to him. “Level 3: Activate!” He said as he just broke out of them as his arm was reattached to him as a miniature sword attached itself to his regenerated arm as both swordsmen struck one another as Satoshi’s free hand manifested into a sawblade as Amane just dodged it as it released itself from his hand and threw itself to Samantha. “I have to be wary of the woman’s physical attacks. She’s the threat here, even if he is more dangerous than her with his tools.” Amane thought to himself as Satoshi nodded. “NOW!” He shouted as she pierced it into his neck, as he still laughed maniacally as he twisted his fingers as his shotgun turned into a pistol as Satoshi looked in horror as he noticed Amane shoot her in the stomach, to his shock and rage; as her oiran and Geisha instantly jumped out at him as he ducked and dodged, and began to shoot and slash at them, causing them to slowly begin to bleed out. “Avenge us.” One of the geisha said as he remembered when his parents had died all those years ago. “Then let’s end this, wretched scum.” Satoshi said coldly as his eye was slashed out, as no scar remained as he instantly appeared behind Amane and sliced his hand off, as the sawblade remained in his neck, as he forcefully ripped it out of him, as he smiled maliciously and grabbed his hand and manifested a flamethrower from his wrist launcher and burnt it away, to his horror, and walked into where Sakura was, with a cold expression. “So you murdered my right-hand man. Very well, it appears that I have to do everything myself.” The Man said as he smiled from underneath his mask, as Sakura glared at Satoshi with her eyes glinting red. “Sakura…. Do it.” The Man said as Sakura nodded and began to attack Satoshi as he manifested her demonic form forcefully as the necklace glowed red, as Satoshi was forced to dodge each attack as he remained calm, as he took his sword out and parried off the strikes with relative ease. Her hands manifested claw-like protrusions as he only just dodged them. “Forgive me, Sakura.” Satoshi thought to himself as he manifested his sawblade in his hand and struck her chest with it point-blank as she smiled still, ever so coldly as her wound began healing, to his utter shock, as he took it out of her chest and threw it away from her line of sight as veins manifested from her temples to her shock, as Satoshi kicked her as she grabbed it, only for the blade to slash her neck and lop it off her head, as she instantly regenerated to Satoshi’s horror. “I can’t fire that missile, so that leaves me no choice.” Satoshi said as a red aura of energy roared around him in armour and clothes, with a large shield and sword, as she began to grow large bat-like wings of red energy as she struck the shield only to be repelled back, as he began to vomit, as the red structure released itself only to see Sakura’s body turn demonic as she began to grow a tail with a dark arrow. “Stop…. Please.” Satoshi said gently as he manifested his Okami one more time, and instantly struck her with the Sword, releasing her from her demonic rage, as the Man looked shocked. “Well then, I must do everything myself.” He said as he got up with his golden blade as it shone darkly, and struck Satoshi square in the chest as he coughed up even more blood than before. “Wings of Concealment.” He thought as Sakura’s eyes returned to white, as he made himself invisible and unseen, to the Man’s Shock, as he felt himself very slowly being healed by a dark purple energy, as he made himself visible. “Now I’m at full health.” Satoshi said as his eye still remained shut, revealing a new eye in its place that was blacker than the night with a light blue pupil shining out of it, to the Man’s shock. “This is the Sword of Heaven and Earth.” The Man said as he went in and stabbed Satoshi square in the chest, keeping him impaled therein, as Sakura went into attack him as he placed his Sword in between the two of them. “You are still far too weak.” The Man coldly said as his Oni Mask hid his true face, as he noticed a drone firing bullets from above as he instantly repelled them with his sword. “That must have been the drone that did something to Amane. But it is rather unique.” The Man said as Satoshi only just managed to remove the Sword from his chest, as he tried to kick the Man as his foot was grabbed only to see Satoshi’s eyes glow white, as he felt himself unmoving. “This is something else but the Moment is continually occurring therein. Time is stopped.” Satoshi thought to himself as he felt himself moving once again as he began to slash at the Man as he deflected that as well with ease. “This guy is undoubtedly a master swordsman.” Satoshi thought to himself as Sakura attacked him alongside Satoshi as the Man struck her as he fired a missile into him at full speed only for the sword nor him to be undamaged as per the ensuing explosion hit. “So he can dodge and nullify bullets and even survive that missile.” Satoshi thought to himself as he took his sword and began to strike at the Man from behind, as he felt the Golden Sword parry that strike back with ease. Upon this occurring, he felt himself being slashed multiple times in literal moments with ease, as his face and arms began to bleed rather profusely, as the Man noticed purple flames coming out from his back, as a sword showed itself, as the Man instantly slashed his current sword in three, breaking it, to his enemy’s utter shock. “That blade you have on your back… is that the famed Shadow Sword?” The Man asked as he grabbed the Sword and plunged it into the ground, as a ritual circle appeared; just as an eye manifested on it within the core of the Blade. “This is indeed the great weapon of the Realm below.” The Man said as dark energy slowly rushed from everyone in the room and in the Tunnel into the Circle as it glowed light purple. “This sword… it steals lifeforce?!” Sakura thought to herself as she felt herself growing weaker over a period of time, as both she and Satoshi noticed Samantha appearing behind him only to feel a vial injected in the arm where the Shadow Sword was, as upon noticing this, he struck her left ear off, as she screamed in agony and pain, but she coldly smiled as she noticed the Sword drop onto the ground with a large thud, as Satoshi’s gem glowed as he held his hand out and grabbed it out, only for the Man to step on it as he then pulled his free hand outwards and grabbed him. “Now’s my chance!” He thought to himself as he struck the Man’s stomach. “Using that venom will allow for a good move into his eventual death!” Satoshi thought as the Sword glowed with a cold, purple aura and kept it plunged in there, as he felt his grip slowly weakening, as it was dropped on the ground. “So… you actually managed to damage me. Impressive.” The Man said as his golden blade began to glow silently, as he smiled from underneath his mask. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna.” The Man said to Satoshi’s shock as his veins began to glow green; as upon him attempting to strike down Satoshi who was beginning to bleed out himself, he felt a blade-like bullet stab him in the back; noticing Amane behind him, with one arm. “So, you betrayed me in such a dire moment. How paltry of you to do so, now of all times. To think your arm was gone after such a weak attack.” The Man said as Amane’s expression became cold and sullen. “You’re too dangerous to be left alive, Sir. Now die.” Amane said coldly as the spot where his leader was stabbed increased in size. “Your veins will increase and pop out due to the poison’s aftereffects, meaning you can die where you stand….!” Amane thought to himself as he was kicked from behind him, sending him to the ground, as he manifested his pistol and shot him with blue, red and green bullets all at once, only to hear a metallic clang. “In that case, this is it. To think you were my right-hand.” The Man said as he grabbed Satoshi with his sword as Sakura instantly appeared in front of it with her hands in front of Satoshi, to his shock, as her hands were run through with the blade, as a large cannon appeared from his hand. Sakura was swatted away like a fly, having now been stabbed in the chest, knocking her out, as he picked Satoshi up with his sword, only to see a massive blast appear from his hand-cannon. “DIE!” Satoshi thought as his Oni Mask was utterly broken from the blast. “So I’ve now been revealed.” The Man continued as the Oni Mask’s pieces shattered away completely as he slashed Satoshi’s neck, sending him down to the ground, in a slumped mess. “Now the end has come.” The Man said as he felt himself slowly bleeding. “That attack was the cause of such a thing.” He said, remembering when Satoshi struck him with the Shadow Sword, as orange signals appeared around him, as he felt the poison spreading to his other arm. He then observed Samantha’s being only to try to strike her, as his sword dropped to the ground upon that occurring. “So this is the end for me.” The Man said to himself as everyone else was on the ground. “Just who the hell are you?!” Satoshi asked coldly as the Man glared at him from above. “It is sad you are unable to wield the true potential of that Blade for otherwise you would never be stopped. But… It is time. I am the son of Seth Petro, the king of the Bastian kingdom and imperial family, approximately 270 years ago. My father was an ostensibly cruel man as my mother died in childbirth. Afterwards, he gave me in training for royal duties and power-based assassination. As a young man, I was sent to assassinate political rivals for my father, but when no more rivals were around, my father sought to betray me and that which he did. I had no choice but to depart as I found myself in Akaria, bringing together many former gangsters into what was and would be known as the Ao no Byakuya.” The Man calmly explained as orange lights surrounded them, as everyone was still bleeding out. “You and I will die together. Betrayers of one another.” The Man said calmly as orange lights began to shoot out of them. “Final Warning.” He thought as he smiled peacefully as the others were still bleeding out. “Let’s just hope that they can end the Red Gang.” He said as explosions hit the tunnel as Satoshi felt an extremely faint glow from his pocket. “Wings of Concealment.” Satoshi thought to himself as he, Sakura and Samantha were teleported away very quickly as the Shadow Sword was also teleported away. The Dōjikiri Yasutsuna was destroyed alongside the Man as the Blue Gang base was utterly destroyed in that moment, as Satoshi and Sakura were teleported to their house as they looked at one another with soft smiles. “We’re alright. Samantha and her gang are alright from what I can tell.” Satoshi explained as his eye remained bright blue.

Red Lane[]

"Satoshi, due to our injuries, we should take a day, or at least a few days off. Keep in mind that it was 3 to 4 days ago where we went to Akaria. But the Red Gang will likely be even more dangerous than the Blue Gang, as the Man suggested. We need to rest up as a result." Sakura explained as Satoshi calmly nodded and noticed a letter on the front door that was red, unlike all the other letters before as it read "The end for you is nigh." Satoshi didn't let it affect him as he soon rested on his bed as his eyes soon shut rather quickly as he slept. 4 days passed as they both woke up. "Time sped up but slowed down during that time. But this feeling of sleep was something pristine." Satoshi thought as he drank a cup of water as Sakura drank orange juice as they shortly set off for their next challenge. The crows maintained their form in the dead of night as one was perched on their roof for a short while as it flew onto Satoshi’s hand, only to then fly away as both Satoshi and Sakura followed them, as they saw themselves slowly entering the edge of the Red Lane a few hours later, as a narrow path showed itself. “So this is the beginning of the famed Blue Lane. But given that I needed the Shadow Sword to even damage the Blue Gang Leader, I’ll need something else even more useful to fight the Red Gang leader, whosoever it may be.” Satoshi thought to himself as his purple gem began to glow violently from within his pocket as he saw on the gem what appeared to be armour, as the words of Kulana rang in his head. “Your original Sword is broken.” Sakura said to him as his Shadow Sword’s aura shot out from his back violently. “Satoshi! That armour on the gem…!” Sakura said as she seemingly recognised it from somewhere, from her archive of memories, as she also saw a man with dark armour and a sword on his back that glowed, removing all traces of light from any area that it touched. “That’s the Dark Samurai Armour!” Sakura explained as they walked away from the Blue Lane edgeway, as they noticed a dungeon in the woods next to the Blue Lane Brothel. “So this Brothel in the Red Lane contains these two legendary items. Just what on earth is this?” Satoshi asked himself as his eye lit up silently, glowing as it saw black items within the lowest and final level of the dungeon, as they resembled body parts. “That’s the Dou, Kote, Tekko, Haidate, Suneate, Kusazuri, Sode, Shikoro, Kabuto, Wakidate, Menpo, Tateage, Kogake, Magisashi and Yodare-kake.” Satoshi explained as Sakura looked at them with slight confusion, as they both remembered Kulana’s words, “You have Gifts from Beyond.”, as Satoshi remained calm. “Effectively, without my other Sword, I’ll have to rely entirely on the Shadow Sword in order to fight the Aka no Byakuya.” Satoshi said as he took the sword from his back out, as he felt his eyes begin to flash white, once more observing the Past Long Gone, as he saw him wearing the black Samurai armour to destroy a multitude of vehicular objects, with a sword that buzzed like a helicopter, as it returned to him in an instant, as his eyes returned to their normal form. The parts of the Dark Samurai began collecting themselves to him, giving themselves over to him, almost as though they were returning to their true wielder. “These items… seem as though they were left here by another individual, perhaps by that man I constantly see in the Moment. A reincarnation, in a sense.” Satoshi thought as the helmet stuck itself also to him, as Sakura laughed rather heartily upon seeing it, as she noticed it detracting from his head upon this occurring, just as each part of the Armour also detracted into his very being. “That wrist device of his can be used to help fight off the Red Gang, perhaps like how he fired those two missiles at the men in the Blue Gang base. Judging from that, I would assume that it is likely that the Red Gang bears even more advanced technology, given the true nature of the Blue Lane.” Sakura thought to herself as they soon walked out of the Dungeon, as they both felt a familiar presence at the edge of the Dungeon. “So you guys are going to fight the Red Gang. You’ll need background support in order to maintain some semblance of combative ability.” Samantha explained as they both looked at her stomach. “How is it?” Sakura asked calmly as Samantha still remained calm, remembering when she was shot. “The injury is still there, but its growing fainter as each day passes since the death of that bastard Amane. My fellow geisha and oiran are alive, but only just. That Shadow Sword did a number on us, but we’ll still support you, even if I have to do it on my own. The Red Gang live in the Blue Lane, being supported by the Party, yet, now that they are no longer a concept, you can likely do some damage to them. But, if I had to guess, the Man in Akaria has likely reformed the Party through adding more individuals to the Castle, improving their power and status for his benefit. It definitely won’t be easy to beat them because the Red Gang have connections throughout the Blue Lane, but they are far more adept than the Party in terms of destructive nature and capacity. I was a former member of the State Police who had my brainwashing reversed by the doctor known as Kulana. I will try to help with any way I can.” Samantha calmly explained as she noticed Satoshi’s device on his arm. “We can use that to keep in contact with one another. You can also call in Kulana or Xarxa if need be, but I don’t know if that will be of any help towards you.” Samantha said as she walked them over to the Blue Lane Brothel. “There is a narrow road now until you enter the Blue Lane. Good luck.” Samantha said as she calmly nodded, as they went away into the Blue Lane. They both noticed the Blue Lane as skyscrapers were seen virtually everywhere, even more so than the Akarian state, as Satoshi noticed a soldier near him, as he took both of them onto a rooftop, firing a tentacle-like metal protrusion around the neck of this soldier, that bore a sign on his back that said “Golden Sign on the Military - Heaven.” as Satoshi’s eyes flashed white, seemingly remembering a time from the Time Long Past, seeing a ship in the deep waters, seeing a picture of himself from another time and multiple men, with them being alongside him, as sweat adorned his face from underneath the mask. “This is… my former comrade.” Satoshi thought to himself with slight horror as he remained calm. “Don’t tell me, I have to fight that original Military? The skilled and strong?” He thought to himself as he released the protrusion from the Man’s neck, and chopped his neck from behind, knocking him out cold, only to teleport back to their previous location, as he saw a firework-like missile aimed straight at him from one of the skyscrapers, as shadowy-like figures showed themselves that could not be seen to the naked eye, as the Shadow Sword appeared now from his side, as it managed to cut the explosion in half, but it still sent him flying to his slight shock, as Sakura began to notice shadowy figures who attempted to quickly attack her only for her to attack them with multiple kicks as they instantly dodged and went for Satoshi. “These guys are clearly either part of the Aka no Byakuya or a platoon of soldiers. Interrogating them would be the best option. Sakura can use her claws as a diversion but in order to do that, she has to transform into a demon.” Satoshi thought to himself as Sakura jumped down when she noticed a missile firing at both of them. “Damn it! We’re being attacked from multiple sides. Satoshi, now!” Sakura said as Satoshi grabbed one of the black shadows and impaled them with the Shadow Sword in the stomach, as purple energy began to get released from their being, as he kneed the person in the chest, sending them to the ground as he observed their face with his Eye, staring at them with a bright, blue light, as he grabbed them from their collar, only to notice the other shadowy figures disappear. “He’s been had!” They said as they went into the night, as the person bore green eyes with a brown jacket and golden insignia, also bearing black hair. “Tell me everything you know, and you’ll be spared…. For now.” Satoshi said coldly as the man looked utterly shocked. “Fine… I’ll tell you everything I know. I-” The man said as he released his tongue, unconsciously as a sign showed itself to Satoshi’s shock. “I cannot say anything…. To you. I was a member of the- ” The man said as the sign was a little red triangle with an eye inside it, as it lit up. “That sign of yours… its a cursed seal.” Satoshi said as he noticed the man coldly smiling, as he began to explode, as both he and Sakura jumped away from the large explosion, as the same explosion from before was fired at them, only for Satoshi’s wrist-device to open up and fire a smoke bomb, as Satoshi and Sakura soon jumped onto a wall. “These skyscrapers are immense in size. This should be interesting, yet also it should simultaneously allow me to fight the Shadows.” Satoshi thought to himself as he stared at the top of one of them, firing from his wrist a drone that flew upwards onto the top of one of the skyscrapers, as their presence from the ground disappeared as they appeared on top of the skyscrapers, as he noticed with his eye, lines around the tallest skyscrapers just as Sakura’s veins activated around her temples, observing what was within the towers and above them, noticing very clear shadows of people with missile-like weapons. “Sakura’s activated her eyes without needing her demonic transformation beforehand.” Satoshi thought to himself as he clearly saw some form of pupils within her pale, white eyes. “Sakura, what are you seeing?” He asked as she remained, looking and focusing on things that he could seemingly not see. “I’ve found what was within the towers and those shadowy beings. They’re clearly some form of soldier with immensely advanced technology that is somehow even managing to suppress my ability to see things with immense clarity. It’s like…. Their technology is seemingly otherworldly and beyond the fabric of this dimension. How about yourself?” Sakura explained to his slight shock as he still remained calm. “On the highest skyscrapers appears to be a seal and barrier of some kind. Meaning to get in, we’ll need to get violent. But these guys are much more dangerous, as that Man suggested.” Satoshi explained as they looked down on the ground, noticing people being murdered whilst even doing the most mundane activities such as walking or running. “So these guys allow a bunch of thugs to run without a preimposed care in the world.” Satoshi noticed a man from behind them appeared.what appeared to be an elevator. “Hello there. May I be of assistan-?” He said as his eyes dilated to Sakura’s shock, as his eyelids began to slowly close. “So this ability was what I passively used against Xiaoyu back then when at the hospital.” Satoshi thought to himself as the man peacefully smiled, as nightfall still remained. They soon went into an elevator, as multiple buttons were pressed. “We are here for banking loans.” Satoshi explained as he pressed buttons on his wrist device, summoning the same drone from earlier, as it hovered around and went into the elevator itself, walking away into the banking area, as they waited for the man to disappear with the drone appearing infront of the elevator, as it turned invisible with both Satoshi and Sakura teleporting back to the roof. “Now that we’ve affirmed that that location is a bank, we can then figure out ways to access those buildings.” Satoshi explained as he sensed his crows perched on top of each building. “Sakura, because you couldn’t see what was needed without your demon transformation, I need you to access the Demonic Transformation, with the Gem being able to control your thoughts and movements so you don’t kill innocent people without consideration.” Satoshi explained as her necklace began to glow with a dark, red aura as he stabbed her with the Shadow Sword, as she grew horns, fangs and her claws, as she screamed violently, releasing a dark aura throughout the area, as she grabbed Satoshi with her clawed hands, flying off of the bank roof as Satoshi smiled. “Ok, Sakura, I need you to forcefully act as violently as you can. Go off of the handles.” Satoshi explained as her veins began to activate as she began to observe the seals around the towers resembling some sorts of creatures, as within that same instant he noticed a man who was walking, only as a knife was about to strike him as a wretched demon bird-like creature grabbed him within an inch of his life, as he couldn’t see what was carrying him. “Worry not, o human. I am but a good creature. Where shalt I drop ye for the morning dew?” The creature said from its mind as the man looked utterly horrified. “Drop me on the Bank Tower, O Qingoqi!” He said with a horrified tone of voice as upon being flown up to the summit of the Bank, he was dropped as he screamed in absolute fear, only to feel himself being caught at the last moment, as he was then sent back to his location. “Surely ye are not evil.” The Man said as he put his thumb up at the sky, as the Sun soon shone brightly in an orange hue as Sakura noticed Satoshi going onto the ground, walking off somewhere. She flew at immense speed, as her aura was purely black and red as the townspeople looks utterly shocked beyond belief with smiles and perhaps some frowns. “That’s a shooting star!” A woman said as she still flew forward, as a massive explosion resulted shortly after, damaging no-one to everyone’s amazement. Satoshi walked on the empty road, as he noticed a large building that resembled a theatre in its form, with multiple people flocking in as he teleported in, as he noticed the guards that surrounded it bearing a triangle with an eye in it to his shock. “I can’t mention it aloud, otherwise I’ll have my cover blown.” Satoshi thought to himself as he still remained calm, sitting down with him noticing the front of the theatre as someone he recognised was there, as she was clearly injured. “That’s one of the geisha from Samantha’s place that participated in the battle of the Man of the Ao no Byakuya. Why is she here? Unless…” Satoshi pondered to himself as he saw her dancing with her wound still clearly visible to him, but hidden underneath her kimono, as he noticed her sitting down, wincing ever so slightly in pain with her shamisen, playing it with absolute mastery and precision, hypnotising all the men with its enchanting music, as they clapped with mesmerising amazement, as the guards of the theatre noticed him, just as the geisha noticed Satoshi and ran off in slight shock upon seeing him. “He’s here! I must warn Lady Samantha.” She thought to herself as the guards shot at him with many a person running in every direction imaginable as he felt Sakura’s presence above him on the balcony as she noticed drones firing at him and many others, just as a large missile appeared from the side of one of the guards, killing everyone else within the theatre, as she never saw Satoshi’s body to her rage, as her demon form showed itself once again, destroying some of the equipment, only for some to manifest anew. “In that case, if this many lives had to be sacrificed, then I shall also act.” Satoshi thought to himself as he snapped his fingers, releasing a large yet quiet explosion in the bank, killing everyone there, as the drone disappeared. “Looks like you Red Gang traitors needed help.” The man said as Ming Hao and Xian looked utterly shocked, seeing a one armed man with a Sniper and a green-black coat. “The famed Amane of the Blue Gang and the bitch Samantha.” The Fu Shanu Chu said arrogantly as he saw blue mist devouring the area as Samantha moved away from this attack only for them all to be shocked as the mist was frozen. “So you can freeze things thanks to the tip of that blade? Wretched Triads always have to have something new.” Amane said to himself as he noticed no signs of blood on the person. “I am Guan Yu.” The Deputy said arrogantly as Amane grimaced coldly as a missile was fired at Guan Yu, only for him to deflect the attack through rapidly spinning the spear, as a man appeared behind him. “Move out of the way so we can kill him, sonny boy!” A man with a brown coat with golden signs said as he obliged, causing bullets to be sprayed out of an assault rifle-like weapon only for the bullets to clatter on the floor in that moment as Guan Yu appeared in front of him, just as he jumped in front of Amane in an attempt to save him as he was brutally struck to Amane’s shock, as he lay dying in his arms. “You don’t realise, do you, boy? I am… your father. It is sad that your mother died so young and you were taken into the Blue Gang. You’ll be my better and surpass me, boy for I am glad you ne’er joined this military for it is corrupted. Please.” The man said as Amane began to sweat coldly remembering this vague image of a man who constantly held his hand as a young boy with no maternal figure. “You are, aren’t you?” He said to the now dying body as his hat covered his facial expression, as Guan Yu attempted to strike him down only for his Sniper rifle to take the attack instead, and kick him back slightly as Amane noticed Samantha’s ear slowly bleed, as he shot Guan Yu in the robes. “You brat.” He said as Amane coldly smiled and got up as Samantha appeared behind him and struck him, only to see him dodge the attack as blood dripped down. “So you can freeze the Mist and likely Poison. But can you freeze yourself?” Amane asked as he fired a red dart at Guan Yu, only for that to drop as that spawned in more blood darts that were all deflected or frozen as one landed on him. “Perfect. Blood Poisoning: Level 3.” Amane thought to himself as Guan Yu’s body began to explode as blood spawned everywhere, as he felt himself blowing up, as he did. Upon this occurring, his entire body froze itself to Amane’s shock and crumbled away as Ming Hao noticed a shadow appearing from behind. “MOVE!” She screamed as upon him being attacked, a golden sword struck his back, as Amane recognised it. “Amane, it appeared that even you needed some help. I’m impressed that you managed to survive so late.” A recognisable voice said as Amane was utterly shocked, as Guan Yu glared at him in rage. “Ming Hao and Xian. You survived that attack 20 years ago.” The Man said with his Oni Mask no longer being there, as they smiled softly. “YOU BASTARDS!” Guan Yu screamed in rage as the Man instantly looked at him as poison spread through his robe. “Green Dragon Crescent Blade - Final Heal - Fly’s Nest.” He thought to himself as the Poison slowly disappeared as he felt himself at full health. “How did you survive?!” Amane asked with slight impatience as the Man looked at him. “I was revived by a great doctor and a former helper, as did you.” The Man said as a large hole was blown in the doors of the Building, as shadows revealed themselves, showing Kulana, Xarxa and the rest of Samantha’s gang, including the Geisha and Oiran to her shock, as multiple policemen showed themselves. “Now I am at full health. DIE!” Guan Yu said as the Jade Emperor smiled, as he fired shards of ice at the Man only for him to casually dodge them as he manifested his sword, in all of its golden glory. “Dōjikiri Yasutsuna”. He said as he stabbed Guan Yu’s spear, breaking it in two, impaling him on his sword, as Guan Yu saw a beautiful golden dragon glaring at him, breathing fire near his nostrils as he returned to reality, only to be beheaded in an instant, as they walked in to the door, noticing a woman with a bird on her dress. “The mystical Fenghuang.” The Man said coldly as the Empress smiled giddily. “O Empress Wu, the battle ends here.“ The Man said coldly as she opened her casket, and released two swords from them. “So you and your army have returned in such a case.” Wu said calmly as she held the two swords in her hand, and gripped them with no sense of fear. “This is our final battle.” She said mockingly as a ritual circle appeared with Satoshi appearing from it, alongside Sakura as a familiar red-wearing dragon robed man also appeared alongside them. “The Jade Emperor?! So Qin Shi betrayed me?” Wu asked as she glared at him with her swords pointed at him. “You bear the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye? The Swords of Love.” The Jade Emperor said coldly as he noticed them glowing pink. “Gods of Love - Yuelao.” She said coldly as she clapped her hands together, summoning eight seals, just as everyone else was revived in that moment. “That’s the seal from earlier, except at its most advanced stage yet.” Satoshi said calmly as he noticed the Man to his horror. “Know that for now, we are allies alongside the rest in this final war of absolute supremacy“ The Man said as Satoshi remembered the words of Taizong. “Eight Sacred Animals - Open!” She said as a Phoenix, Dragon, Tortoise and Tiger appeared alongside a faceless dog, a sheep, a centipede and a winged lion appeared. “Those are the Hundun, Taowu, Taotie and Qiongqi.” The Jade Emperor explained as he was attacked only for him to dodge, just as the creatures began to attack everyone. “Daughter of Hell, attack the Four Sacred Creatures with your demonic abilities alongside them.” The Man said as Sakura reluctantly agreed and fought alongside the army. “You realise not! I am the Final Emperor! The Tenth Tower!” Wu explained as she jumped upwards with her twin blades, as the dead Emperors and Red Gang members appeared and fought the rest of the Army, as the Second Emperor stole the Ruyi Jingu Bang from Satoshi as he could hardly react, just as the Storm released itself and destroyed the roof of the building. “He’s fast!” Satoshi thought to himself as the Second Emperor returned to fight the rest of the Army alongside the rest of his Emperors. “FIGHT for the sake of the Monarchic Dynasty!” Xarxa said as they all fought the Army of Beasts and Men. “White Spirit Satoshi, use your Shadow Sword to attack her.” The Man explained as he jumped up, just as Wu did and violently struck her, as she wrapped herself around her twin swords with the Man striking her with his sword, just as he threw Satoshi upwards with the Shadow Sword as water began surrounding her in a tornado-like fashion, as they both saw the Storm firing down at the Building, just as she released her swords from her person. “Waters of Huangdi - Gonggong.” She thought to herself as Satoshi soon slashed the tornado, as it never dispersed to the Man’s slight shock. “Use that red structure of yours.” The Man said to Satoshi as red energy surrounded him throughout his outer body as it quickly transformed into a humanoid structure to Wu’s shock. “Looks like we have our old fights!” She said as she violently struck the Man with her duel wield swords, as he casually parried the strikes away, as both their swords clashed as Satoshi pierced his sword through the water tornado, releasing it to her shock as she kicked the Man away only for him to still stand his ground, and use his sword as a foothold in the air. Upon this occurring, Satoshi grabbed it and handed it back to him, just as an Emperor appeared. “You fight for me!” She said to the Jade Emperor as he violently attacked the Man as both of them clashed with each other and struck him with his sword, sending him flying into multiple buildings as the Jade Emperor instantly healed.

One year later[]

As the Brothers continued to beat up the average joe criminal and mere flies in comparison to the places of the Blue and Red Lane. Everyone who saw them wanted autographs, action figures, comics, t-shirts and all other forms of merchandise and licensing. “Satoshi boy, making all this technology for the little boys and girls who admire you and your brothers is surprisingly difficult.” Kulana said as Satoshi smiled. But… what none of the Brothers noticed was that a shadowy force… an otherworldly creation watched them from locations and parts unknown. The Brothers were all sitting at home with them looking at relics of the past: Satoshi staring into his mask, reminding himself of the eternal bloodshed he caused. Xiaoyu sat at a lake, staring into it as his reflection stared back at him, reminding himself of Akira’s death and eternally blaming himself with the fact that he “killed” his dear friend as the blood left his body, causing his lips to turn blue alongside the fact that the King of Secrets possessed him. The entity watched behind him the entire time however Xiaoyu was too far in his depressive state to notice the shadowy figure standing behind him in his reflection choking him from behind. "It should have been me that died. Not him." Xiaoyu muttered to himself as the shadowy figure laughed mercilessly.

Zidine, on the other hand, looked at a royal crest that resembled a sun with a face on it, reminding himself of his father’s death

Zidine remembered his school days, having thought about his own personal values. He thought about himself. He admired his father, King Helio the most. He remembered his words. 'In life, everything is about honour. When a man loses his honour, he is nothing. And honour comes from success. We must be successful, so we can provide honour for our family'. Zidine wrote this down. "Uh... what? You're King Helios' son?" Asked Satoshi. Zidine nodded, "Yes I am. So I should be treated with a certain level of respect, do you not think?" He said, arrogantly. Masaru then laughed, "You'll be treated exactly equally to the rest of us. King or not, I don't give a damn, we're all brothers after all." Xiaoyu nodded in agreement, while Satoshi was still stunned. Zidine glared into Masaru's eyes, with anger, "I am the son of King Helios! I demand respect from you peasants!" Masaru stared straight back at Zidine, "I hope this school isn't full of people like you! Anyway, who are you kidding, you're adopted! Don't you think we know!? King Helios picked you up out of pity!" As they embraced, the heavens shook. The guards of heaven blew their trumpets in relief. "THE BROTHER'S HAVE RETURNED! THE SONS SHALL SAVE US!" They cheered. Back on Earth, the four brothers no longer felt they were alone. They felt unstoppable. A new energy had emerged from their reunion. Zidine looked around, slightly frustrated. "I cannot believe that they are my brothers. They're all... Common!" He thought. Masaru then interrupted Zidine's thoughts, and with a smiling face asked "Hey uh Zidine? Were you and Xiaoyu living together since birth? You two seem to have met before. I just met Satoshi about an hour ago." Zidine jumped and impulsively said, "No no no, of course we haven't met! Look at him and me! I'm a royal! I'm King Helios' son.

Upon hearing the commotion, the rest of the family came upstairs to the room, and they were shocked to see Zidine and the King dancing about. But, just as the family came in, the King felt a piercing pain in his stomach, as he immediately dropped to the ground, unconscious. In the next hours, the King was rushed to the hospital, but it was too late. He was dead. However, Zidine was not upset, he knew what he had to do to make his father proud. He had to become a hero. Outside the room where the father lay to rest. The Queen and Zidine embraced each other, tearfully. “I understand what he told you then” said the Queen. “Yes, mother. Father did tell me” Zidine said solemnly. “Well then son. What are you here for? Go! Go be the Hero you were destined to be! Make your father proud!” the Queen exclaimed. “But my brother and sister, what about them? And the kingdom?” Zidine questioned. “I will rule the kingdom now. Do not worry, I will be as great a ruler as your father,” she smiled, “and your siblings, well, what are you waiting for? Go say goodbye to them!” as well as remembering his past actions, staring down at his bloodied hand. "Who killed King Helios?" Himari asked suddenly in a sharp attempt to change the subject. "He wasn't killed. He was-" Zidine was about to say, before he was cut off as Himari said, "Yeah yeah, he had cancer or something, but cancer doesn't progress or take lives that fast. The papers said he had a lung cancer or something, but he wasn't a smoker, nor did his servants recognise any pain. And also, one of his maids let loose that 4 weeks before his death, he had a meeting with a dark and brooding figure. My question is, was the late great Helios of Hesperia, a corrupt scumbag connected to organised crime? Or other nefarious organisations?" As she said that a large fist connected with her cheek.

Zidine recoiled his hand and angrily shouted, "YOU KNOW NOTHING OF ME, PEASANT!" Zidine would then leave the classroom, as Kage ignored this and continued the class. Masaru was about to chase after Zidine but Kage told him to return to his place as he said, "Give him some time, he'll return" Masaru then turned back towards his partner, Hajime as he readied himself into a fighting stance. “Be the very best hero you can be! The very best! Be a beacon of hope, when people in the darkness see you, be like the light, guiding them to safety, guiding them forward. If ever you find yourself stuck, believe in yourself. Remember who you are. YOU ARE ZIDINE! ZIDINE HELIO LUMIERE! SON OF KING HELIO! WIELDER OF LIGHTNING! BRINGER OF STORMS! BEACON OF HOPE! THE LIGHT IN THE DARK! THE FURY OF THE SKIES! THE WRATH OF UTOPIA! YOU ARE ZIDINE! YOU ARE MY SON! YOU ARE THE HERO OF HOPE!” the King exclaimed with all his strength . Zidine’s veins were filled with energy, filled with a new power. A new belief in himself. He was the Hero of Hope. “Thank you father! I promise, the people will be singing your name when me and my brothers will save the Omniverse, ‘there he goes, there he is! The Pride of Helio’ they will say!” Zidine exclaimed with a loud cheer, as he embraced his father.’

“George, place a banishment on Zidine. Make the murder price $50,000,000,000.” Helena spoke as George commanded his kingdom to locate wherever Zidine would be. Unbeknownst to him, the entity watched.

Masaru on the other hand was dancing with some women on a boat. “Hey, mister.” One woman said as she inched closer to Masaru’s face. “You’re drunk, woman.” Masaru said, cringely dancing as though he was an old man. “Please… I want you.” She said as Masaru played to her desires and kept his hands specifically away from her upper body ultimately inching closer to her as screams ensued. The entity watched and then whispered to journalists: “Psychopath assaults and rapes drunk woman who didn’t consent.” as they began going abuzz and into their rooms, writing as much as they could. “Excuse me, can I have an inter-!” One journalist asked, only to have his glasses slapped off of his face and causing him to be sent to the ground in one blow. “Killer murders journalist in cold blood” the entity continued to whisper as Masaru reminded himself of Mizu’s leaving him thanks to Sakura. His expression became one of happiness… to one of horror as he stared at his hands, ultimately running away as journalists swarmed him with cameras.

Little did Masaru know that not only his, but every single Brother of his would have their lives irrevocably changed. Crowds of protestors from Akaria, the Red and Blue Lane alongside those from the boats protested outside the School. “KICK THEM OUT! MURDERERS! RAPISTS! THEY HAVE BLOOD OF THEIR HANDS!!” Everyone spoke as a journalist interviewed a woman. “My son, Akira, died by one of their hands. Murdered him, bullied him and left him for dead.” She spoke frantically as she couldn’t hold her tears. “I WANT TO SEE MY SON’S MURDERER! STARE HIM IN THE EYES AND ASK WHY?!” She said to the journalist who felt much empathy but knew that this may end up in mockery. “We have to escape-!” Masaru screamed as knocks on the door could be heard. These weren’t raps… but knocks. “To the docks!” Zidine whispered loud enough for Samantha to hear. “Open the door!” Samantha, an Akarian police officer, screamed as Satoshi knew the jig was up. He would be arrested.

“Satoshi, I know you are in there! I do not want to use extra force on you, especially. Becoming a father isn’t fun at 17. If you do not comply… you will never see Sakura again.” She screamed as Masaru and the other two stared at the window. Satoshi looked conflicted, nodding at the three to leave. “If you don’t comply, we will break down the door. We have Mr Harimatsu with us! If you don’t comply with goodness and gentleness, I will have no choice but to arrest you for resisting an officer’s commands.” Samantha said as Mr Harimatsu immediately readied himself to unlock the door and as soon as this happened, Masaru, Zidine and Xiaoyu bolted out the window. “SATOSHI, YOU ARE EXPELLED FROM THE ACADEMY HENCEFORTH!” Mr Harimatsu said, to which Satoshi immediately smiled, realising that the others had escaped. “You are under arrest.” Samantha said, immediately punching Satoshi in the chest hard enough to kill a man as he was sent crashing on the wall only for a tendril to grab a bookshelf moments too late which caused it to give way. “I’m sorry, Samantha.” Satoshi thought to himself, forcing the bookshelf to fall down as the other officers made themselves known, observing the fact that Zidine and the others were on a boat, casually reading when they immediately saw gunfire coming their way, causing all three to duck. “YOU GOT THE NEWSPAPER WHILST YOU JUMPED OUT?!” Masaru screamed as most bullets did hit the boat with near-perfect accuracy. “Shush. Anyway… Xiaoyu was accused of murder of Akira for his power. You were accused of rape and murder of a journalist, Shish Kebabareta, a freelance journalist working in Ninhei and Ponawa who reported on corruption on the mayor before he died. You knocked him out in one punch.” Zidine explained, using the newspaper as cover but this wasn’t effective, with Masaru looking in regret and scorn. "Use the Fist of Justice's cubes!" Xiaoyu whispered as the officer continued to fire without mercy, damaging parts of the boat casually.

“And Satoshi?!” Masaru asked. “The usual. He was accused of being an international terrorist for his actions in Akaria. And mass murder of state security in New Tokyo and the murder of government workers and ministers in Beiping. And as for myself, my bastardised mother convicted me of slavery and links to corruption in relation to giving freedom of information. BULLsh*t!” Zidine whispered as Satoshi glared at the officers firing at them. “Request the orbital cannon.” An officer said as Samantha glared at Satoshi. “Go ahea-!” Samantha said, fulfilling it only for Satoshi to hold his back. “If you do… I will not hesitate to kill everyone in this room. And despite my personal feelings… that includes you. Everyone in Akaria… will lose. Are we clear?” Satoshi said coldly as Samantha’s eyes narrowed to which an officer glanced at him. “He’s right. We don’t want to risk a war. Don’t activate the cannon.” Samantha explained to which Satoshi glared at her, taking out a note and moments before he was to be arrested… he turned into a flock of crows. “That note! What does it say?” The officer asked as Samantha simply ignored this and read it, revealing something startling. “Fashan. Alqah. Anula’i. Unknown. Farm the desert’s sheep in seclusion as the shepherds of the past did with trees and great pasture, allowing for the eternal graze.” It read as Samantha crumpled the note. “What was in the letter!” The officer asked as Samantha simply said “Just a letter of old. It was some scribbles.” However she knew things were going to get far worse. “I need to talk to Sakura and alert her immediately.” Samantha thought to herself urgently, taking a look at the window, seeing the boat still in range of a gun or two. “Call off all helicopters or future support systems to the area. Lock it down briefly. Prepare for a violence if needed. If tear gas isn’t available… speak the words of the Party. Allay their fears and lull them into secure states of mental and emotional peace." She said.

"I’ll deal with the White Spirit and his band of thuggish killers myself. Pass me the Party Pooper 9000.” Samantha said commandingly as the officer laughed briefly, only for her to relieve him of any joy with a glare. “Loyalty to the Party is loyalty to truth and freedom. Repression of emotions is needed for stability. Do you want to die, officer Parkinson?” Samantha asked coldly as the officer stopped laughing out of fear. Toggling the sniper scope’s features to maximum range: 2000m and infrared range, she readied herself for firing as Satoshi glared at her, realising what she was doing, ultimately allowing her to fire… aiming at Zidine’s ass as she briefly laughed, causing him to scream as the bullet then dislodged itself. “Three hot guys going on a life-threatening journey… How disgusting. Their innocence in the case of the two of them will be their downfall.” Samantha thought to herself as the shadowy entity stood behind her, watching on. “Behind you!” Mr Harimatsu screamed to which the entity disappeared.

“Damn it!” Zidine screamed as the Brothers laughed this off. “Does someone want a tissue and a Lota?” Masaru asked mockingly, still laughing; as Satoshi ignored this, seeing the bullet which said “Message received. Live on.”, ultimately destroying the bullet with a small drill in his pinky finger. “Shut up all of you, otherwise I will electrocute all of your asses!” Zidine said, not wanting this mockery any longer.

“Two of us are innocent: me and Xiaoyu. You and Satoshi on the other hand are culpable. We need to leave and start new lives. See the world for its true value.” Zidine spoke as they all understood what this meant, knowing that they had to keep secrets to save themselves. “Where’s Sakura?” Xiaoyu asked to which Satoshi replied “With Hinata. She’ll come later.” as they never asked any more questions. “We’ll meet again, won’t we?” Xiaoyu asked as they all nodded, gesturing by way of their fingers. “And when we do, we’ll get Zidine a Lota and a new ass.” Masaru said as Zidine couldn’t help but laugh. Stoicism wasn’t his game. Despite this apparent air of kindness and care, disdain and despair towards each other began to stir like cauldrons in each of their hearts. 5 hours later, they reached their penultimate destinations separately.

With that, Xiaoyu went to the Deserts of Alqah, becoming a shepherd of 73 sheep.

Zidine went to the island of Anula'i, a Pacific tropical island where there were 100 palm trees that were as long as cities.

Satoshi went on his way to Fashan, (equivalent to persia) in a secluded area that had 7 houses combined into one small hut as he stared at the Moon, silently hoping for Sakura to come safe.

Masaru became a farmer in an undisclosed location.

The shadowy entity watched from the School, smiling as its plot was complete. Step 1 was a success.

Brotherhood of the Serpents[]

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (3)

Sakura felt herself growing progressively sicker, vomiting in the bathroom near-constantly as a feeling of terror and drowsiness set itself in full motion. She was unable to stand up for any longer than 3 minutes with her heart beating faster and faster, her head spinning sideways as her eyes were unable to comprehend the goings-on of the world around her. Was the side-effect that Muro mentioned in a small chunk? Sickness devoured her body from head to toe as this was merely six hours of the twenty-four hour living nightmare. “I have to call Samantha… Kulana… someone!” She thought to herself as her heart pounded with fear and visible terror.

Green Lane[]

Kulana appeared in Satoshi’s house as he sensed the Shadow Sword wiped out, or at the very least, damaged irreparably as he looked solemn. “I am sure it can still be used in some regard or form. Irrespective of such, it is time ye know the truth.” Kulana explained as he removed his goggles from his head and stared at them. “Ye and thy brethren are part of a species lost to time known as the hom*otetrians… wherein before these forms you would call reincarnations, you were immortals: On different Journeys, but to the same End. When Ashoka was alive, he witnessed a great war before he became King: A war between hom*osapiens (regular humans) and hom*oanimi (Animalistic Humans with powers based on meditation) where hom*oanimi have the ability to control energy via meditation, be it natural or spiritual.” He then explained as Satoshi remained calm. Despite the year he had with Damien, things were relatively peaceful. “Sakura!” Satoshi asked only to hear no response as he saw a baby crawling in his house; his own baby… Sora, who was now 1 year old, picked him up softly. “Being a father… at such a young age… is both the biggest curse… yet a tragic burden.” Satoshi thought to himself as a 19 year old; his hair grown out, his voice deeper but still… What could go wrong? Kulana showed him the sniper rifle he requested. “The Gun of Dark Matter. This gun… penetrates the concept of obstacles as well as the very notion of mathematics itself. It ignores the X, Y and Z-Axis…” Kulana explained, demonstrating it, erasing things for several miles. “Anyhow… I wish you all the best, Satoshi… may thy journey be one not of bloodshed but of fidelity.” He said, walking away briskly. That said, a letter found itself on the same spot it did as usual as Sakura returned with huge lumps of shopping; eggs, flour, all the rest a good mother should want. “Sakura… how are you and the other children?” Satoshi asked, knowing that the other children were safe in the House. “They're alright, you know. The usual. Crying. Milk. Walking. But still… its good that bastard Muro died after you sealed his sorry ass. He deserved it.” Sakura said, speaking with bitterness in her voice as Satoshi’s presence alleviated this bitterness somewhat. She drank her orange juice with him sitting on the table as usual, sensing that peace was on the Horizon… only for something terrible to happen. “SATOSHI! THERE ARE PLANES ATTACKING US-!” Satoshi heard Samantha screaming as he felt a huge explosion all the way from the Blue Lane. “There’s a war on the horizon.” Satoshi thought to himself as Sakura immediately became her Demon Form and blitzed over to the Blue Lane. “Got her in position.” A sniper said; head-covered in a black mask with a dark green hat, with the sniper rifle being extremely advanced with a green bullet in the barrel. “Perfect.” The voice said on the burner phone, shooting her in the side. “Now she’s mine.” Damien said quietly, running over to her only for her to wake up and attack; however he disappeared. “I could swear I attacked someone.” Sakura thought to herself as she activated her eyes, attempting to scan the area with her barely identifying a human-like being. “I can’t move that well… its as though a person shot me with venom that surpasses Amane.” Sakura thought to herself with slight fear as she barely escaped, struggling to hobble home as Samantha saw her. “Sakura?!” Samantha asked as Sakura passed out into her arms; being taken into the local brothel to be taken care of by the Geisha as Satoshi knew that something was up. “Hanuman!” Satoshi screamed, summoning a monkey with white fur to take Sora to the House, disappearing immediately afterwards into the Animal Realm. “Satoshi… the Red Lane is being attacked from all sides with planes and drones!” Ming Hao and Xian said as Satoshi focused into it, observing citizens being mercilessly set alight by drones from afar. “The Green Lane is far too dangerous.” Satoshi thought to himself as he realised just how bad this was. “I have to attack them solo.” Satoshi thought to himself, questioning all this as he then grabbed his mask, teleporting over to the Blue Lane edge, seeing the brothel as Samantha beckoned him in, only for him to see Sakura in slight pain. “Is Sora okay?” Sakura asked as he nodded convincingly. “You should stay here.” Samantha said as Satoshi nodded. “I cannot. There is far too much damage on the outside.” Satoshi said as Samantha looked with sadness. “The Green Lane has 2 gangs… one of which I assumed caused this ridiculous attack. The other Lanes are likely damaged. Akaria is probably heavily attacked however the Police there likely did something to suppress the truth even with that Man gone. Akaria is a failed state however even with Sakura as queen… it will inevitably degrade those in the nation since the Police were never killed in their entirety.” Samantha said as Satoshi felt immense guilt over failing to overturn the system that was Akaria. “Anyway… go.” Samantha said as she pointed over to a secluded forest at the end of the brothel’s edge. “Over there is the Green Lane. Once you go in there… you need to escape alive. Your school probably has some connection… but there are 2 gangs… 1 of which has the highest notoriety in all 4 lanes which are all called and connected through Akaria, a continent-sized city. That notorious gang is held up by a leader called Pangobo Takayushi although his face is unseen… unheard. The 1st Gang is held up by a family… who held it for a good 250 years.” Samantha explained, allowing Satoshi to absorb this information. “As you know by now, the Blue Lane had one leader, the Red had 10 underpinned by 1 leader, the Purple Lane had 5 leaders underpinned by 1 overarching leader, the one who you likely imprisoned in the form of Aloa’s father… the Green Lane has no leader… it is run by lawlessness… smuggling and all the rest. Whoever started it… is unknown. In this lane… Humanity at its worst, even moreso than here which is now somewhat peaceful thanks to Amane’s help and my guiding him; although it is slightly corrupt due to the Blue Lane’s use of a gang to help stave off crime. You should be fine… but they engaged in a war with every other Lane… this won’t end well for anyone. None of the other world’s countries know about this… Osu (Asia)’s rest are locked off since Akaria is so big. I wish you all the best. We will all help if needed and Sakura over here… will take some time to heal. I’d say a few weeks normally but thanks to her demonic heritage… she’ll take hours at best and a day at most.” Samantha said, smiling to Satoshi. “Have fun. Be a fox in the night… but a glint in the day for those who deserve it. You may never know who needs it most.” She said, reminding herself of when she was taken advantage of in the Green Lane… eventually becoming an agent of the Akarian Police but an uncorrupt woman who used men’s desires against them in the Blue Lane: the lane of infamy and debauchery however she knew kindness was a way out which she led… instructing Geisha and Oiran from the worst part of the Blue Lane into her circle… becoming allies of greatness and loyalty towards her. “Stay safe…” She thought to herself as Satoshi went into the great forest, walking into its haunted… nature.

Satoshi looked visibly shocked, seeing various people taking cigarette-esque drugs as he ignored this, teleporting away onto poles as he saw planes flying above him; helicopters only to fire a crow out into the abyss. “Ready and on your mark.” The sniper said, only to move his rifle as he shot the crow as Satoshi was taken aback, realising that there was an enemy at a huge distance away, using his Eye to observe the distance ahead. “I’m had!” The sniper said to the burner phone as a boy appeared in front of Satoshi, attacking him and then disappearing as two cars appeared which were jet black, with black tinted windows, they glimmered like black diamonds. From the cars exited ten men as Satoshi looked shocked, only for those who were doing drugs to run away, as though they knew they’d be caught. “Fire.” The ten men said, firing huge barrels of explosive rounds at Satoshi only for an ally with a sniper to come and save Satoshi, summoning huge volleys of mist. “Amane?” He asked himself, teleporting away in response as Amane saved his life. “There is a boy who keeps attacking me…” He thought to himself as Amane looked visibly shocked, realising that this was a hit on Satoshi. “These guys are attacking him for a dark reason… someone likely wants him for their own ends.” Amane thought to himself; seeing more cars pulling up. “Guard the barracks!” One of the men said as they nodded only for Amane to observe the area, realising how dangerous this truly was as Satoshi then summoned two drones from his wrist. “Satoshi… mark each area with drones and fire away when you have to. Keep a distance.” Amane said, only to hear the sound of a sniper and pistol co*cking, firing away at the two only for Satoshi and Amane to teleport away as the drones fired huge amounts of missiles and bullets, with Amane glaring at Samantha in the brothel. “You really think he can take out the Green Lane? The 2 gangs are far too dangerous.” Amane said as Samantha looked at him with slight vitriol. “I am aware of that however he should be capable of doing so.” Samantha explained in kind. “He’s going to get killed… or worse. You should be careful… otherwise everything will be put into lockdown.” Amane explained to her coldly. “If you lockdown everything including this place… you’ll suffer in the long run. I won’t hold back.” Samantha said, looking at Sakura the entire time who was visibly convulsing in pain. “Fine… I’m only helping because of Satoshi… outside of that, this is merely a formality.” Amane said, as he looked at Sakura’s side, taking out the bullet from her side… his hand covered in blood. “This shot… isn’t venom… its… something far, far worse. The Red Lane nor the Purple one has this technology… Akaria doesn’t have it either from what I know. I’ll contact that doctor.” He said, observing the bullet, noticing its ordinary shape as he called Kulana from his phone, as he then saw him miraculously appear. “This bullet isn’t a bullet of any kind. It appears whoever shot her has access to otherworldly technology… or futuristic tech that far surpasses the 31st century. The venom, however, can be healed.” Kulana said confidently as he used Ayurveda to barely do so, healing her with light green energy, pacifying the wound ever so slowly. “She’ll be able to act in time. I suggest you lock this area down now… whoever is attacking her has a connection to the Brotherhood of the Serpent. I say that in truth henceforth. Forensics don’t exist in Akaria but I can see it unabashedly that it surpasses your venom. Anyhow, lock her down and do all the rest.” Kulana explained calmly as Amane looked surprised, with Satoshi smiling, realising that Sakura would survive. “Use that gun to annihilate the Gang, hook, line and sinker. The 2nd gang are far more mysterious.” Kulana explained as Satoshi disappeared. “Now then… I have to go with Amane and Samantha which should be helpful.” Satoshi thought to himself as they walked into the Green Lane, walking through the empty forest, seeing several buildings, that numbered seven in total. “Those buildings are likely places where the Green Lane… do their activities.” Samantha said, beckoning them into the place as she saw things she never thought she’d see… blood, rotten bodies and numerous people; young and old. “Whoever owned this place is likely affiliated with someone in the Gangs.” Samantha said as multiple eyes stared at them from the sides and upstairs. “Yea… they are.” The eyes spoke, taking all 3 hostage, using the cover of the night to their advantage. “This base is an old one… you should be damned glad.” The voices spoke in unison as they were all humane, with Amane, Samantha and Satoshi being gagged in electric chairs. “What do you want? You know, if you do this… the Blue Lane, Red Lane and Purple Lane will engage in a full-blown war.” Amane said as he was then punched in the face twice. “We will take your women and then you…” They said to Samantha; as Satoshi glared at them, fully understanding that they would likely injure Sakura even further, doing things much, much worse than Damien or Muro ever did or could. “You are the White Spirit, are you not?” They asked as Satoshi wasn’t surprised; with them smiling, realising that they had their target. “They have him.” Damien said to Mr Harimatsu who smiled. “The Boss will be proud.” The voices said as Satoshi was visibly shocked; sensing that the person he remembered Damien and the others referring to throughout his year likely had some links to this. “Damn!” Satoshi said as he realised that he would likely die. “Shoot him.” The voices spoke, revealing several gang members who all shot Satoshi alone and whilst this happened, Samantha was taken away with Amane walking away undamaged for reasons unknown as Satoshi felt himself wincing. “Beat him up.” The voices said, shooting and mercilessly attacking him as Satoshi played dead, knowing that if he had remained alive and let up… death would be real. “He’s dead.” The men said as a woman came up to him, to see if he was actually. “Come on, baby…” She said, opening up his eyes, only to slash his forehead with a very mysterious symbol. “Turn up the electric chair.” She said as Satoshi’s mind was now devoured in electrical signals as Amane appeared in Satoshi’s house, seeing a baby crawling there as he realised… that this was his actual House in the Sahara Desert. “Who are you?” An old lady said to him as he visibly looked annoyed. “No-one.” He calmly said, as he pulled out a phone. “Kulana… call in a member of the Police. It appears all my men are somehow down.” Amane said to it as Kulana was not responsive. “Kulana? Hello?” He asked as he heard an old voice on the phone. “Hello? Who is this?” The voice said, clearly licking a library page as he scanned some information. “My name is Amane… do you by chance know where Kulana is?” He asked calmly only to get the response of “You should read more books.” only for him to visibly look annoyed. “Get Kulana- Hello? Amane, what do you want?” He asked as he knew that this was really Kulana. “Who was that-! A guy named Xarxa, a rebel from Akaria.” Kulana explained, realising Amane’s fears, allaying them. “Call the Police. I have a bad feeling about Satoshi. The reason I escaped unharmed is because they knew that if they attacked me… a war would start. But something about Satoshi’s current fate… seems… dark.” Amane said to Kulana who was healing Sakura. “How is the girl?” He asked, as Sakura smiled at Kulana. “Good.” Kulana said calmly and bluntly, sensing the airplanes that once attacked each lane now stopping. “Satoshi, I hope thou art safe.” Kulana thought to himself.

“What do you want?!” Samantha asked as she was trapped in a room, smelling drugs with a man sitting at the edge of the bed. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” A Spanish-sounding voice said with a golden sword as Samantha recognised this voice. “Ferdinand? Wow… never thought you’d stoop so low.” Samantha said to him as he smiled, remembering her from meeting her during his after-school sessions. “So this is the first gang, huh?” She asked, realising she couldn’t move as he nodded. “The first gang is the one who started those plane attacks. I assume you’re with the White Spirit?” Ferdinand asked as Samantha’s eyes widened slightly, as he was seemingly unaware of the fact that she was feeding information to Satoshi. “How do you know him?” She asked, understanding what needed to be done. “He was a student at the School… but considering his Missions… he was barely around. The headteacher, Mr Harimatsu… made sure he was kept in the School… whilst also making sure that he was looked after in some twisted regard. Recently… he had us guard him for … “ He said as Samantha looked absolutely stunned. “This place is controlled by a family… they have lived for 250 years with them expanding their reach into the greater Green Lane… but as time passed, technology advanced considerably, allowing women to be sold like drugs… but even so… the family cares little for the 2nd gang. The second Gang is held by someone unknown. Nothing on the databases… nothing.” Ferdinand admitted as he knew that he had to work against Satoshi but also somehow support him. “Damien… loved Sakura. He was infatuated with her… he made sure to track her loved ones… I heard that he had sexual impropriety with her with Satoshi hearing this and kicking him out… violating her boundaries ever so slightly, despite knowing or partially understanding that this traumatised Sakura by Muro Pyton doing the same with a snake with her barely fighting back and living… had she not… her eyes would have been a great boon of his.” He said as Samantha looked stunned but held herself together. “Where are my geisha? My Oir-!” Samantha asked as as she heard screaming; only for the door to slightly open by way of Ferdinand’s foot… having noticed her sitting down, wincing ever so slightly in pain with her shamisen, playing it with absolute mastery and precision, hypnotising all the men with its enchanting music, as they clapped with mesmerising amazement as she was slightly undressed. “This is sick.” Samantha thought to herself. “Let me free!” She said as Ferdinand smiled and nodded with disapproving sadness. “I cannot… otherwise I will die.” He said as Samantha slowly connected the dots. “By who?!” She asked as he said “...” only for a bullet to fire through the window, aimed directly at him, clearly from a sniper shot. “So… he is at it, huh?” Ferdinand said, slicing the bullet, staring at the open bullet hole. “I have a feeling Satoshi should be able to escape and kill this drug family.” Ferdinand thought to himself, as he walked out of the room. “I need the girl-! No. We require her for our services.” A man said; a grey-bearded man stared at Ferdinand coldly as he smoked a joint. “Sir… we’ve got the drugs!” A man said, as the Man smiled. “H… burn em up.” The Man said, burning up the drugs… which was likely a mixture of methamphetamine, benadryl and heroine plus more unknown drugs as Ferdinand looked surprised at ‘H’ doing this. “So… you’re the sniper that attacked me?” Satoshi said, standing behind a guy in a black-mask with a dark green hat, with the sniper rifle being extremely advanced with a green bullet in the barrel. “sh*t!” He thought to himself and just as Satoshi was about to cut his throat… a boy appeared… with the same brown hair and disappeared with the sniper. “Is that… Damien?” Satoshi asked himself, realising how dangerous this was only to then hear people come outside because of the commotion caused. “I have only one shot at this but…-!” Satoshi said, ready to aim the Gun of Dark Matter only to be set ablaze in a huge explosion of red flames. “Hajime…” Satoshi thought to himself. “I’m sorry, Satoshi… but you gotta go.” Hajime said as the unnamed bearded Man saw his head blown open; as the entire area was destroyed in a distance-nullifying blast as Ferdinand ran, taking Samantha and all the drugs with him, planting it on Samantha beforehand, disappearing into the night. “Damn! But that sniper is likely someone… that, if captured, could lead to the inevitable destruction of that First Gang.” Satoshi thought to himself, observing his wrist as he noticed demonstrations of those still living against the plane attacks in each of the Lanes. “So they’re now activating their true natures as humans.” Satoshi thought to himself, smiling calmly, realising that this could lead to the breakdown of the Green Gang. “That guy was strong… his eyes were white.” The sniper said to a young man with various tattoos… both of them standing behind Mr Harimatsu who hardly turned around. “So Satoshi has finally revealed his connection to the Brotherhood of the Serpent?” Mr Harimatsu whispered to himself. “Where is Damien?” He asked, simultaneously witnessing a monitor where he saw Damien having knocked out Amane with Excalibur, taking Hinata and the other 5 now fully hostage. “Perfect.” He said as the sniper waited for his words said by the true leader of the Green Lane. “Pangobo… let yourself be patient… and wait.” He said as the guy was barely any older than Satoshi, being slightly more so than Ferdinand. “Very well… but if you get in my way… blood will spill.” He said as Mr Harimatsu turned around, placing fear into the unknown sniper’s heart. “Your gang will be fodder to cannons… if you say that again. Understood?” He said, his brown eyes glistening in the cover of morning as Pangobo smiled, realising what he could do. “Yea…” He said, disappearing into the cover of the morning. “Now then… you have done a good job… I will promote you henceforth however… your failure to do anything meaningful aside from betrayal… is not good.” Mr Harimatsu said coldly as the sniper was still stunned into silence. “Keep in touch… and remember you answer to me alone.” He said to the sniper, remembering when he left Satoshi to his own devices at the youngest of ages as he then heard the sound of a helicopter only for it to mysteriously blow up as the sniper responded by shooting its remnants down… however what he saw stunned him. A dead crow with something in its claws. “He’s located us? The First Base is likely gone… Thus… he has likely done some damage to the Family Head.” Mr Harimatsu thought to himself, slightly taken aback only to then see Hajime and Damien. “You returned with your prize?” He asked as he turned around, hiding himself as Hinata was knocked out and clearly gagged, with tape over her mouth and eyes as the other babies were then placed on chairs. “Place them into your dorms.” He said as he smiled menacingly, realising that everything was now going accordingly. “Now then… let the games begin.” Mr Harimatsu said as he watched on.

7 hours passed by.

“Satoshi… Sakura is now well.” Kulana said to him as he was grateful. “How was i-!” Kulana asked only to hear stealth jets firing payloads of explosives from above as people from the Blue Lane were horrified. “You think you could kill me, Satoshi?” The Family Head said as his family looked on. “You will face our Wrath.” He said as Satoshi teleported out of there, allowing just enough time for the Geisha to stay safe as one of them screamed for help as the others saw her eyes pop out of their sockets as heat devoured her. These were no regular bombs… for these were nuclear bombs. “SATOSHI! SATOSHI!” The Geisha screamed, banging on his door as Kulana opened it as they all ran in. “Kaguya… she’s dead! She died in front of us!” One of the Geisha screamed as they all broke down, with Kulana realising just how far they would go. Akaria was also damaged only for the Secret Police to fully stop them by way of methods unknown… unseen. “Satoshi… you have to murder them at all costs… I do truly fear that Damien has gone far enough for his love for Sakura… to be an enemy of all of your allies. He may likely be the disappearing boy.” Kulana said as Satoshi's red eyes glinted in the night, deciding to sleep. “You will lose, White Spirit. Even if my head has been blown… I will make sure that you are nothing more than a bloodstain on my foot… and a part of my plate and collection.” The Family Head said as his family laughed coyly as a lady, dressed mostly in red with her Geisha… the only one left unbeknownst to Samantha’s living Oiran… now being by the Family Head’s side. “Samantha… is finally ours.” He said as Satoshi heard this from each jet with Ferdinand appearing beside her. “What do you want me to do, Master?” She said as her Geisha, Amalen… looked horrified beyond doubt, agreeing only due to her relationship as an underling to Samantha; with the Family Head smelling his drugs that swept themselves off of Samantha’s dress. “End the White Spirit… and restore our trade.” The Family Head said, as Samantha nodded, walking away and into the outside… going out of the Green Lane forest only to see her beloved brothel burnt to the ground as she saw a now charred skeleton that bore two eyeballs that remained… only for the fire that remained… to burn them to nonexistence. “I… must. What the f*ck did he do?” She thought to herself, conflicted as Amalen cried deeply, realising the true violence of the Family Head. “Relax… we’ll get our revenge, one way or another.” Samantha said to Amalen as she hoped against hope that Satoshi could stop the Family Head. “Satoshi! Satoshi!” One of the Geisha said as Satoshi got up, yawning. “His breath stinks!” The Geisha thought to themselves as they all noticed Sakura’s presence was non-existent. “Where is Sakura?!” They each whispered as Satoshi was seemingly oblivious to this fact, as Satoshi wasn’t surprised, realising that Sakura was likely taken by Damien… however what he failed to notice was that Sakura was still in the brothel at the time of the explosion. “She’s alive?! How?” Satoshi asked himself as she walked out of the now annihilated brothel, regenerating from the nuclear explosion that levelled most buildings in the general area. “Samantha…” Sakura thought to herself as Samantha looked utterly horrified, knowing and noticing Sakura was now in her Demon Form, staring at her coldly with red eyes that screamed ‘I will kill you’, only for her to go over to the house in mere moments by way of flight wherein she resembled a storm in flight as Samantha knew that this wouldn't end well. This war… would end only in death. “Amalen… go over to the House.” Samantha said as she still looked terrified not for Samantha but for what the Family Head would do to her if she was found out. “I have to-! You must go now… otherwise you won't survive. Tell them the Truth and they may accept you. But if they don't… Sakura will.” Samantha said as Amalen had no choice but to do so, finally walking away from her Master. Sakura appeared, healthy as ever with Kulana smiling upon seeing Sakura. “Thank you, Kulana for helping me.” She said, only for a letter to have appeared which had… the banner of the School on its top orifice. “This had to have come during the night. They're locked on. If Damien is locked on… I am finished.” Sakura thought to herself remembering when Damien pressed himself towards her non-consensually. “If he does though… I will never let him do what he did to me a few months back… never.” She thought to herself with conviction, her temples summoning one vein in rage only to calm herself down as she walked into her room, noticing that Satoshi was sitting down calmly. “Satoshi!” Sakura said as he was unperturbed despite everything. “Where is Sora?” She asked, sensing something was seriously off. The situation was getting… bad. Far worse than either of them could ever realise. “I left him with Hanuman.” Satoshi said calmly, realising that Sakura was still deeply in shock given what she had experienced as he sensed something was off but he couldn't quite put his tongue on it. “Hanuman!” Satoshi screamed, summoning a monkey with white fur who was far more intimidating than Sakura could ever hope to be with Kulana looking visibly shocked. “So he has gained one of the techniques from Ashoka’s scrolls?” Kulana thought to himself, to which Hanuman glanced at him, questioning Ashoka’s connection to him. “Yes, Satoshi?” He asked as his eyes briefly widened, sensing the dire stakes at play. “Where is Sora?” Satoshi asked to which Hanuman teleported himself over to the House and then back to where Satoshi was. “He is… not there. I have checked all the locations… someone has taken him and the others without fail therein. Kidnapping is likely at play.” Hanuman said as Sakura and Satoshi looked at each other, realising precisely the culprit of this debacle. “Damien… how far could he go?!” Sakura thought to herself in horror, questioning her quality as a mother; further questioning if this was real or a ploy that Damien was playing for her love. She kissed him yes… but that was for his desires and nothing more but he made it a violation… of force yet desire played itself like a musical instrument playing a tune of the past. “I'll kill him.” Both Satoshi and Sakura thought to themselves. “What's the letter in your hand?” Satoshi asked as she showed him it, revealing that it was possible that the School or whoever had sent the letter had now been aware of their doings. A knock on the door soon came 35 minutes later with Amalen appearing as the Geisha all looked in rage. “You betrayed us!” They each said, questioning her loyalty and just as they were about to attack… Sakura stopped them in their tracks, knowing that having the Geisha and by extension, Samantha and the Akarian Police once more as their enemy would be costly. “Stop, all of you! We have to work together… it doesn't matter where Lady Samantha is as long as we can possibly have a semblance of teamwork.” Samantha said in an attempt to quell any potential violence that may arise as a result of the conflict between herself and the Geisha as Damien watched a monitor that observed the House by way of Samantha’s technology which was hidden underneath her dress. “This is… perfect.” Damien thought to himself, laughing and knowing that he likely had everything under control. “Damien… you should be careful, you know… if Sakura finds out… she won’t be happy.” Hajime said, his eye sunken due to the emotional toll this has taken on him. “The Head also wants to speak to you.” He said as Damien smiled, realising that he could now likely have Sakura all to himself, now that her children were his for the taking. “Yes, sir?” Damien asked only for Mr Harimatsu to smile. “You will be promoted to …” He said with Hajime looking visibly amazed, unaware what was being talked about as he went to his dorm room, attempting to sleep peacefully. “Looks like me, you and Ferdinand are going to be part of his personal security detail… I’ll notify Ferdinand once he comes back.” He said as Hajime smiled awkwardly, questioning what Damien truly wanted, noticing that it was something to do with Sakura which had a negative impact on her children. “Congratulations?” Hajime asked as Damian sat on the bed where every child including Hinata was fast asleep. “You’re sleeping with your glasses on again? You’ve been doing so for a week.” He then asked as Damian glared at Hajime. “Yes, I am aware. Now, do you have a problem with it? It prevents me from being sneak attacked.” He said calmly, only to realise that they could be taken off by an enemy. That said, he did so at what would later be… his own peril, various colours reflecting off of the lenses… as Hajime stared at the empty ceiling, hoping against hope that Damian wouldn’t go one step further to ‘possess’ Sakura in the way that Muro once did and failed as he then waited until Damian was asleep, snoring like a British wanker as he noticed Hinata was struggling to sleep only for Hajime to silently get her up and walk out of the room slowly. Every movement was nerve-wracking, taking her outside. He then got out a lighter, and turned it on and fired it like a dragon upwards, causing a huge plume of fire to spray upwards. Hinata’s depressed and lifeless eyes shone with beauty and amazement, returning from their now grey and hollowed-out eyes to white and pearlescent. “Hey! That was fun, huh?” Hajime said, going on one knee to comfort her genuinely, seeing her eyes saddened but with hope. “You’re just like your mom, you know that.” He said as he knew that he had to take her out; take her away from her captor despite him knowing that he would be considered complicit, only for him to then try and get a good view on Mr Harimatsu’s window, to observe him in anyway he could however… as he did, a dark presence appeared in front of him, causing Hajime to teleport Hinata away in a plume of fire as he summoned a beautiful ethereal blue jewel in hand. “Bǎozhū (Wish-Granting Jewel).” He thought to himself, using its mystical powers and summoning a full clone of Hinata that was both real and made of his own fire, teleporting her away to her bed. “So… Hajime, what are you doing with the girl?” Mr Okachi said… whose beard was slightly unkempt as his hat was pointier than a wizard’s own. “Nothing much… just relaxing with her. She’s asleep now.” Hajime said, creating a cigarette from his breath as his navy blue coat lit with beauty. “Your mother and father would be proud, you know, Hajime… but make sure you don’t get in the way… he is a very busy man.” Mr Okachi said, as Hajime puffed calmly with him staring at the Deputy-Headteacher in a somewhat abrasive manner upon the mention of his parents. “Yeah… well…” Hajime said, reminding himself of his father from the Blue Lane and his mother from the Red Lane; related to one of the 10 Emperors whilst his father worked in real-estate. “Anyway, have a good night. Stay safe… and get not on the Headmaster’s bad side. He has many connections, having gained such over the years.” Mr Okachi said as Hajime smiled weakly, understanding this fully as he never disclosed the fact that he was part of his personal security detail. “So… Ferdinand will take Samantha away… leading to Damien and Hajime leaving the children with the former. It appears that Hajime has done something to Samantha, meaning he could be a thorn in my side if extra precautions are not taken into consideration, however Damien is useful… emotional, a manipulator unto himself and ever-loving of Sakura Jigoku (nee Kosh*tsu) such that he could and would inevitably commit to measures of sure desperation and drastic action. It appears that Satoshi is on to us… but we are onto him too. It is rather quaint yet ironic that Satoshi never bothered to be observing towards the content of the letter.” Mr Harimatsu thought to himself as he turned on his phone, revealing the profile picture of a man in prison garb with a singular slash to his right eye, covered by a monocle. “Pangobo…” He spoke calmly as Pangobo was on the other side… on the richer portion of the Green Lane, near the School’s edge. “Pakawalan ang iyong mga manlalaro sa pagbagsak ng pamilya mula ngayon... hindi mo nais na panatilihin ang iyong sarili na walang pag-unlad. Ang isang napipintong pagbabanta ay kung ano ang dapat mong maging. Sabihin na ang Sniper ay handa at naghihintay. Maging handa sa pagbagsak ng trajectory ng eroplano at manginig ang mga pundasyon ng bawat lane. Ang iyong tagapagligtas ay magiging bata ng pagkawala... Maging handa (Release thy players upon the fall of the Family henceforth... you do not want to keep yourself stagnant. An imminent threat is what you must be. Let it be said that the Sniper is ready and waiting. Be ready for the plane's trajectory to fall and the foundations of each lane to tremble. Your saviour will be the boy of disappearance... Be ready)." He said as Pangobo smiled, knowing that he could finally act as Mr Harimatsu made one more call to the Family Head who was smelling his drugs, sitting amidst the dead bodies that he accrued over the years. “How is your smuggling going?” He spoke to the Family Head who remained nonchalant and playful with a “Good, good”. “I have word of the one who did it… who blew up your place… it is Hajime Ando and Satoshi Fujiwara… the former of which did the most damage… he is a part of my security detail and betrayal will be imminent yet long due. Goodbye.” He said, swiftly ending the call as the Family Head smiled menacingly. “Are the preparations ready?” He said as the stealth jets were ready; alongside the helicopters and battalions of men. “Will the drug finale begin?” His wife spoke, a shrewd woman in her own right… perhaps all too willing to betray given the right price whereas his son and daughter were 16 and 35 respectively; the Family Head’s right-hand woman and wing-man. “Sir… we are ready to further bomb the other Lanes.” The jet captain said as he bowed down with the Family Head stroked his beard. “Very well… let the War on Drugs…” He said, laughing coolly, knowing how this would end; as Amane of the Blue Lane, Qin Shi Huang and Ming Hao and Xian (with their legs and arms respectively restored) of the Red Lane, Sejong, Danjong, Gyeongyhe and Gyeongsuk of the Purple Lane looked on, knowing how bad things would get with Xarxa staring at his library database from Akaria with intent; stealth bombers flying overhead and firing small payloads of explosive water. “Things are bad… really bad…” Kulana thought to himself as the Family Head… Pangobo and Harimatsu smiled as Harimatsu went over to his mirror and took off his monocle, revealing a black and hollow right eye, his slash more visible than ever. “... Begin…” The Family Head thought coldly, knowing that this was it for the other Lanes and Akaria as the respective parties had no choice but to prepare themselves for the days ahead.

Hajime looked on at the moon, hoping that Hinata was safe with Samantha and Ferdinand. “Looks like it's the end.” He said quietly to the open air, destroying his cigarette and walking inside to his dorm, ready to sleep… truly unaware of what the next day would bring. Upon waking up, he was slightly fearful of what Damien would think let alone the Headmaster. “Hajime… I have a request… please can you… fetch… something from the Green Lane’s front?” The Headmaster asked as Hajime knew this was bad, having heard the call to the Family Head the night prior. “What is it?” Hajime asked as Mr Harimatsu smiled weakly, his burlesque physique hiding a dark secret, unknown to virtually everyone. “A magnifying glass for Damien… in case his eyes lose their spectacles.” He said as Hajime looked down, bowing humbly and going away. “He’s coming to you.” Harimatsu said to the Family Head as they both smiled. “I have to go to Samantha or even Sakura…” Hajime thought to himself, remembering when he first went to the School, thinking nothing of the Headteacher back then… but now… things were different and as he appeared at the Green Lane, he saw several smokers. “To think I burned this guy’s drug supply for him in order to see him high.” Hajime thought to himself as he walked into the building, trying to find the magnifying glass only for a hand to grab him. “I take it you are here for the magnifying glass?” The Family Head spoke as the other members of the Family smiled as Hajime nodded in response. “It is here… come over here.” He said, pointing towards himself as Hajime did not want to do so, only for the magnifying glass to be thrown to him. Damien held Hinata in hand, picking her up gently… only to notice her becoming fire, melting into nothing more than lava. “This is Hajime’s doing… what did he do?” Damien asked himself, using Godly Sight to determine what likely happened, noticing Hajime’s actions alone as though he deliberately ignored everything else including Mr Harimatsu. “So he betrayed me and Sir Harimatsu? My friend? Betrays me?” Damien thought to himself as he felt anger and betrayal… which could be ironic. “I’ll get him.” Damien thought to himself as he then tracked down wherever Hinata was likely teleported, assuming she was in the House… angering him even more as he got up, ran to the Headteacher and told him he was going “to speak to Hajime for a chat”. However… Hajime failed to notice that he was surrounded by many girls and guns as well as an arm that tapped itself on his shoulder. This was familiar. “I know you did something to Hinata.” Damien whispered coldly, knowing that he did something. Did Hajime betray him? Why? He quickly took his magnifying glass. “I did nothing more than save her from you, her captor.” Hajime said, staring blankly at the Family Head who smiled calmly, smelling his drugs. “Where is Hinata?” Damien coldly asked as Hajime remained quiet. To this end, Damien put his hand up, as though he was signalling something… as the black-masked sniper readied himself for this next contract killing. “Death is coming.” The sniper said from the trees, using his sniper scope to see through the windows. “Take the package down.” The voice said as he co*cked the trigger back and readied himself, holding his breath as Hajime remained blank. “You don’t want to fight me, Damien. This won’t end well. Remember when I nearly killed Aloa?” He said to Damien who glared at him, only to then release his arm from his grip as the shot released itself, with Hajime barely dodging it, immediately firing a plume of red flames from his mouth at Damien who countered by using Meteoric Burst to fire huge meteors from the air above as he then used Draconic Stance to do immense damage to Hajime only for him to smile, snapping his fingers and creating a huge explosion. “Let’s go.” The Family Head said, however the explosion soon devoured the entire building as the sniper then shot Hajime in the neck, stopping the explosion to fully devour any more buildings from this side of the Green Lane as Hajime fell to the ground, grimacing and wincing in pain as the Sniper smiled. “The package is down.” He said to his burner phone as the voice on the other side laughed silently. “What is this?!” Hajime asked as Damien smiled, walking away calmly, knowing that he had won… even if briefly. “Sorry, bro… but I have to find Hinata… and thanks to you… that will be done.” Damien said to his best friend; Hajime looking saddened, realising that everything he did for Hinata would now be in vain. “That poison… will kill you in an hour or so… and I will be promoted.” Damien said as Hajime then looked down, seeing blood slowly seeping from his mouth onto the floor. “Damn you… Damien… May you realise your mistakes and die a fool… to fate’s axe as ten thousand things silence you.” Hajime said as Saint George the dragon devoured him in fire and extradimensional ice, devouring Hajime’s red flames in mystical orange flames with beautiful partially blue sparks. “Who knew you were the type to curse me?” Damien said from atop Saint George, flying away as the Family Head watched on from within his Stealth Jet, smiling coldly as he called Harimatsu and told him the news. “That’s one chip down.” Harimatsu said as the Family Head used his jet to fly to Akaria and burn down major parts of it only for a mysterious diversion to occur. “My jet has been hacked?” He asked himself; Damien flying around and firing blasts of flame at huge swathes of the Blue Lane… only to use Godly Sight to locate Hinata within an underground tower near the School. Upon doing so, he teleported into the tower room in a green blur. “Is Hinata here?” Damien asked as Samantha glared at him with disgust. “She’s asleep… but you can’t have her.” Ferdinand said with authority in his voice as Damien looked somewhat agitated but knew this was one way to prod Sakura emotionally. “Where’s Hajime?” Ferdinand asked as Damien glared at him. “Where is he?” Ferdinand asked, obviously concerned for his junior classmate and teammate. “He’s… gone back to base.” Damien said, attempting to deflect the question without any effort only for Ferdinand to notice slight burn marks. “Did you attack him? Did he attack you?” Ferdinand asked, clearly wanting to know. “Yes, he attacked me… I had no choice but to fight back.” Damien then explained, knowingly trying to dissuade Ferdinand from asking any more questions. “Damien… your package is here.” The wife of the Family Head said as Hinata was awake and visibly upset upon seeing him. “Where’s Mr Fireworks?” She asked as Damien was taken aback. “He’s dead.” He whispered, only for her to start crying, remembering him for his kindness; reminding Damien of Sakura after what he did to her… non-consensual kissing. “Satoshi ain’t here, so I ain’t got anyone to stop me.” Damien thought to himself, grabbing Hinata from behind as she wailed and kicked her legs, attempting to wriggle free. “What are you trying to do?” Ferdinand said, with his sword, the Tizona still on his shoulder, one hand ready to throw down if he had to. “I, you and Hajime are part of Mr Harimatsu’s security detail. I am going to be promoted… please… don’t get in my way.” Damien said as Ferdinand sensed something was wrong. “He killed Hajime?” He thought to himself, visibly stunned as he then appeared in Damien’s way. “You’re getting in my way? Do you… want to die?” Damian asked, remembering when he bit his thumb after breaking down outside Sakura’s house after doing the ultimate deed of villainy towards her, seeing the futures that existed and gaining all the knowledge of the world. “You think you can kill me? Really?” Ferdinand asked without arrogance as Damian threw Hinata in the air as she screamed. “Damn you!” Ferdinand screamed but as he tried to grab her, Saint George used his large mouth and grabbed her instead, leaving Ferdinand in shock. “If he attacks me, I’ll-!” Damien thought to himself, immediately summoning Fragarach, causing the Spaniard to remain unmoving. “That sword… I can’t even think… damn you, Damien.” Ferdinand thought, for his hand was slashed off… only for the Tizona’s power to manifest, frightening Damien’s beating heart; simultaneously forcing Damien into his dragon’s mouth as Ferdinand breathed in shock, now realising the lengths which he would go to to attain his goal. “My hand… it's gone.” Ferdinand said to himself… only for the fear that Damien had in that brief moment to regenerate his hand in a golden miasma of light. “Its good… I have this… otherwise this place would be my death amidst my grave of nonexistence.” Ferdinand thought to himself only for the hand to then slip, forcing Ferdinand to grimace at the fact that he lost his hand permanently thanks to Damien now hardly having fear of the situation. He ran back into the room as the Wife of the Family Head laughed at this, taking his severed arm for herself. “A part of my plate… nice dish. The Husband will love it.” She said to herself, realising its true value with Ferdinand grimacing as Samantha looked shocked. “What- Silence yourself. Damien is going mental!” Ferdinand spoke in rage, blood pouring out of his mouth in rage and betrayal adorned itself unto his face like a crown, as he knew he couldn’t just heal it. “One-handed combat it is.” Ferdinand said, his golden eyes feeling all the betrayal that his mouth could not speak. Damien flew back to the dorm, now having all 6 children hostage. “Where is the Family Head?” Damien asked, hearing bombs fly over large chunks of Akaria and the Blue Lane. “Let us convene for this session.” Sejong said to Danjong and his two other granddaughters, agreeing to do so, despite knowing the consequences to this, immediately teleporting over to the Jade Emperor’s location in the Red Lane as Xarxa still checked the databases for Mr Harimatsu but could find nothing.

“If I am going to die here…” Amane thought to himself, remembering his final moments with his Boss, the true leader of the Blue Lane before his death ‘Amane, just live on for as long as you can, for you truly were the best of the best as a right-hand and perhaps a true friend to myself.” Minamoto said as his very existence was erased with Amane kneeling to him in response’ only to never kneel to any of them, knowing he had to survive for the Blue Lane’s future… using his fingers to twist his hands into shotguns and pistols. “I AIN’T DYING HERE LIKE SOME BITCH!” He thought to himself, mercilessly using Level 2 and 3 of Blood Poison, attempting to kill everyone, barely able to backflip as bullets hit his legs, feet, shoulders and arms as he grimaced, realising this was it as he gave it everything he had, punching a few of the snipers in the head as Pangobo’s men in the Thought Police appeared from a league away, firing huge rounds of bullets with them being countered by Amane’s own men from the Blue Gang. “I gotta do this!” Amane thought to himself as the Enemy Sniper then stabbed Amane in the chest, causing blood to spill. “What’s your name, asshole?!” Amane screamed as Damien used invisibility to appear behind him, stabbing him in the back as Saint George spewed meteors from above, destroying a majority of the tower in the process. “Ah… f*ck… sorry.. Minamoto… Satoshi… I couldn’t do sh*t!” Amane thought as he was burning up. “Always one to disappear, aren’t we in our lowest moments, Damien?” Amane said, barely moving his eye to its corner to witness Damien, elbowing him in the face. “You goddamn simp!” Amane said to him, remaining unfettered despite his extreme injuries. “Blood Poison: Level 4!” Amane screamed, using his blood supply and causing a huge explosion that destroyed the entire Tower, the surrounding helicopters and slightly damaged the Stealth Jet that contained the Family Head. “The name’s… Lizezo D-!” He was about to say as Satoshi was horrified. “Amane!” Satoshi screamed as he witnessed Amane having created a blood black hole that could wipe away an entire island only to be contained within the Tower’s nearest surroundings as the enemy Sniper knew he couldn’t escape as the Disappearing boy wasn’t coming to save him. “BOSS! BOSS!” Lizezo screamed as Pangobo was deeply angered but composed, smiling truthfully. He watched from his building as the Family Head was taken aback by this unforeseen damage to his jet, firing two payloads of explosive water and nuclear warheads in revenge, unironically smiting Lizezo, moments before Ferdinand came to the rescue and sliced the Sniper’s head clean off his shoulders with one arm as Damien was angered, teleporting moments before the blood black hole devoured everything in range as Amane’s nonexistent self… smiled, knowing that he was of service to the Blue Lane and Minamoto no Yorimitsu even in death as Kulana was deeply agitated by this. Satoshi went to the remains of the tower, seeing that even Kulana’s Sniper was gone as a result of his sacrifice. There was no time for tears… the War was not over. He glared at the helicopters from below. “Our Sniper is gone?!” Ming Hao and Xian thought to themselves as they were back at the conference room. “He’s dead?!” Samantha thought to herself, remembering when she fought Amane in the Blue Lane and briefly allied herself with him. “This is what you get, White Spirit… your loss is inevitable.” The Family Head said, flying away as Satoshi clenched his fist tighter. “Must I do everything myself?” Pangobo asked himself, firing a rocket-propelled missile from a Javelin Rocket Launcher, only for a missile to come flying, aimed directly at the Family Head’s damaged jet and directly hitting. “Who hit me?!” The Family Head thought to himself, questioning if it was Satoshi or Pangobo as Pangobo was shocked. “So Satoshi diverted my missile?... No… it hit… but…” He thought to himself coldly. “Damn betrayer!” The Family Head thought to himself, deeply angered without doubt. "Now that my right hand man is gone.... let the War continue." Pangobo thought to himself as Satoshi then immediately grappled himself onto one of the helicopters, using his sword, the Cheng Ying to slice it in two, grabbing the pilot and throwing him headfirst into the second helicopter, activating Blood Poison, destroying it as he teleported onto the Third Helicopter, using his knife to immediately stab the sniper in the back only for the man to fight back, however this would be fruitless as he was kicked off of the helicopter only to grab on. “You are foolish.” Satoshi said, using his flamethrower and the Mist portion of Amane’s sniper from his own wrist device, gassing the pilot and using a drone to remotely control the helicopter, using it to destroy as many as he could.... Destroying about 4 of them, immediately teleporting back to the conference room as Ferdinand asked him to calm down, only to be grabbed by his neck. “Where is Hinata? Sora?! Where are my children? Where is Samantha?!” He asked coldly. “With Damien… where… I don’t know….” He said as Satoshi’s eyes dilated in shock. “You are worthy of your title as White Spirit… Hajime is dead.” Ferdinand himself said with shock, sadness and pride, understanding his feelings of anger as Satoshi was stunned briefly but snapped back to reality as the Family Head flew back to the underground tower located near the School, purposefully downing his Jet, knowing that this was one of many. “The War is not over… it has barely started… the skies may rain blood in mutiny… but you all… Akaria… Pangobo… and now the Blue and Red Lanes will be crushed under my boot.” The Family Head said to himself; as Pangobo Takayushi, the 2nd Gang’s Leader, was unsurprised and was ready to sacrifice the Family Head as long as he maintained his control over the Green Lane, drugs and women.

“The Blue Lane’s gone?!” Samantha thought to herself as she struggled to break out from her bindings, smelling nuclear radiation. “Millions of lives were snuffed out in an instant.” The Akarian Screens said as the 2nd Gang smiled on, knowing that part of their goal was done… although they wanted to take out the Family Head. “We declare war.” Satoshi said to Ferdinand who looked horrified himself. “Nuclear bombs were fired?!” Kulana thought to himself as he knew that Satoshi and Sakura’s House was likely to be untouched as it was on the Outskirts of the Lane although… everything else was gone. A part of history that was now wrongfully erased. “Everyone, disengage!” The Police screamed only for the 2nd Gang who had almost fully infiltrated the Thought Police’s ranks now… had disobeyed the order, leading to unrest as Amane’s Blue Gang was now wiped out in mere moments by way of the 2nd Gang and nuclear hellfire that devoured the Blue Lane; as the Thought Police fought heavily, using every tool in their arsenal from the towers to surveillance cameras as the soldiers fought with killer intent, using white gas as phosphorus was fired everywhere. Helicopters surrounded the skyline.

Damien smiled from his dorm room as a tear fell down his right eye, realising that no matter what and in the end... Sakura would be his. No matter what allies he had to take out. He looked at the ceiling, his glasses having been lost in the blood black hole Amane caused. “Damn bastard!” He thought to himself coldly, remembering it all in a flash only for him to decide that sleep was the best recourse. “Samantha!” Ferdinand said to her as she still struggled to break her bindings, slashing them for her, both of them knowing that things were dire. “Are my Geisha and Oiran alive?!” Samantha said in rage, staring at her wrists and legs as Ferdinand looked down. “I don’t know.” He explained as Samantha looked angered without doubt. “How do we escape that psychopathic cannibal?” She asked, realising how bad things were getting. “We don’t.” Ferdinand said as he knew that this was no lie with the Family Head smiling as the door opened, to Ferdinand and Samantha’s shock. “Sir… we are here with Lady Samantha.” Amalen and the other Geisha and Oiran spoke to the Family Head with the Wife looking jealous upon witnessing them. “Come, my dear sex slaves… the Men are all yours.” The Family Head said calmly, allowing and commanding the Soldiers of the Blue Gang to come and reveal themselves in sexual desire as they all went into their rooms, allowing them to become the Family’s own, locking all of the rooms in silence. “So they are being used against me? My own Oiran?” Samantha asked with sadness, wanting to betray the Family Head… but knowing that if she did, she would be murdered without doubt. “So he is attempting to circumvent our relationship?” Harimatsu asked himself as he smiled, knowing that this was no setback. “Call in the Second Division.” Harimatsu said to the 2nd Gang, fully observing the true depths of the Family Head’s understanding of the situation, observing the vulnerabilities of men everywhere. Prisoners from the richer half of the Green Lane released themselves, coming from their cells as they smashed skulls… those of the Akarian protesters and the Thought Police alongside even some of the First Gang, walking out, ready for conflict as they knew things were getting violent which they liked. “Shall we fire now?” The pilot said as the Family Head smiled calmly and nodded, requesting the strike. “Disengage.” Pangobo said to his own Gang who did so without hesitation, only to hear the phrase “Magnetic Release” from the pilot, forcing the helicopters to stick to the Jet’s underside, causing the snipers to fire upwards… only for the bullets to fire straight into their heads, causing the helicopters to become malfunctioned as the pilot then released 50 one hundred thousand kiloton nuclear warheads onto the Akarian ground, using the helicopters as further collateral damage as Pangobo looked utterly surprised by this, only for the now-tortured Red Lane men to be enamoured by his drugs, becoming addicted slaves to Pangobo’s desires alone. “Akaria is being wip-!” Several Thought Police said only to be devoured in the nuclear hellfire as those who were still unseen were immune. “To breach the Police’s guards… going underground would work.” Pangobo said to the Prisoners, using a megaphone as his medium, who immediately laughed at this proposal. “Doing so against them? How do we know they haven’t tracked us down already?” One of the Prisoners spoke as Pangobo looked annoyed. “If you work for me… I will have your new victims and drugs ready and waiting.” He said as he knew that he had to appeal to their basic desires as they all agreed, knowing they would double-cross both him and the Family Head eventually when the opportunity arose. Guards stormed in and began shooting at the prisoners, only to be slowly overwhelmed by the sheer number of prisoners. “Akaria is gone, I believe.” Ferdinand said as Samantha was deeply annoyed by this. “Damn… we have to escape somehow. What of the 7 buildings?” Samantha asked, distinctly remembering their washed-up appearance. “No! If we do… we’ll be found and both of us will be mercilessly killed… Hajime’s dead body is there and that is something we cannot overturn.” Ferdinand explained to Samantha. “Akaria is too big to fall so soon… if Satoshi couldn’t finish it… how do you expect the Family Head to finish it?” Samantha asked, unaware that the Family Head was listening intently to her, fully aware of her intentions to escape. “Release the Stealth Jet unto the rest of the continent… Akaria will fall…. Target the Red Lane when you can.” The Family Head said calmly to the pilot. “Satoshi, why can’t you control the Stealth Jet?” Sejong asked as Satoshi was still tapping on his wrist device. “I can’t do it whilst the pilot is alive.” Satoshi explained calmly. “I need to find out who the true leader of the Green Lane is.” He explained as Mr Harimatsu calmly watched from his seat, observing all of this carnage unfold as he saw a picture of the prisoners escaping. “Reminds me of my old days after Satoshi left us.” He said to himself, reminiscing of his wife as Satoshi looked visibly shocked. “He’s aiming straight for the Red Lane!” Satoshi said as Sejong was unsurprised. “The Family Head and Pangobo are likely going to war in either the Red Lane or Akaria. There is a third party of unknown proportions though. Akaria won’t fall for a while. The Police there are too robust.” Sejong explained as the Thought Police manned their forces even moreso, stretching into the outskirts of Akaria, using telescreens and cameras to fully detect the Green Lane and their prison system. “An alarm is going to go off in 2 minutes.” One of the Police said to Samantha. “Do it.” She said as Ferdinand was slightly surprised as the Thought Police now made themselves known. “Hello?” An old lady spoke from the Prison, a receptionist more than likely as Xarxa spoke calmly. “I would like to formally request a visit from an officer in Akaria to your prison, Manang Banaha.” He explained as the Thought Police were now slowly making their way through the richest half of the Green Lane, shooting down any drug-dealers or users, arresting those who couldn’t fight back. “Of course!” The lady spoke as the Police then rappelled themselves into focus with Pangobo looking annoyed as snipers appeared from the high-rise buildings of the Green Lane. Many smaller torogan (resting places) elevated above the ground by columns cut from trees of huge girth showed themselves by way of snipers and battalions using them as posts. Its walls are covered with plywood sticks and the roof thatched with dried coconut leaves. There is no interior partition, so it appeared as a huge hall to the Police who saw it, firing tear gas and the memory-altering White Gas as a deterrent. “They are making their way into the Prisons! Attack from underground! Summon the beasts!” Pangobo said as the guards did a ritual of truly devilish proportions, holding each other’s hands around a circle that bore fifty rice grains around its orifice, resembling an eight-sided sun, an eagle and lion. “Dalaketnon: Rise!” They all spoke as the Head Guard smiled, allowing the other prisoners to free themselves and run rampant as the Thought Police slowly, very slowly made their way through to the Prison. “A graveyard is here. Blow it up!” One of the police said as they attempted to place bombs that were virtually invisible to the naked eye as graves shattered upon the bomb’s impact. Creatures revealed themselves. They bore bird-like bills and flew upwards and as the Police made their way through, the Old Lady at the front smiled, noticing that the Police were being attacked by the flesh-eating Ekek only for the Dalaketnon to appear in the prison hallways and cells, with men having light coloured skin and very dark hair and women having bronze-brown skin and brown hair as their hair and eyes turned white, hiding away and waiting for the Police to come in and run through the Prisoners, killing most of them and arresting those who became weak only for the Dalaketnon to come flying in, attacking them, feeding them Black Rice to make them their slaves as they used coño to manipulate some Police officers who came in, twisting fingers, limbs, feet, eyeballs, eyes, ears, guns, bullets and all the rest. “There’s a ritual here! I can feel it!” A policewoman said as Samantha looked horrified, hearing the screams of the damned as Pangobo smiled from his base, watching on calmly. “Good luck, Akaria.” He spoke to himself peacefully and mockingly. The Thought Police felt themselves being overwhelmed however Akaria was not defenceless despite this. Protests ruled the land briefly as sentry guns appeared from the ground on all sides to kill any prisoners rising up from the ground alongside the control towers which fired radio waves to silence the dissidents only for the Stealth Jet to fire lasers at the control tower to ruin Akaria’s infrastructure even more. The technology from Akaria’s end ramped up significantly in response, causing sentry guns to mow down not only protesters but also any Green Lane prisoner that came through as everyone within Akaria felt a dark presence burrowing from underground. “What is that?!” A protestor screamed as the flesh-eating Ekek, Mannangal and Dalaketnon appeared, immediately duplicating themselves as the Thought Police tried to fight back, only being overpowered as the Ekek and Mannangal fought in the air, flying and grabbing people, slashing their flesh, devouring them and taking them to places unknown. “Summon the remaining 9!” Pangobo said, as the guards continued their ritual, summoning the: Amalanhig, Aswang, Batibat, Bungisngis, Busaw, Kapre, Pugot, Sarangay and Wakwak only for every single protestor to get either mowed down, sliced in half, taken in the air and devoured in rice as the Thought Police slaves were also used by the Dalaketnon to annihilate the continent of Akaria as at least fifty Police officers unleashed underground bombs and destroyed multiple buildings and city blocks as the Family Head’s Stealth Jet continued to fire payloads of explosive water, ultimately disappearing and flying away only to be damaged by multiple wide-ranging missiles. “Akaria is being taken over too?!” Samantha thought to herself with absolute fear as the Family Head smiled, realising that the Blue Lane was already his although Akaria would also be his… if only for the fact that Pangobo was already taking over Akaria, witnessing how he took over the entire continent slowly. “Akaria is done for.” Kulana explained as everyone looked visibly shocked, fully understanding that the final 2 Lanes would be annihilated. People were found dead, sliced in half, possessed, shot down and exploded and devoured in nuclear fire and explosive water as the flesh-eating Ekek, Mannangal and Dalaketnon alongside the Amalanhig, Aswang, Batibat, Bungisngis, Busaw, Kapre, Pugot, Sarangay and Wakwak devoured everything that remained of Akaria, including the now-decrepit castle of Royalty that once belonged to Sakura. “Go now!” Sejong said to his grandchildren, causing them to disappear to protect the Purple Lane…only to hear the sound of a tank rolling up to the edge of the Blue Lane, finally appearing in the Blue Lane. “SHOOT THEM DOWN!!” Pangobo screamed from his building as the tank fired multiple explosives at multiple buildings of the Red Lane as everyone in the tower of the Jade Emperor looked horrified. “As soon as something comes… revive Wu!” Kulana explained as the Jade Emperor understood this, as Sakura and Satoshi readied themselves for the War. “So… Pangobo has now taken over Akaria and is going to overcome the Red Lane and Purple Lane… very well… let the War of Drugs commence.” The Family Head said as the Soldiers of the Blue Gang readied themselves, fully committed to their new Master’s cause as the Geisha also appeared beside the Family Head. “Can we finally attack?” The Wife said as the Family finally readied themselves for the War, using the Blue Lane as a means of defence, using the country-sized city as his Barrier and fortress whilst also using the buildings of the poorest half of the Green Lane to finally enact his supernatural revenge. “Seven Seals: Come.” He spoke, causing the seven buildings which Samantha saw earlier on to shatter and be devoured in seven ritual circles which bore serpentine charms inscribed unto them, releasing: The Alan, Berbalang, Sigbin, Sarimanok, Minokawa, Nuno sa punso and Tikbalang, summoning winged spirits with deformed bodies (Alan), ghouls (Berbalang), a hornless goat with large ears and a flexible tail (Sigbin), a beautiful bird (Sarimanok), a dragon-like bird (Minokawa), an old man (Nuno sa punso) and a horse man (Tikbalang), all of whom were ready to combat the enemy of the 2nd Gang as the Family were then taken on these creatures with the Family Head going in his own personal Jet, transforming the underground tower into such with a dance, as they all flew upwards. “Now then… let the War commence!” He screamed as Pangobo in the richest half of the Green Lane watched on as he got his personal weapon and got up, now ready for combat. “Come back… Wu of Zetian!” The Jade Emperor said, reviving her from Diyu as she still bore the Gan Jiang and Mo Ye, for she was an elderly woman with a bird on her dress. “The mystical Fenghuang.” The Man said coldly as the Empress smiled giddily. “So the Green Lane hath finally attacked, huh?” She exclaimed, staring at Satoshi who had clearly grown up slightly. “You have the Cheng Ying?” She asked as he nodded, remembering Xuanye who had it, the Tenth Emperor. “Where is Minamoto and Amane?” She also asked, simultaneously noticing Sejong of the Purple Lane; also observing everyone’s silence, indicating how bad things were. “The Hangul King.” She said with a giddy look on her elder and worn face. “The situation is dire. The Green Lane have attacked. The Red Lane is going to be annihilated.” He explained as Wu looked annoyed beyond any doubt. “So the Green Lane’s head Family is attacking us?” She thought to herself, remembering Yi Jing, her granddaughter as she knew how things were going to get dire as her personal Tower was annihilated. “They leave me no choice.” She said as the Jade Emperor pointed down to the tank. “You also have the Ruyi Jingu Bang? Let us all work together! Take out the Family Head… yet whoever the Second Gang is… I know not.” She said as Satoshi and Sakura readied themselves alongside Sejong, the Jade Emperor and Kulana, immediately jumping down from the Tower just as it was being destroyed. “So you and your army have returned in such a case.” Wu said calmly as she held the two swords in her hand, and gripped them with no sense of fear, slicing the tank open in two only to notice more tanks, helicopters and all the rest. “Let’s see what these guys are capable of.” Wu thought to herself, immediately blitzing one of the pilots’ perceptions and annihilating them in mere seconds as she then jumped back to the ground with grace.

“So the Red Lane revived themselves? Now then… time to end this fully.” The Family Head thought to himself, fully understanding what his goal got him into. “Ferdinand… Samantha… go.” He said, commanding his right-hand woman and man to attack, jumping down as they immediately rushed to attack the 2nd Gang’s forces with full intent to end them no matter what, despite knowing their loyalties as a red dragon-like blip appeared above all of them and fired havoc at the Stealth Jet and the surrounding 2nd Gang forces. “Take us over to the Wretched Family’s location!” One of the Emperors said, immediately pressing on forward as Wu ran through many soldiers with Satoshi helping as air support and Sakura as cover fire as the other 8 Emperors fought alongside her with Xuanye and Ji Ying fighting alongside Wu herself. “Satoshi! Watch!” Xuanye spoke as every single member of the Red Gang including the Pak Tsz Sin, the Heung Chu and Sin Fung. The Heung Chu saw themselves with an armada and Sin Fung was on his own as the Pak Tsz Sin smiled coldly with a flame in his hand, just as the Cho Hai also appeared alongside the Hung Kuan and Sin Chu. “Let’s murder these rats.” The Pak Tsz Sin said as fireballs fired at several vehicles, slowly being annihilated with Stealth Jets firing multiple payloads. “It appears that ten-thousand of their soldiers have already died.” Emperor Wu said, ready to use the Ruyi Jingu Bang only for the Dalaketnon to appear in place of the tanks, helicopters and vehicles as they all duplicated nigh-limitlessly. “Cheng Ying: Solar Eclipse - Light Brigade!” Xuanye said, causing the blade to briefly glow with golden energy as light slashes that resembled the sun came from his blade as night and day simultaneously came from his blade with the Dalaketnon disappearing only for more to appear as Wu was skilled enough to annihilate every single clone that came in her way. “LET US MOVE FORTH!” Wu screamed as the Family’s Gang and the 2nd Gang fought each other mercilessly. “Samantha! We have to get to Satoshi!” Ferdinand screamed as he sliced up several enemies in two, despite having one arm as they both heard screaming that was not fear… but true glee. “She’s here!” Ferdinand thought to himself as the Wife of the Family was still murdering people ruthlessly, using her fans against her enemies, slicing people’s faces, wetting her fans to attack everyone at once with her defending her kids at the same time. “Come, weaklings!” She said, firing huge bodies of knives from her fans as the spirits continually defended the Family regardless as everyone looked stunned. Thousands of soldiers died with ease as she was horrified to hear screams coming from behind her, seeing a blur attacking her soldiers. “Wu… Minamoto…” Both the Man and Wu of Zetian thought upon sensing one another as the Wife saw soldiers, those of her own and the enemies, being sent flying as Ferdinand was on the side where Wu could appear and Samantha was at the back of the Wife, defending her from all opposition with the Man appearing only to be punched back into next week, steadying himself with ease as he smiled, reminding himself of when he sliced Samantha’s ear off. “Focus all efforts onto the Man! DESTROY THE BLUE LANE’S LEGACY!” The Wife screamed, rallying her troops for battle… a battle to the death as they ran to their doom with Minamoto being a puppet of Carnage as Damien looked amazed. “Saint George: Kill-!” Damien said as the Man completely blitzed his perception. “Anlawd’s grandson… eh?” The Man said as Damien violently attacked the Man as both of them clashed with each other and struck him with his sword, sending him flying into the ground as Saint George was also sent flying with him as Damien was now on the ground with those from the Red Lane slowly encountering him. “Forget him! Let’s end them! For now our restraints are gone!” Ming Hao said with conviction, as they fired their respective weapons, as they fought with their hands, breaking a few of the enemy soldiers’ necks only to feel gunfire from multiple sides, as they dodged these with some difficulty. All that was heard after that were screams from many people. Ming Hao continued to punch multiple members of each respective rank. “You bastards!” She screamed in rage for the first time, as Xian shot at other people with his pistol as the other ranks of the Cho Hai worked together with the Wife’s daughter attacking Ming Hao only to have her hands broken and her neck snapped with a cold smile coming from Ming Hao as her neck snapped back into position to Ming Hao’s horror, as she was sent flying back with Wu finally jumping upwards and using her swords to jump down, plunging one of her swords into the ground and kicking Ferdinand as soon as he could react. “Looks like we have a fight with a newbie, EL CID!” She said as she violently struck him with her dual wield swords, as he casually parried the strikes away despite having one arm with him attempting to strike her arms only for her to jump up. “Your arm is your weakness.” Wu thought to herself as Ferdinand was barely able to respond to her incredibly fast strikes which were as fast as the speed of light to him. “Pangu: Celestial Wave.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as earthquakes occurred once again as his thoughts created massive waves, damaging the animals on both sides. “Lunar Vortex - White Hole.” Taizong said from all the way above ground, sending a white hole flying towards the Stealth Jets as Ferdinand smiled with the Family Head countering this by firing nuclear warheads and a miniature black hole to try and end Taizong. “Part 2 - Love of Wuji He Taijitu!” Wu thought to herself as her swords continued to glow with a pink energy as Ferdinand could barely react in time, causing him to almost lose fingers of his remaining arm. “Darkening Mist.” The Jade Emperor said as mist surrounded the Four Evil and Sacred Animals, as the Hundun easily evaded it, only for the mist to darken on the ground where he and the Allies were fighting as every soldier looked shocked, activating their gear with the Prison Guards watching from Akaria, sniping at the weaklings of the Red Lane with Samantha fighting against Minamoto with the Wife attacking Wu alongside Ferdinand, chaining herself up to withstand the fan’s knives and attack the Wife as Ferdinand stabbed her in the chest. “Part 3: Final Love of the Jade Emperor!” Wu said as pink energy was being absorbed into her twin Swords as Satoshi used his Eye from above to see black energy in the left sword and white energy in the right sword. “So its also Yin and Yang energy, thus likely representing the concepts of dark and light with male and female.” Satoshi explained as the Man noticed a bolt of lightning attacking him from above, as it was instantly absorbed into his sword as Samantha punched him straight in the back. The Berbalang attacked with scores of people being attacked with the Sigbin survived, using their tail to attack multiple beings. “So these creatures are dying one by one.” The Family Head thought to himself as the Alan fought casually against numerous soldiers with the Nuno sa Punso attacking others by cursing numerous people of the 2nd Gang, causing urination of black liquid, swelling, vomiting and sickness as the Amalanhig, Aswang, Batibat, Bungisngis, Busaw, Kapre, Pugot, Sarangay and Wakwak appeared and fought the creatures without mercy as Pangobo watched from his building. “So everything is both falling apart… and… going well.” He said to his personal gang as the creatures the Prison Guards summoned were slowly falling apart by way of the Family Head and this third Party that he questioned the identities of as the Minokawa fired numerous sword-like feathers at all of his enemies with the Family Head looking on from his seat on the Jet as Damien looked deeply enraged. “Sakura… I will get you.” He thought to himself as he teleported to the Other World, being the disappearing Boy once more, attacking numerous people on both sides. “NOW! FIRE AWAY!” Kulana screamed as Kublai used the Nine Dragons Sword to summon numerous dragons to attack Saint George as Damien teleported him away only to see huge swathes of the Family Head’s military gang being annihilated in fire, water, earth and lightning as the Family Head looked visibly annoyed, firing huge nuclear payloads only to see Ferdinand being kicked away by Wu in the chest with the Man sending him flying back however… Damien appeared and teleported him away, saving him. “You have grown stronger.” The Man said as Samantha continued to attack him to no avail as Wu aimed her swords straight at the Jet’s underside, damaging it slowly only to be sent back flying by the Family Head’s Wife as Wu blitzed her. “FINALLY! I GET TO FIGHT THE BITCH!” Wu screamed as the Wife used Tessenjutsu to mercilessly attack her only for Wu to dodge all of the attacks, slashing her arm nearly off only for the Children to attack her without mercy. “My Spirits are going.” Pangobo thought to himself as the 10 Emperors went full scorched earth, annihilating most of what was left of Akaria. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Form - Ringtail of the Emerald Gaze.” Xuanye said as Satoshi himself murdered scores of soldiers and gang members alike as dark slashes devoured several Dalaketnon as Pangobo was visibly getting slightly more annoyed. “Cheng Ying: Lunar Form - Night’s Shining of Life and Death.” Xuanye said, summoning both night and day from his sword as the Dalaketnon felt severe damage to its numerous copies. “Diandao Yinyang Woxuan Zaohua (Reversal of Fortune - Reversal of Yin and Yang)!” Emperor Wu said, causing the very world to bow to him as numerous clones were immediately attacked and fell… disappearing permanently with the Wife of the Family Head looking horrified as multiple Spirits were slowly falling and as Satoshi attacked the Dalaketnon… it fully disappeared, now absorbing itself into his hand as the State of Brahman instinctively activated. Hajime appeared in the School, fully ready to confront the Headteacher over his Betrayal. “So… Mr Headteacher… I take it you assumed I was dead?” He asked Mr Harimatsu who smiled with a jolly look on his face, staring at him. “No… I never assumed… in fact, I am glad you are alive. You can return to your post at will.” Mr Harimatsu said, facing no fear whatsoever. “No… I won’t.” Hajime said as his injuries revealed themselves somewhat. “Very well… but I question… how did you survive?” He asked Hajime who remained calm. “I have the power of a Dragon too… hence why I could be resistant to his dragon’s attacks. He knew that he couldn’t truly kill me. If I did die… I would regenerate somehow.” Hajime explained as Mr Harimatsu recognised his potential, simultaneously observing a possible new way to betray him. “I see. You may return back to your dorm… or fight against both Gangs.” Mr Harimatsu said calmly and kindly, knowing that Hajime would inevitably suffer the death of a fool… the very thing he cursed Damien with. Hajime then teleported over to the Green Lane’s Prison, which was now mostly empty. “Excuse me… may I check something?” He asked the Old Lady, Miss Ferdinand who softly smiled, only to whisper something into her ear which shocked her. “Please do!” She said, as he walked off, fully ready to end Pangobo’s drug monopoly here and now… only for the Prison Guards that remained from the ritual earlier on to overwhelm him. “Now, do whatever you must.” Hajime was told, thereby allowing him to destroy the Prison of Manaha Banang from the inside by burning any future drug supply, thereby annihilating a significant method of Pangobo’s income and just as the Guards were about to get him… they were burned alive as Hajime walked out of the scarlet red flames, now ready to do immense damage to both Gangs however possible.

“Attack the enemy!” He screamed to his forces, still in his deluded stupor as they all did so with Samantha looking horrified and her Geisha finally appeared beside her, ready to help out in any way possible. Despite this, earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes and all other natural and now cosmic phenomena were devouring the entirety of the Akarian continent. “You’d kill a child?” Danjong said as he was already shot in the leg once before, only to then be grabbed once more and pushed into the ground by the Family Head, and shot in the leg once again as the Family Head maliciously smiled… only to see Danjong disappear. “Dalaketnon: Arise.” Pangobo’s voice said through the Family Head who now looked frantic as the Dalaketnon from the Second Gang appeared, having fully duplicated into the Jet with everyone from the 10 Emperors, the Kings of the Purple Lane and Minamoto no Yorimitsu appearing, ready to end him. “YOU DAMN BETRAYER!” The Family Head screamed as Mr Harimatsu calmly watched on from the School, having long waited for this. “Surrender now.” Samantha said, punching the Family Head straight in the chest, sending him flying into the edge of his Jet. “Damn whor* of a girl… if that Spanish wanker, Ferdinand didn’t get you free… you would be tortured, battered and mutilated and gone by my hand.” He said, spitting with malice with each word he spoke. “You guys are pedantic… and foolish! Arresting me won’t get you anywhere!” He said, visibly ready to handle the legal side of things if necessary. Everyone appeared in the House which was still untouched as everyone was slightly amazed, with the Man looking down, realising that his Lane that he worked so hard to build up was gone. “It appears that Pangobo waited for this… his gang is still at his base… but we don’t know where he is.” Kulana explained as he healed Sejong after some time. “A day has barely passed and billions are likely to die given the spread of the Bakunawa’s attacks. The world at large may be a cornerstone for Pangobo’s plans. But identity is enough.” Kulana continued to explain as everyone looked solemn. “Yea, but the world itself will remain untouched because of how big Akaria is.” The Jade Emperor then said, chiming in to continue Kulana’s explanation as Satoshi looked shocked, realising that something was off. “Where’s Sakura?” He asked as her closest allies were shocked but readied themselves. “I have a feeling… that Damien took her.” Kulana said as Satoshi was deeply angered by this, remembering when he non-consensually violated her boundaries only a few months ago. “If he does something to her… I swear…” Satoshi thought to himself, clenching his fist in rage as Kulana managed to calm him down. “Relax…” He said calmly, using Ayurveda to heal his soul miraculously. Ferdinand appeared in the Headteacher’s office as though he was willing to make a concession. “Sir… we need time to reinforce our own defences. The School may be taken over one day.” Ferdinand suggested to Mr Harimatsu who calmly smiled upon learning this. “What do you suggest?” Mr Harimatsu asked Ferdinand, with the Spaniard blissfully unaware of the fact that Pangobo was on the phone next to his paperwork, listening the entire time. “1 month. The Trauma of the Family Head dying-!” Ferdinand was about to say as Mr Harimatsu briefly silenced him. “You may speak his name. It is Mareno.” He said calmly as Ferdinand looked amazed upon learning this. “Yes… the trauma of Mareno committing suicide in front of us was deeply tragic. I suggest that having a month will allow us to improve ourselves for the final showdown with Pangobo’s gang.” Ferdinand explained calmly as Mr Harimatsu smiled. “Of course… and it will allow you to wind down too.” Mr Harimatsu explained, ultimately agreeing to this. “Thank you.” Ferdinand said, walking away as he teleported to Samantha in Satoshi’s house. “Samantha… we have a month to prepare for the final confrontation against Pangobo.” He explained as he bowed down, fully ready for the inevitable fight. “1 month, hm? You must train.” The Man said, staring at Satoshi intently, knowing that he was the main face behind the resistance against Pangobo. “Yes… you must train. We will all train you.” Yi Jing said, cryptically crowning Satoshi the leader of the Black Crows as he and Sakura were the final members of the Black Crows, smiling at her final successor. “Are you sure?” Satoshi asked only for everyone to stare at him. “Yes.” Everyone said in unison. “He is so f*cked!” Danjong said comedically as his sisters held themselves together with Yi Jing laughing whilst holding her face in her hands as Samantha appeared with only 5 Geisha left, one of which was Amalen herself. “The others died in the nuclear disaster.” Samantha said bluntly.

The second day of the month

Satoshi woke up, readying himself for his training, to which the Man got up and readied himself for his training session with the White Spirit only for Ferdinand to also ready himself for training with the Man. “So you’ll be training too, eh, King Cid?” The Man asked, with Ferdinand being confident in this statement as Satoshi activated the State of Brahman now nigh-on instinctually, teleporting everyone over to the World of Brahman with Ashoka himself appearing now in his elder form. “Ready for your training, Satoshi?” He asked as Ferdinand was visibly surprised, questioning who this elder was. “Let us begin. I will train with the Golden King and you, Wu and Xuanye will train with Satoshi, to maximise the mastery over the Cheng Ying… because there may be a time where you two fight against one another.” The Man said as Ferdinand stared at Satoshi briefly, only to focus on his own slain arm, never forgetting that Damien cut it off. “Let us begin.” The Man said as Ashoka was the referee, immediately readying themselves for combat as upon the two clashing even once, Ferdinand looked horrified. “My arm… its as though I am going to die in one swipe!” Ferdinand thought to himself, immediately trying his absolute hardest to stay alive, clashing swords briefly. “You’re not bad for someone from that part of the world… you remind me of a Lord of Wind I fought 200 years ago although with one arm, your potential is something good.” The Man said as Ferdinand was barely able to keep up with his speed, being a mere blur to his eyes, only to barely stop his single attack. “Focus! Concentrate your form in your arm alone.” Ferdinand thought to himself as he flexed his arm, focusing and tensing his arm, relaxing himself to some degree with Minamoto looking slightly unsurprised as he was then kicked in the chest by Ferdinand, understanding this was a feint without doubt, grabbing his foot. “This guy… to think Satoshi fought him… and that he survived… he is far stronger than myself… even that old lady from earlier can’t compare, not in speed… and nor in raw strength. Light must be a mere blink of the eye to him.” Ferdinand thought with humility. “The lack of his arm is fully seen and evident because I acknowledge that if he had both arms, he would be a good match.” The Man thought to himself with confidence as he twisted Ferdinand’s ankle and pushed him into the ground, seemingly intending to cut the young man’s ear off however in the nick of time, Ferdinand used his sword to stop this, placing his sword at the tip of his ear only to be kicked in the chest with an intense amount of force. “Just how strong is he?” Ferdinand thought to himself, immediately deciding to get serious as he began dodging every strike that the Man dealt with extreme difficulty as the final slash the Man dealt… ultimately cut two fingers off Ferdinand's remaining arm. “You should consider it impressive that you are able to adapt to your non-dominant hand with such a legendary blade.” The Man explained as Xuanye looked shocked, seeing how skilled Minamoto was. “He could likely kill everyone of us in one slash! Including Grandmother!” Xuanye thought to himself in amazement and absolute shock as Ashoka smiled and gave Ferdinand the ultimate gift: Both arms fully restored as Ferdinand was visibly amazed. “How?” He asked the elder. “Fragarach is a weapon of immense potency. It is like Excalibur although unlike that sword… with the Fragarach, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover; however this is based on one’s relativity to the wielder although it is true in full. It is the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of existence, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its full power use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. Despite being released afterwards and no matter how fast the opposing attack is cast, Fragarach always strikes first by changing the flow of time to rewrite events so that it makes its own strike against the enemy before the opposing move was ever made in the course of the world. Rather than just rewriting events to gouge out the heart of the enemy, it is severing the fate of the combatants, reversing and changing the flow of destiny of both the user and the enemy simultaneously killing each other with their attacks. The attack of the enemy, returned to a point where it "couldn't happen" due to the user being struck down by Fragarach, is wiped out by the laws of the world and the infinity that composes time. No matter the power or speed of the ability, it is impossible to use if the enemy is defeated and has all of their later actions voided before they even have a chance to attack. It is an ability using one's life as bait to counter a one-turn-kill to win the battle that both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Its full power is the ability to remove all powers from existence however when used against thee, as Damien did… its mere summoning caused ye to become unmoving because of his mastery over the blade - its limit is that its range is 1 person… per every usage.” Ashoka explained as Ferdinand was slightly shocked, realising what Damien was truly capable of.

“That said… thy sword of Tizona is also just as capable as Fragarach. You bear three swords: Tizona, Colada and La espada lobera, literally: "the wolf-slaying sword”. The Tizona is undoubtedly the most powerful of the three swords. Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth).

Thy second kingly blade, the Colada is a sword of similarity to the Tizona. It frightens the unworthy if danger is verily befalling of thee in a mode of constance. It is a holy sword, and as such like Tizona it has the ability to slay devils and other creatures of darkness such as vampires and ghouls, with also the properties to slay dragons and dragon-related beings with ease as well as cleanse demonic objects and magic. Colada can also generate a bright light from it's blade, thus earning the titles as the "Twilight baptism sword" similar to how Excalibur can release a blast of light from its tip with the sole goal to rid the world of evil.

Here is a poem regarding its potency by the former wielder Martin Antolinez:

Martin Antolinez mano metio al espada.

Relumbra tod el campo: tanto es limpia e clara.

Diol vn colpe, de trauiessol tomaua.

El casco de somo apart gelo echaua.

Las moncluras del yelmo todas gelas cortaua.

Alla leuo el almofar, fata la cofia legaua.

La cofia e el almofar todo gelo leuaua.

Raxol los de la cabeça, bien a la carne legaua.

Lo vno cayo en el campo e lo al suso fincaua.

Quando este colpe a ferido Colada la preçiada.

Vio Diego Gonçalez que no escaparie con el alma.

Boluio la rienda al cauallo por tornasse de cara.

Esora Martin Antolinez reçibiol con el espada:

Un colpel dio de plano, con lo agudo nol tomaua.

Ya Gonçalez espada tiene en mano, mas non la ensayaua.

Esora el ynfante tan grandes voces daua:

-¡Valme, Dios glorioso, Señor, cúriam deste espada!-

Martín Antolínez took his sword in hand,

it lights up all the field, it is so clean and bright,

he gave him a blow, he hit him a glancing blow,

it broke away the top of the helmet,

it cut away all the helmet straps,

it tore off the mailed hood, and reached the coif,

the coif and the hood all were ripped away,

it cut the hairs on his head, and it reached well into the flesh,

one part fell to the ground and the other remained.

When precious Colada has struck this blow,

Diego González saw that he would not escape with his soul,

he turned his horse to face his opponent.

At that moment Martín Antolínez hit him with his sword,

he struck him broadside, with the cutting edge he did not hit him.

Diego González has sword in hand, but he does not use it,

at that moment the infante began to shout,

-Help me, God, glorious Lord, and protect me from this sword!-

The final sword of the Lobera is a sword that could slay wolves such as those used by thy younger, Abram Willis, in a mere blow.

Thy sword bears three attacks in a Trinitarian form:

Cross Baptisma Dragonar (天を守る白龍の規模クロス・バプティスマ・ドラグナー, Kurosu baputisuma doragunā), also known as White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens (Dragón Baptisma Cruzado or Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos) is an ability in which you can fire energy from thy swords. This summons a white streak of energy that expands and forms a shield that protects and reflects incoming attacks for a limited time.

By using both Tizona and Colada, you can use a power called Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー, Baputisumu shīrudo doragunā, lit. Cross-shaped White Scale). It can be called Dragón Escudo Bautismal, in which you fire a cross-shaped white beam of draconic, demonic and holy energy that expands and forms an even bigger shield that reflects and protects incoming attacks, while also serving as an offensive technique that can crush opponents if they are defending against thee without much fear. However, due to thy mastery, you need not use both, even if it is useful.

The sword can enhance thy strength by many a magnitude or perhaps a hundredfold when used fully, including thy speed and reflexes, and as such, you can fire an even more powerful version of Cross Baptisma Dragonar. Named Silver Mirror Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco where you can create from the blade of El Cid or Colada, a powerful flame-like barrier with anti-demonic/holy/dragonic properties, forming a massive beam of silver-coloured energy that, while it doesn't have any major offensive abilities, it can "push" anything in its way, harming if not downright killing anything in it's way.

Now, because of thy swords’ holy qualities related to the Higher Beings (perhaps Molaphiel and them), they are all special and unique. When wielded by a truest warrior such as thyself, ye are known as El Çid which is considered an abomination with a transcendent or higher-dimensional existence which can't be felt or comprehended by any being in this universe including even mineself; since thee bear heavenly apparel and thus also because of thy blades’ inherent status… they and ye become the Transcendent Sword (超越剣; Chōetsu ken) or Espada trascendente wherein thy true title is: As-Sayyid al-Sayf (The Master or Lord of the Sword) wherein ye become a complete master of the blade that wilt ever exist until the Future cometh by. Regarding being incomprehensible to all in the universe… it means that ye are the strongest man in the Universe (with due consideration for the birth and death of the following members of your entire family from start to finish), for a time of:

67 minutes (William I, 1020 - 10 February 1087), 37 minutes (Stephen I of Ivrea, 1065 – 17 May 1102), 37 minutes (Raymond of Burgundy, c. 1070 – 24 May 1107), 44 minutes (Urraca La Temeraria, thy grandmother the reckless, 1080 – 8 March 1126), 68 minutes (Alfonso VI, 1040/1041 – 1 July 1109), 52 minutes (Alfonso VII el Emperador or the Emperor, 1 March 1105 – 21 August 1157), 50 minutes and 51 more (Ferdinand II of León, c. 1137 – 22 January 1188), 23 and 24 minutes together (Sancho III of Castile, c. 1134 – 31 August 1158), 58 minutes (Alfonso VIII of Castile el Noble, 11 November 1155 – 5 October 1214), 59 minutes (Alfonso IX, 15 August 1171 – 23 or 24 September 1230)), 22 minutes (Ferdinand of Castile, 1189 – 14 October 1211), 13 minutes (Henry I of Castile, in Spanish, Enrique I, 14 April 1204– 6 June 1217), 22 minutes more (Ferdinand of León, 1192 – August 1214), 70 minutes (Alfonso of León, Lord of Molina, 1202 – 6 January 1272), 50 and 53 minutes (Ferdinand III of Castile, Fernando; 1199/1201 – 30 May 1252 and thy grandfather) and thy future descendants with the girl Samantha.” Ashoka explained as Samantha blushed slightly upon learning she would be a mother with everyone looking happy for her in some regard, especially the living Geisha and Satoshi with her looking embarrassed as she noticed a ring on her left index finger.

“Thy descendants are: 62 minutes (Alfonso X, also known as the Wise, Spanish: el Sabio; 23 November 1221 – 4 April 1284), 54 minutes (Frederick of Castile, in Spanish Fadrique, 1223-1277), 43 minutes (Philip of Castile, Spanish: Felipe de Castilla y Suabia; 1231 – 28 November 1274), 28 minutes (Infante Sancho of Castile, 1233 – 27 October 1261), 49 minutes (Manuel of Castile, 1234 – 25 December 1283), 66 minutes (Don Juan Manuel, 5 May 1282 – 13 June 1348), 19 minutes (Ferdinand de la Cerda, 23 October 1255 – 25 June 1275), 47 minutes (Ferdinand de la Cerda, 1275–1322), 26 minutes (Ferdinand IV el Emplazado of Castille, 6 December 1285 – 7 September 1312), 38 minutes (Alfonso XI, the Avenger (el Justiciero), 11 August 1311 – 26 March 1350)), 75 minutes (Alfonso Enríquez, also known as Alonso Enríquez, 1354-1429), 83 minutes (Fadrique Enríquez de Mendoza, 1390 – 23 December 1473).” Ashoka explained as Ferdinand looked amazed. “And then… 56 minutes (El Çid, 1043 - 10th July 1099)... thy true power is unlocked where ye are the Strongest Man in the universe as you an imperante principe Emperador Santo (Commanding Prince Emperor Saint). And as for Samantha…” Ashoka explained as Samantha was horrified upon realising how many kids she would have. “Am I fat?” She whispered to her geisha who giggled in response to this, seeing her stomach and giggling. “I-... Samantha… I wanted to do this earlier but I couldn’t… You must wait, young man.” Ashoka said, interrupting this sweetness for blunt facts. “Ye are: ex Ferdinandus cum coniuge eius Sancia regina, imperator fortissimus (from Ferdinand with his wife Sancia or Samantha, the strongest emperor), imperator magnus (great emperor) dominissimus imperator (most lordly emperor) and by the power and assent of Christ king of Spain (pro Christi nutu at que potentia Hispaniae rex), ye shalt bear the "imperial crown made of gold and precious stones, fitting to his dignity" (corona imperialis) and thus you are Glorious Ferdinand in all the Spains to reign" (gloriosus Ferdinand in omni Spanie regnaturus) as the Regis Legionis (King of León), Rex Hispaniae (King of Spain), Rex Hispanorum (King of the Spanish) or Rex Hispaniarum (King of Spain) whereas Samantha is the Imperatrix omni mundus et totius hispanorum (Queen of all the World and the Spanish). Thus, al-Imbraţūr dhī-l-Millatayn is thy hidden title where it is classed as Emperor of the two religions like Alfonso therein. Now ye must learn the truth of absolutist hardness henceforth:

In thy certification of death which can verily ne’er be pontificated:

We face "inconsolable grief, for he saw himself in him [Fernando] as if he were the mirror of his life" (luctus inconsolabilis genitori, quia in ipsum tanquam in uite speculum contemplabatur). According to the Chronicon mundi, Alfonso VIII "received consolation from the multitude of gathering armies even though he was sick at heart from the death of [his] son". The anonymous Chronica latina regum Castellae, written towards the middle of the century, claims Queen Eleanor threw herself on Ferdinand's body, clasped his hands and, putting her mouth to his, "strove either to revive him or to die with him" (nitebatur uel eum uiuificare uel cum eo mori) and that is thy mother’s and father’s actions.

The king's first action after his son's death was to make a grant to the Hospital del Rey y de la Reina on 28 November. In the charter he "devoutly commend[ed] to the King of Kings the spirit of my dearest firstborn son, don Fernando, whom by the disposition of divine grace I could not have as heir to the throne of my kingdom." The next day, 29 November, he made an endowment to the house that held Ferdinand's remains, Las Huelgas, attributing the latter's death to divine clemency: "Whereas by the disposition of divine clemency I, Alfonso, by the grace of God king of Castile and Toledo, was not permitted to have our dearest son don Fernando (may his soul merit the enjoyment of eternal rest) as successor to our kingdom, so that he might acquire the celestial kingdom for himself. . ."

In 1212, one of the troubadours who frequented Alfonso's court, Giraut de Calanso, composed a poem, "Bel senher Dieus, quo pot esser sufritz", a verse lament, or planh, to commemorate the death of Ferdinand (Ferran in the Occitan of the poem). Giraut writes thus there "was such a prince seen or heard" (anc filhs de rei non fon vistz ni ausitz). Drawing on Ferdinand's English descent on his mother's side, he praises the infante as the equal of King Arthur. In death, ye shalt exceed the riches and virtues of Henry the Young King, Richard the Lionheart and Duke Geoffrey II of Brittany—the brothers of the queen of England Eleanor:

Qu'en lui era tot los pretz restauratz = For in him all the worth was restored

Del rei Artus, qu'om sol dire et retraire, = of King Arthur, of whom they said and declared

On trobavan cosselh tug bezonhos. = that all those in need found good counsel.

Lo larc e.l franc, lo valen e.l grazitz, = The generous and frank, the worthy and attractive

Don cuiavon qu'en fos esmendatz = of whom men thought that in him were increased the qualities

Lo jove reys, e.n Richartz lo prezatz = of the young king, of Richard the high renowned,

E.l coms Jaufres, tug li trey valen fraire = and of the Count Godfrey, all the three valiant brothers

In a subsequent list of countries in which Ferdinand will be mourned—"from the river Jordan" (del flum Jordan) as far as France, England, Germany, Saxony (Samsuenha), Spain and Aragon—Giraut is "reminding us ... how far the power and prestige of Castile and the networking sphere of Plantagenet power extend" Ashoka explained as Ferdinand nearly broke down crying upon learning this. “How do I die?!” He asked in obvious outrage. “Even the strongest falls to the hand of Death. Betrayal of the Englishman you knew you slayed thy hand with Fragarach, Damian… and war corrupts he and all who know him… ending in the Devil’s end. This is what Samantha will concur at thy grave of partitioning ways - one of eternal and one of temporary sacrifice for a better and peaceful end:

"He was tall, a little more than average, and thin and ruddy, and his cheeks had a few freckles... very patient to all who wanted to talk to him, even if their speeches were ordinary or not well-reasoned..." as said by your beloved.” Ashoka said as Ferdinand’s eyes cried rivers but he remained silent, his mind looking saddened beyond doubt yet he held it together for himself and those around him. “Damien?” He thought to himself with fear, only for this to be momentarily interrupted by Ashoka’s speaking: “You are the El Campeador Santo Fernando Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (The Champion Saint Fernando III) for your father was Alfonso where you henceforth were named after thy grandfather, Ferdinand, a man of extreme strength.

El Cid, whose real name was Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar, exemplified the spirit of the Reconquista. He was a formidable warrior and a respected military leader, renowned for his loyalty. El Cid’s encounter with the powerful Moorish champion, Búcar. In their fierce duel, El Cid wielded Tizona with exceptional skill and managed to strike a fatal blow, defeating Búcar and securing a decisive victory. That is thee, Ferdinand.” Ashoka said as a tear or two came out of Ferdinand’s eyes, revealing his once golden locks becoming black for his eyes now browned like the hazel in winter’s morn… for he became his true self… Ferdinand, the High Prince of Spain. “Now you may continue your speech with Samantha, the bearer of thy family.” Ashoka said as Ferdinand went on one knee holding a ring in hand as his eyes were brown because of blindness in relation to misunderstanding the facts of his true death. “Samantha… will you marry me?” Ferdinand said, placing the ring on her finger softly as she blushed like crazy. She wanted to faint. “I… Y…e…s… considering you saved me from the Family Head… I think I will.” She said confidently. “HA! AND TO THINK MY SISTERS ARE still VIRGINS even at such old ages!” Danjong shouted to which his sisters, Hyeonghye and Hyeongsuk glared at him in rage as the Geisha laughed. “Why must you be so impotent towards thy siblings?” Sejong asked, to which Danjong looked slightly scared upon being asked.

“So… the final battle will be coming soon?” Satoshi asked himself with slight fear. Jupiter stared at Satoshi, observing his every part as the Cheng Ying was now mysteriously repaired with purple energy constantly swirling around. “Thus, he is strong.” Jupiter thought to himself. “Thus… it appears that thy ally wilt become thy enemy in due time.” Jupiter said as Ferdinand looked stunned, sensing just how powerful this enemy of Satoshi’s was. “You must go back to the land of the Blue, even if it wilt be nuclear-bound. Fighting Pangobo wilt be meaningless since his gang has completely taken over the entire continent of Akaria. That gang will require all of thy forces to end but if you fight Pangobo, you will die because of his skill in gunmanship as he did a grievous act on the first day of the Month, in taking out the Akarian stronghold in the form of the castle.” Jupiter explained as Samantha, Ferdinand and Satoshi looked horrified, if not stunned at the very least. “Just because you can destroy cities, countries, continents or universes or multiverses or whatsoever you will say as thy power… you cannot fight Pangobo unless you act on a plan or fully kill him here.” Jupiter explained as Ashoka calmly smiled. “He is right… fighting him would result in thy death even if you jump him with Samantha in revenge for Amane.” Ashoka explained as Satoshi reminded himself of when Amane took his own life, saving Satoshi back then after fighting the sniper and each sniper of the 2nd Gang’s helicopters. “Where do we begin?” Satoshi said with conviction as Jupiter smiled and revealed his key. “The teeth of the key can be used to teleport between different dimensions… or… you can use thy sniper if you have one and use the teeth by transforming it into bullets by way of thy state of transcendence or by using your eye to manipulate transformation on the quantum level. Turning the teeth into bullets… will allow you to intercept twice. I wilt control time twice for ye and teleport the others over to your houses… for I saw there is a tunnel underneath the Saharan… connecting thy house in that desert there with thy house in the Blue Lane. Via transitioning you into a state where you kill Pangobo Takayushi with one hit in direct vision of him, he will die… and the second state wilt be you killing him from here as a hole will appear in this trans-dimensional world transcending infinity, eternity and all such humane words created by the elder here you call Ashoka… use that hole to shoot him straight in the head, thus preventing any form of contact with you… which will lead to thy final battles where a man of positional trust will become thy worst nightmare.” Jupiter explained, giving Satoshi the key to execute the plan. “So what you are saying is that Pangobo will die twice? What of the gang?” Samantha asked, visibly concerned upon learning this. “His gang will inevitably commit suicide by way of their bullets. His gang is a house of cards… they will simply transition into a state of ultimate dissolution.” Jupiter said as his eyes were all she saw as she looked down, remembering when she heard Amane’s sacrifice a building away in the Red Lane.

“Let’s do it!” Samantha said as Jupiter used his key to summon several doors, teleporting every other ally barring Ashoka himself away as Ferdinand himself was mysteriously teleported to the School. “Now then… kill him.” Jupiter said as Satoshi used his sword to slice Pangobo in two, with Samantha punching his lower half; with time freezing as the real Satoshi saw Pangobo smoking a drug-fuelled cigarette… the latter unaware of the former’s dastardly actions. “Kill any enemy that comes near you.” Jupiter said to his allies, as Satoshi used the full power of Blood Poison aimed straight at Pangobo’s head as the Personal Gang members which numbered 20… were ruthlessly blown up in the blood explosion that would likely ensue with every single ally of his helping destroy the Thought Police and armies of the 2nd Gang, however… Mr Harimatsu had heard these sounds, to which he looked slightly angered, but maintained an intensely calm composure, to which he called Damien over to his office. “Now… the month is over. Ferdinand is here and Hajime… has been promoted to the same station as thee.” Mr Harimatsu said as he was turned around, hiding himself. “So… Sakura… the end can begin.” Damien thought to himself with a cold smile, fully ready to see the future he saw come to pass. “So you have finished, Sakura… but when the time comes… you will be ready for the End where control is thy own vision and ears.” The Devil said to Sakura as she had now completely mastered Enchantment seemingly over the past 30 days.

End of the Month

“Let’s kill Pangobo!” Samantha said as Jupiter used his key to summon several doors, teleporting every other ally barring Ashoka himself away as Ferdinand himself was mysteriously teleported to the School. “Now then… kill him.” Jupiter said as Satoshi used his sword to slice Pangobo in two, with Samantha punching his lower half; with time freezing as the real Satoshi saw Pangobo smoking a drug-fuelled cigarette… the latter unaware of the former’s dastardly actions. “Kill any enemy that comes near you.” Jupiter said to his allies, as Satoshi used the full power of Blood Poison aimed straight at Pangobo’s head as the Personal Gang members which numbered 20… were ruthlessly blown up in the blood explosion that would likely ensue with every single ally of his helping destroy the Thought Police and armies of the 2nd Gang, however… Mr Harimatsu had heard these sounds, to which he looked slightly angered, but maintained an intensely calm composure, to which he called Damien over to his office. “Now… the month is over. Ferdinand is here and Hajime… has been promoted to the same station as thee.” Mr Harimatsu said as he was turned around, hiding himself. “Let us fight. And then you deal with Mr Harimatsu. I just wanted you to know that Samantha is pregnant. During your month, we had- TMI. Let’s fight.” Satoshi said as Ferdinand was surprised; just as Satoshi immediately readied himself, removing the Cheng Ying as the two fought. “Give it everything you got.” Satoshi said as the two clashes; blade to blade with Satoshi immediately using Lunar Form only for Ferdinand to use Tizona to casually block the sword, kicking Satoshi in the stomach. “Allow me to show you my final form if you will.” Ferdinand said casually as everyone in every Lane and every dimension existing within the Universe felt a rupture from the School, to which every single person from the Jade Emperor to Empress Wu and her grandchildren sensed this huge burst of power as everyone felt themselves seemingly quivering except Ferdinand’s allies… those that remained.

Satoshi vs Ferdinand[]

“I don’t want to fight you.” Ferdinand said calmly, his golden eyes looking down and then at Satoshi himself. “Why are you hiding yourself?” Satoshi asked as Ferdinand looked shocked, himself unwilling to fight against Satoshi, only doing so for the sake of his life.

The Arrogant Junior King of Britain vs the Humble High Prince of Spain[]

“Those damn flames… I can’t heal because of the conceptual properties of the Samadhi.” Damian thought to himself as he knew that Ferdinand would be a far harder threat as he walked into the room, Fragarach ready as Ferdinand sat there, with his Tizona ready. His guard was up. “Where’s Hajime?” Ferdinand asked as Damien glared at him. “Where is he?” Ferdinand asked, obviously concerned for his junior classmate and teammate. “He’s… gone to fight Aloa. They fought each other to the death.” Damien said only for Ferdinand to notice severe burn marks. “Did you attack him? Did he attack you?” Ferdinand asked, clearly wanting to know. “Yes, he attacked me… I had no choice but to fight back.” Damien then explained, knowingly trying to dissuade Ferdinand from asking any more questions as Ferdinand immediately noticed Damien had the Fragarach, reminding himself of what Damian did a month prior. “Damian…” Ferdinand said, with his sword, the Tizona still on his shoulder, one hand ready to throw down if he had to. No muscle twitched in Damian’s being. It was as though his muscle memory stopped. Like time froze for him and him alone as Ferdinand stood up as Damian sensed something bad was going to go down, looking at the cosmic energy that went into Tizona. “You killed Hajime, didn’t you?” Ferdinand asked, his tone becoming more authoritative. “Yea… and Aloa too. Got a problem with that?” Damian asked coldly as Ferdinand’s eyes looked deeply saddened and annoyed, remembering Ashoka’s words. “Fragarach is a weapon of immense potency. It is like Excalibur although unlike that sword… with the Fragarach, no one could move or tell a lie, thus the name "Answerer". The sword was also said to place the wind at the user's command and could cut through any shield or wall, and that it inflicted piercing wounds from which no man could recover; however this is based on one’s relativity to the wielder although it is true in full. It is the ultimate form of counterattack. It is the "Sword of Retrograde" and an indefeasible weapon of existence, divinely protected by some malicious will, that works by using a conceptual curse to warp destiny and a divine trick that uses time as its blade. It warps causality to always strike the opponent in the heart with a needle thin concentrated blast right before they unleash their ultimate attack. The condition for its full power use is that the opponent must use their strongest attack, and Fragarach must be used directly after the enemy's strike. Despite being released afterwards and no matter how fast the opposing attack is cast, Fragarach always strikes first by changing the flow of time to rewrite events so that it makes its own strike against the enemy before the opposing move was ever made in the course of the world. Rather than just rewriting events to gouge out the heart of the enemy, it is severing the fate of the combatants, reversing and changing the flow of destiny of both the user and the enemy simultaneously killing each other with their attacks. The attack of the enemy, returned to a point where it "couldn't happen" due to the user being struck down by Fragarach, is wiped out by the laws of the world and the infinity that composes time. No matter the power or speed of the ability, it is impossible to use if the enemy is defeated and has all of their later actions voided before they even have a chance to attack. It is an ability using one's life as bait to counter a one-turn-kill to win the battle that both kills the enemy and nullifies their attack, creating a perfect balance between offensive and defensive capabilities. Its full power is the ability to remove all powers from existence however when used against thee, as Damien did… its mere summoning caused ye to become unmoving because of his mastery over the blade - its limit is that its range is 1 person… per every usage.” Ashoka explained as Ferdinand was slightly shocked, realising what Damien was truly capable of.

“That said…thy sword of Tizona is also just as capable as Fragarach. You bear three swords: Tizona, Colada and La espada lobera, literally: "the wolf-slaying sword”. The Tizona is undoubtedly the most powerful of the three swords. Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, they can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence. They also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth).

Thy second kingly blade, the Colada is a sword of similarity to the Tizona. It frightens the unworthy if danger is verily befalling of thee in a mode of constance. It is a holy sword, and as such like Tizona it has the ability to slay devils and other creatures of darkness such as vampires and ghouls, with also the properties to slay dragons and dragon-related beings with ease as well as cleanse demonic objects and magic. Colada can also generate a bright light from it's blade, thus earning the titles as the "Twilight baptism sword" similar to how Excalibur can release a blast of light from its tip with the sole goal to rid the world of evil.

The final sword of the Lobera is a sword that could slay wolves such as those used by thy younger, Abram Willis, in a mere blow.

Thy sword bears three attacks in a Trinitarian form:

Cross Baptisma Dragonar (天を守る白龍の規模クロス・バプティスマ・ドラグナー, Kurosu baputisuma doragunā), also known as White Dragon's scale that shields the heavens (Dragón Baptisma Cruzado or Escama del Dragón Blanco que resguarda los cielos) is an ability in which you can fire energy from thy swords. This summons a white streak of energy that expands and forms a shield that protects and reflects incoming attacks for a limited time.

By using both Tizona and Colada, you can use a power called Baptism Shield Dragonar (白龍の規模十字バプティスム・シールド・ドラグナー, Baputisumu shīrudo doragunā, lit. Cross-shaped White Scale). It can be called Dragón Escudo Bautismal, in which you fire a cross-shaped white beam of draconic, demonic and holy energy that expands and forms an even bigger shield that reflects and protects incoming attacks, while also serving as an offensive technique that can crush opponents if they are defending against thee without much fear. However, due to thy mastery, you need not use both, even if it is useful.

The sword can enhance thy strength by many a magnitude or perhaps a hundredfold when used fully, including thy speed and reflexes, and as such, you can fire an even more powerful version of Cross Baptisma Dragonar. Named Silver Mirror Dragonar (白龍皇の浄化鏡シルバー・ミラー・ドラグナー, Shirubā mirā doragunā, lit. Purifying Mirror of the White Dragon Emperor) or Dragón Espejo Plateado and/or Espejo Purificador del Emperador Dragón Blanco where you can create from the blade of El Cid or Colada, a powerful flame-like barrier with anti-demonic/holy/dragonic properties, forming a massive beam of silver-coloured energy that, while it doesn't have any major offensive abilities, it can "push" anything in its way, harming if not downright killing anything in it's way.

Now, because of thy swords’ holy qualities related to the Higher Beings (perhaps Molaphiel and them), they are all special and unique. When wielded by a truest warrior such as thyself, ye are known as El Çid which is considered an abomination with a transcendent or higher-dimensional existence which can't be felt or comprehended by any being in this universe including even mineself; since thee bear heavenly apparel and thus also because of thy blades’ inherent status… they and ye become the Transcendent Sword(超越剣; Chōetsu ken) or Espada trascendente wherein thy true title is: As-Sayyid al-Sayf (The Master or Lord of the Sword) wherein ye become a complete master of the blade that wilt ever exist until the Future cometh by. Regarding being incomprehensible to all in the universe… it means that ye are the strongest man in the Universe (with due consideration for the birth and death of the following members of your entire family from start to finish)

In thy certification of death which can verily ne’er be pontificated:

We face "inconsolable grief, for he saw himself in him [Fernando] as if he were the mirror of his life" (luctus inconsolabilis genitori, quia in ipsum tanquam in uite speculum contemplabatur). According to the Chronicon mundi, Alfonso VIII "received consolation from the multitude of gathering armies even though he was sick at heart from the death of [his] son". The anonymous Chronica latina regum Castellae, written towards the middle of the century, claims Queen Eleanor threw herself on Ferdinand's body, clasped his hands and, putting her mouth to his, "strove either to revive him or to die with him" (nitebatur uel eum uiuificare uel cum eo mori) and that is thy mother’s and father’s actions.

The king's first action after his son's death was to make a grant to the Hospital del Rey y de la Reina on 28 November. In the charter he "devoutly commend[ed] to the King of Kings the spirit of my dearest firstborn son, don Fernando, whom by the disposition of divine grace I could not have as heir to the throne of my kingdom." The next day, 29 November, he made an endowment to the house that held Ferdinand's remains, Las Huelgas, attributing the latter's death to divine clemency:” He remembered Ashoka saying as this was the present… Damian stood in front of him. “Really?” Ferdinand asked without arrogance as he realised the true gravity of what Damian did. “You killed your best friend?! Damn you!” Ferdinand screamed as Damian fully released Fragarach, pointing it straight at his throat… causing the Spaniard to remain unmoving. “That sword… I can’t even think… damn you, Damien.” Ferdinand thought as Damian slashed both hands as Ferdinand screamed. “Even if you are in your true form as the Strongest Man in the Universe, the Fragarach bypasses such. You are not the Strongest. Nowhere near.” Damian said arrogantly as Ferdinand grimaced. He couldn’t breath as this was it. However… the Tizona immediately activated itself and healed Ferdinand but he still couldn’t move.

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (4)

“Goodbye… Ferdinand.” Damien said as he sensed Samantha and two other people coming. “I am sorry… Samantha.” Ferdinand’s very soul spoke as his concept was ultimately destroyed. “Ferdinand… where are y-!” Samantha said as they were near the Golden Lions’ dorm as they both immediately heard Ferdinand screaming violently to which Samantha and the two people - Ferdinand’s parents - ran in and saw the darkness that Damien had. Ferdinand was ultimately sliced and cleaved in two by Fragarach and Excalibur. “DAMIEN!” Samantha screamed as she blitzed Damien fast enough to not allow Fragarach to activate, punching him square in the chest and hitting him so hard that upon hitting the cupboard at the back of the room, his ribcage completely shattered as the Man, Wu and Yi Jing appeared. “Damn bastards.” Damian said as Ferdinand’s mother was inconsolable and tried everything with Samantha immediately running out of the room. “Where is that damn bastard who started this?!” Samantha asked herself, not noticing Sakura’s limp body as she heard Sakura continually screaming in the room at the end of the corridor, immediately running into it.

Sakura vs Mr Okachi[]

“So… Sakura, you have returned.” Mr Okachi said as he was immediately sent flying back by one hit of Sakura to which he got up and grabbed a pen that had a type of poison within it, firing the tip at Sakura who barely dodged it, only for the Co-Headteacher to then kick her straight in the face, sending her back slightly, causing her to briefly be dazed. “Why do you do this?” Sakura asked, trying to find a moral reason only for Mr Okachi to remain silent and grab a goblet and smash her skull; however she briefly used her wings to defend herself. “Just like Vladimir, hm?” Mr Okachi asked as he was visibly impressed. “I don’t want to hurt you.” Sakura said as Mr Okachi nodded in true disappointment. “Your kindness makes me ill with disgust.” Mr Okachi said as upon Sakura blitzing him once more, the co-headteacher used a goblet that had mysterious black flames and threw it on the floor, causing it to mercilessly spread. “Burn in the fire of Hell.” Mr Okachi said as Sakura began violently screaming, seemingly unable to move. “What is-?!” Sakura asked in sheer terror as Mr Okachi then blitzed her from multiple sides, kicking and attacking her without mercy. “It is good that, as a student, your weaknesses are documented. If I was in my elder state, I would have died nigh-immediately back when you sent me flying. But now I am in my prime, not even an island can take me down!” Mr Okachi said with arrogance in his eyes. Sakura couldn’t speak as the flames consumed her infinitely. Her soul screamed, her heart burned in sheer terror but her body was unmoving. Her flesh was exposed as her dress was burned up except the most private parts a woman has. “I thought you would be stronger but no… you are not. Ironic also that Hell is your weakness.” Mr Okachi said to Sakura as she struggled to even use Enchantment. She was going to die. “I wonder how your dear boyfriend is doing? Which is your boyfriend, naked one? Damien or Satoshi?” Mr Okachi asked as Sakura glared at him with a terrifyingly cold expression as bits of her mouth’s skeleton were visible. “You make me ill.” Mr Okachi said with sheer sadness, essentially revealing that every time he acted as the Co-Headteacher of the School… was a mere illusion. Falsehood. Samantha ran in as she saw Sakura’s body continually burned by black flames. “You make me ill.” Mr Okachi said with sheer sadness, essentially revealing that every time he acted as the Co-Headteacher of the School… was a mere illusion. Falsehood as he and Thomas felt their deaging inevitably destroying itself conceptually and spiritually. “Hajime is dead?” Mr Okachi asked himself as Samantha immediately punched him in the back, sending him into his own flames, allowing Sakura to barely get up. “Where is he?!” Samantha screamed as Sakura was horrified, struggling to even stand as her wings were severely burned. “Who-?! WHERE IS THE ONE THAT FORCED THAT SON OF A BITCH SEXUAL PREDATOR DAMIAN TO MURDER FERDINAND?! THE ONE WHO WAS GOING TO BECOME MY HUSBAND?!” Samantha screamed as Mr Okachi laughed. “None of your business, brat of the Green Lane. You arrested Mr Harimatsu for Satoshi’s child abuse. Don’t you remember?” Mr Okachi said, spitting out bits of black flame as Samantha blocked this memory, remembering this suddenly as she grabbed him with her strength; her face bulging with hatred, veins clearly popping out of her face. “Sakura… cut this bitch down.” Samantha commanded as Mr Okachi laughed. “You wouldn’t… otherwise Damian will likely kill you for me. Me and Harimatsu did well in the end… all of you were fooled.” Mr Okachi said as Sakura did so… only for Mr Okachi to magically regenerate from the black flames, kicking Samantha away. “If you want to know so bad, why don’t you find him yourself… Thot Police?” Mr Okachi asked mockingly as she was sent flying out of the room, laughing as he said this. “Damn bastard,” Sakura said to Mr Okachi who still coldly laughed. Samantha, after being sent flying out of the room, tried to detect wherever Satoshi was. “Where is Satoshi, Damien?” The Jade Emperor asked calmly to get no answer as Yi Jing interjected. “The Arena!” She shouted to everyone’s shock as Damien was annoyed. Samantha was ultimately teleported in a huge murder of crows alongside to the outskirts of the Arena. It was grandeur in design. It felt like an entire city but it wasn't. It was a circular building, with many seats around, the main battleground was large and flat but there were several structures around. For example, there were several colossal statues like great men who stood tall with smiles on their faces and swords in their hands. There were massive statues of dragons and snakes and gorillas and other terrifying beast's. All these structures were made of a smooth stone material that was whitish-grey. In the distance there could be large pools of water seen as well as large pits of sand, and large trees and jungle-like areas. “So, your friend from the Thot Police is gone and petrified.” Mr Okachi said to Sakura who was taken aback, ultimately being attacked by the black flames once again. “Separation Enchant: Black Flames.” Sakura thought to herself, immediately using the mystical powers of Enchantment to separate the Black Flames from Mr Okachi conceptually, thereby deleting his regeneration, knowing that whatever magic he had was simply pointless, as he was visibly horrified. “DAUGHTER OF THE DEVIL!” Mr Okachi screamed as Sakura then activated Deus Zero, and snapped her fingers using her other hand, forcing the goblet Okachi used to attack her… to talk. “That’s one thing I learned from Baba Yaga.” Sakura said confidently as the goblet then said “I will sock you one!” and sprang from its majestic throne like a plunger and attached itself to his face. “WHAT HAVE Y-!” Mr Okachi screamed in sheer horror as Sakura then heard a buzzing sound - was it a bee? Was it a phone? Was… his phone still ringing? Who to? Anyhow, she heard this but Mr Okachi struggled to get the goblet off. “I AM AN OBSCURE ONE! YOU SHALL SEE THE FLOOD OF LUCK AND MAY YOU OBSERVE THE FACT THAT YOU SUCK!” Mr Okachi could be heard saying as the goblet screamed in pain, causing the room to slowly be set on fire. “Is he trying to destroy evidence?!” Sakura thought to herself as Mr Okachi laughed. “As a co-headteacher… I can read all your thoughts as well as those of the other students. After being a student here… I was promoted to Co-head by Mr Harimatsu… and then I merely aided him in ruling the school but he was a druggie… he was a true ironclad man of care and good spirit. You don’t see that… no-one does but me… but I am not going to that damned prison in the Green Lane or in Room A and B of Akaria. Corruption lingers there!” Mr Okachi said as he threw his goblet unto the ground, slaying it forever. “I can see why Muro liked you…but you are a major thorn in our side.” Mr Okachi explained as Sakura was deeply traumatised and disturbed by this sentiment, despite trying to hide her true feelings on Muro as best she could. “Let’s end this. Enchantment: Fantasy Creation.” Sakura said as the entire room then shone a bright white light… with Okachi looking dazed. “Reality Warping?” Okachi asked himself as he was then kicked over his own table, sending him tumbling over. “Now then… get up.” Sakura said as she grabbed him, only to kick her in the stomach incredibly hard with her using Enchantment to warp reality, forcing the floor underneath Mr Okachi to form a chair and bind him in place as the ceiling forcibly manifested a noose. “You bitch.” Mr Okachi said as he knew this was it. “I am only able to stand thanks to Samantha. You should be grateful she isn’t here.” Sakura said, as she had to use around 65% of her power to stand upright as her scars from the Flames were still visible. Sakura then used the Sword of Abolisher’s Reason (Sigil of Reason’s Destruction) to slice Mr Okachi in half as she walked away from the office. “Damn asshole.” She thought to herself as she smiled to herself, knowing her real self was teleported away to safety.

The Final Battle - Satoshi vs Thomas Harimatsu[]

Satoshi walked into Mr Harimatsu’s office as he turned around immediately and smiled at Satoshi. “Satoshi… you have returned. My son.” Mr Harimatsu said as Satoshi immediately possessed his original robes, taking out a golden sword that had many suns on it. “Did you just call me you- Don’t you recognise me, Satoshi?” Mr Fujiwara asked coldly, interrupting Satoshi’s words as his blackened eye spoke everything. Satoshi’s eyes dilated in shock as the memory from the Albanian tower, seeing the graves as one of them said Thomas. His past now returned. *He slowly tip toed down the stares, and stood in front of the kitchen door, where the noises came from. "THOMAS YOU ARE A COWARD! I HATE YOU! WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THAT KID FROM THE DUMP ANYWAY? NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM UNTIL HE TURNS EIGHTEEN!" Screamed Satoshi's mother. "MARTHA! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DIDN'T PICK HIM UP! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAID HE WAS ADORABLE AND THAT YOU WANTED HIM! SO HERE HAVE HIM! I WAS NEARLY ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE THE OTHER DAY, FOR WHAT? FOR SHOUTING AT HIM! WHILE YOUR FAT COW ASS WAS SITTING PRETTY AT HOME, WATCHING TV!" Shouted his father. Satoshi teared up, and squealed, "No. Please don't fight." Upon hearing this slight squealing, the two stopped. Satoshi's father swung open the door. Thomas felt a surge of anger seeing his son listening to them. He screamed at the little boy. "WHAAAAAAAT! HOW DARE YOU STILL BE HERE! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" He then kicked Satoshi, who smacked his head into the wall. But strangely, Satoshi got up. Thomas and Martha stood stunned. Satoshi then looked up at them, his eyes a crimson red colour. "Enough is enough." He whispered, demonically. He then charged at Thomas and kicked him in the head, sending him flying back and hitting his head on the corner of the table, instantly killing him. Satoshi then turned to Martha. Martha was terrified. She stood frozen in fear, her legs trembling. Satoshi screamed, as a red energy was emitted from his body. The red energy set fire to the place, and began burning Martha. Satoshi quickly grabbed his dog, and ran out, crying. The house eventually burned to a crisp, and Satoshi was long gone. "Yes. I killed them. Because I couldn't take control of my powers." Satoshi thought. Suddenly the flashback ended, and Satoshi found himself in a dark room. "Wrong. You killed them because you had to. Enough was enough. You had to protect yourself from their wrath. It's always been about survival for you Satoshi.” Satoshi remembered himself doing and saying in his past as Thomas laughed. “You really are foolish, boy.” Thomas said menacingly as Mr Harimatsu began revealing himself to be only a shadowy figure who was burlesque yet physically fit with a golden ring that had the letter T on it, held firmly on his right hand’s middle finger and a golden watch, held underneath a suit with a blackened right eye as his trademark monocle remained; and a man who was a middle-aged, good-looking man, wearing elegant clothes as brass knuckles were seen on both his hands, as the knuckles said “T,H,O,M,A,S,H,A,R,I,M.A,T,S,U,F,U,J,I,W,A,R,A”, cracking his knuckles and his neck peacefully; as he walked about but kept his original clothes as Mr Harimatsu. "I grew up in an old town in the countryside. We lived in a small house that had a small farm. Nothing special. We weren't poor, but we weren't rich. My parents never loved me, often calling me the 'Spawn of the Devil'. My dad whipped me with his belt, and my mother used to beat me with a stick. I understand discipline, but this was abuse. Straight up torture. Then, for my 6th birthday they gave me a pet dog, who I loved dearly. That was the only gift they got me. A year or so after that, my dog died. He walked into a bear trap which was set up by some local Bosozoku, who wanted to hunt some animals for the black market. My dog's death made me so angry, I was so pissed at the time. He was the only thing I loved in this world. Upon hearing of his death, and my parents' careless reaction to his death, I felt a new energy enter me, like something inside me had been awakened. I don't remember what happened, but when I woke up from this 'awakening', I found my parents in a pool of blood. It wasn't my fault! I soon realised I had to run away, and so I decided to take some of my clothes, and dipped them in the blood. I left the clothes a distance outside the house, so the police would think I was taken away somewhere before being killed. I went to another town, where a kind samurai named Kouyate raised me until he was killed when I was 13. I took revenge for him and wore his white mask. I killed his murderers and soon I gained a reputation. I was called the White Spirit due to my white mask. That is my story" Satoshi said in a sombre tone. The man was lost for words. He couldn't believe this poor boy had to live with so much on his mind. "I'm sorry. Those people weren't meant to be the ones who found you. It was meant to be another young couple, but fate had something different in mind for you. So, when you unleashed your powers, did you hear or see anything?" asked the man. "Yes. Ever since I first unleashed my powers I've never been able to use them again. However, since then I often heard a voice in my head, it told me things. It helped me at times. I couldn't explain it.” Satoshi rationalised to himself as the past still fired through his head, "Well you'd be interested to know that you are the awaited Hero of Mercy. And you are the reincarnation of Satoshi Okami. However, regarding your powers, you are not able to control them yet as you have not received the Stone of Gabriel. It is a purple gemstone with some ancient letters engraved" the man explained as the Gem appeared from his pocket. The man's eyes widened as his mouth opened. "That's the-the stone. We've been searching for it for years now! Where did you find it?" he said with surprise. "I didn't find it. It, found me." Satoshi replied coldly. "Well then, you now are able to fulfill your potential. But you will need to study and train how to become a warrior at the Shinobi Academy in Ninhei.” The man explained calmly as Satoshi stared at him blankly with a cold expression as he put his mask on his face. “No. Why would I need to be some hero when true heroism doesn’t exist in this world? In this world, with light, there will always be shadow; as alongside love, hate is born from the hearts of men and creatures with the defiling of others lower from the subjugation and dictatorial control that those higher give, suppressing all options for individualism and innate desire to sprout like a plant, giving form to ideas that breed false hope in the end. If as you said, that I am some reincarnation, then my destiny has already been set in motion, for an assassin I will always be.” Satoshi exclaimed calmly as he got up, and just as he was about to walk off from this offer, he turned back, looking at the man from the corner of his eye. “My apologies for such a rant.” He said as they both walked outside the shop with Thomas getting up and taking his monocle off. “Oh really? Is that what you know about yourself, boy?” Thomas asked as Satoshi still whispered the words he said to Sakura when he first met her: “I’m sorry, but I was raised in the South, in the Red Lane. I told that man a cold lie.” Satoshi said as she looked up at him with tears, streaming down her face. “What man?!” She screamed in rage, still glaring at him with the fork still pressed at his neck. “The man I met earlier. Let go of the fork, and I’ll reveal all. I can sense the feeling you can be trusted somewhat.” Satoshi revealed calmly, as she did exactly as she was told. “Now then. As I said, I was raised somewhere near the Blue Lane, as I lived with my parents and my elder brother of 1 year difference, peacefully for 6 years. When I was 6, I saw their bodies morph into alien-like creatures as they tried to attack me, as I snapped, causing me to pass out in a panic. The next thing, I knew, I was lying in a pool of blood alongside my older brother, as I kept on waking in and out of consciousness, as the last I saw of my elder brother was him walking away with some woman. I slowly woke up from that state, and ran out, my clothes completely devoured in blood. I ran to a town called Ponawa, where there was an old Samurai, who took me in named Kouyate. He was the nicest person to me, I considered him to be my father. He educated me some more, since my parents already did. He also taught me how to fight. How to kill. How to be stealthy, how to fight with a sword, how to defend myself. He also taught me the Art of the Smoke. A martial art which attempts to defeat an opponent stealthily and quickly, so quick, that the opponent doesn't know what hit him. When I was 10, I was in my master’s dojo, as a large figure bearing a white kimono attacked me with incredible force. After a long scuffle, I felt myself acting on an instinct I hadn’t felt in years, as I also noticed another man coming in and attacking the figure. I didn’t know what to do so I attacked the other figure thinking nothing of it, as I noticed the two violently attacking each other, as the figure in white ran off, having severely injured the one in black, as the one in black stumbled. “Satoshi…. You are truly a good student, skilled art thou. But ye must be courageous, strong and faithful to thy beliefs. Live on, for me, for the corrupt one of Ponawa wast the one who did so, not ye. Ye shalt surpass me in time sure. Blame yourself not for this loss, for ye should fight corruption, even if ye are rogue.” The one in black said as he fell to the ground with his mask still on his face, as I took it off, seeing my Master. “NOOOOOOOO!” I screamed in rage as I took his kimono off of him and wore his kitsune mask with a bunch of weapons I already had with me thanks to his training, having taken his items as well. Later that night, I went to the mayor's castle and slammed the door shut, killing the Mayor, and his guards, leaving only one to tell the tale as the rain poured endlessly, as the Moon shone blood red. He spread this tale to all of the Land of the East, that there was an assassin who was like a ghost. A spirit. And thus the legend of the White Spirit was born." Satoshi explained as Sakura remained confused and still enraged, her face awash with tears. "What has this got to do with my parents?!" asked Sakura, as Satoshi still remained calm. “Listen to me. A year later, having been renowned as the killer of the last living and greatest Samurai in history, I received contract killings from many powerful people, but this one was a contract of 2,000,000,000 yen. The most notable killing if it were to occur. But I made sure to spare those who were innocent. For that killing alone I ‘did’, I was seen as an antihero or outright villain by some. Regardless, the goal in question was to kill King Atsuo and his wife, Queen Emiri. I was told they were oppressive rulers. In the dead of night, I stormed the castle, killing all of the guards and servants through physical strength alone as well as through use of my sword, removing any traces of anyone being there. I slashed the King and Queen’s bodies to bits”, trying to rationalise himself as Thomas continued to laugh violently. “You really think you killed me that day, huh?” Thomas asked as he punched Satoshi so hard that he felt himself passing out, as he immediately teleported the both of them to the Arena. “You NEVER killed me that day, boy! I survived! When the damn police got there, they found your bitch of a mother’s body!” Thomas said as he continued to use jabs, right hooks and left hooks that were so hard that it was as though several walls alongside cheetahs, elephants and rhinoceroses were punched to death. “How did you surv-! You really don’t know about abuse, do you? In prison, you had to survive or die! LIVE OR DIE! KILL OR GET KILLED!!!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi’s nose was broken now only for him to heavily struggle to dodge each attack, even with his Pure Eye. “Your lack of history is f*cking astounding, ain’t it, huh? The Red Gang were split off into the Blue Lane, but bore gifts from the State of Akaria as they were associated with a member or two of the Party. We, on the other hand, were split off from the State as well but we were split off into the Red Lane. But, in that vein, the mayor of the town of Ponawa, near the Red Lane was a corrupt man who allowed the Red Lane to fall into hunger, destitution and prostitution loitering around, therefore fulfilling his basest desires. We were thus unable to defy the Party, as our gang was increasing and expanding in knowledge of others. Those damn bastards in Akaria ruined everything! THEY CAUSED EVERYTHING TO FALL APART! THE THOUGHT POLICE, BOY! You, even though you were a spy, failed to see straight through me. Using Muro’s snake… using that bastard’s snake to learn of everything in the Brotherhood of the Serpent, using a facade… you are truly idiotic, boy.” Thomas said, spitting on the Arena’s ground. “Your eye…” Satoshi tried to say as Thomas laughed maniacally. “YOUR MOTHER RIPPED MY EYE OUT AFTER THREATENING TO LEAVE ME! You never deserved to live, boy. But we still gave you mercy. This fight is just beginning.” Thomas said as Satoshi’s entire face was bleeding heavily.

“Mareno Harimatsu was a mere distant relative. Pangobo was a youthful brat; the thing they had in common? They assumed they could defy my rule but they all failed, see… I was a student at this school… and after my eye was slashed by that dragon… the Headteacher, Mr Gorbinus sealed it away… in time, I became a model student and eventually became the headteacher at the age of 25 where I changed my name to Thomas Harimatsu, taking my grandfather’s name… Thomas Harimatsu. With that… I eventually married a woman named Martha Fujiwara when I was 30… but our marriage was sh*t. She was a whor* of a woman with her habits of drugs and sex with other men, but then you came when I was 40. She was 35. You came in a cradled box somewhere from a destroyed place of some kind ruled by the WMD. sh*t went loose where you were ours. I was eventually arrested for child abuse when you were beaten up, just like this… except worse when you were 3. We constantly argued and Martha, the damned bitch, called the police for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse. THE LIAR! As soon as that happened, she turned and RIPPED MY RIGHT EYE OUT WITH HER BARE HANDS AFTER THREATENING TO LEAVE ME! You never deserved to live, boy. But we still gave you mercy. In mere minutes, a van arrived. Samantha, that bitch of a girl was a young Officer-in-training from Akaria and arrested me along with others as Martha was also fined for neglect. You were bloodied and beaten but somehow you survived. For 3 years, I was arrested. As I appeared in prison, I murdered many, many people. In prison, if you had authority, you were the top. A dog-eats-dog world. The Party constantly maintained its grip on everyone. We had Hate Week and all the rest. Emmanuel Goldstein was our enemy but no-one truly cared. If you’re wondering about my eye, I made a deal a few days after arriving in prison with a man introduced to me by Emmanuel Goldstein himself… who I later learned was an alias for Dr Monty who gave me a blackened right eye… which would be able to petrify someone if I looked at you, similar to Balor, the Irish giant or the Basilisk which is what it was inspired by… but the exchange is that I would have to wait 16 years truly from the day I abused you… to meet you. But I could still use the ocular power. Many prisoners beat me up too… but after surviving in that hellscape where drugs were the commodity, I was released after 3 years.” Thomas explained as Satoshi was visibly horrified. “When you were 6. You slowly tiptoed down the stairs, and stood in front of the kitchen door, where the noises came from. "THOMAS YOU ARE A COWARD! I HATE YOU! WHY!? WHY DID YOU HAVE TO PICK UP THAT KID FROM THE DUMP ANYWAY? NOW WE HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF HIM UNTIL HE TURNS EIGHTEEN!" Martha screamed louder than a f*cking banshee. "MARTHA! YOU KNOW DAMN WELL I DIDN'T PICK HIM UP! IT WAS YOU! YOU SAID HE WAS ADORABLE AND THAT YOU WANTED HIM! SO HERE HAVE HIM! I WAS NEARLY ARRESTED FOR CHILD ABUSE THE OTHER DAY, FOR WHAT? FOR SHOUTING AT HIM! WHILE YOUR FAT COW ASS WAS SITTING PRETTY AT HOME, WATCHING TV!" I screamed as I was once more nearly arrested for beating you up with a crowbar. Your sorry ass comes through, all teared up, and squealing, "No. Please don't fight." Upon hearing this slight squealing, we both stopped our rambling. I swung open the door. I felt an intense anger I hadn’t felt in a while up til that point. "WHAAAAAAAT! HOW DARE YOU STILL BE HERE! I TOLD YOU TO GO TO BED!" I screamed, kicking you in the head and then punching your chest, in a fashion not too dissimilar to now, smacking your head into the nearby wall. But strangely, you got up, blood pouring out of every crevice of your face. Martha stood stunned, regret coursing over her wretched face. Your eyes glowed a demonic crimson; like something otherworldly possessed you. It had. "Enough is enough." You said with a demonic voice and an emotionless, menacing tone. Quicker than a speeding bullet, you blitzed me and kicked me in the head and chest, sending me flying out of the room and into a wall, doing immense damage to my skull and breaking my nose clean. I was knocked out and died at that moment. You turned to Martha as she tried to go on her knees and “apologise” but you held nothing back as terror froze her soul. She never expected anything like this from you. A child. A plaything to us both. Her snivelling and merciless sobbing were drowned out by your shouting “WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME! I HATE YOU!” as a dark reddish-blue energy devoured the entire house and the fireplace we had went awry. Everything burst in flame as the fire touched Martha to which she tried to got up but was too slow. The flames consumed her without mercy and you took your dog, Sparky, who we got as a present to hide the abuse to others who wanted into our family. To prisoners. To guards and my enemies in the Blue Lane and even the Green Lane. The house was burning as my phone was ringing with Mareno sending coordinates to my house. Needless to say… he personally came and saved me and I was nursed to health in the Green Lane, eventually and inevitably returning to the post of Headmaster. And in the end, I betrayed him.” Thomas said, laughing as he said this, showing how truly immoral he was. “Then someone, likely Kouyate, had Kagutsuchi try and frame me for abusing you, having found me somehow through scouring the Akarian archives. In time, I grew a moustache and purposefully became burlesque. Mr Okachi was someone I gave the rank of Co-Head as mentioned where he took the previous co-Head (Mr Kalavala)’s pointy wizard hat and grew a big grey beard to hide his former appearance. To that end, me and Mr Okachi, a teacher who I promoted to co-head before I was imprisoned, worked together to burn Kagutsuchi up. We did it using Okachi’s goblet of black fire. He screamed and tried to fight me only to suffer. We healed him and he was bandaged up, but he could swear no revenge otherwise he would die… and he was related to Hajime Ando in some way, a distant family member or something whilst looking like an Egyptian mummy.” Mr Harimatsu explained as Satoshi was still horrified. “Mareno eventually found Pangobo who betrayed the former, Pangobo starting a gang at age 16 which comprised of the richer half of the Green Lane’s military whereas Mareno used Akarian tech and many disillusioned men and women, prostitutes and folk of the Lanes who wanted revenge against their overlords for ruling for so long. They both, however… always answered to me. And then… you… were taken to Kouyate after turning 6 since Mareno shot Sparky with the same pistol he would use to take his own life. I waited for you all that time as you were known as the White Spirit, murdering anyone and everyone. The world at large knew you not. But I did. So many others did. Because you see… I engineered your Master Kouyate’s death by way of the Ponawan mayor, everything was accordingly done and now we are here. I suppose that is the best thing about being the headteacher: You learn everything about a student; their blood type, powers, abilities, background and everything about them and thanks to my rank, I hid any information about myself on any database. Things were going splendid… until you murdered the Blue Lane and Red Lane leaders. Spies like Ming-Hua came from Korus as Aloa Arundel, taking new identities but no-one saw the straight truth. It is wonderful that Damien, your once “only friend” is hearing this, you know. Even with the ability to use the weapons and items of Britannia, Gales, Scotland and Irish such as controlling their respective afterlives, heavens and hells in the case of the Otherworld or Annwn (of the Irish and Welsh). He couldn’t do sh*t to me and he knows it. And it is likely he will target the people he thinks don't like him… Hajime Ando and then Ferdinand Cavalon, students who came to the School from Abroad. Looks like me and Okachi didn’t do such a bad job, huh?” Mr Harimatsu asked the beaten-down Satoshi as Damien’s mind began to spiral out of control and sheer rage. “None ever truly liked him. Not Hajime. Not Ferdinand.” His mind thought to himself as he kept on hearing these words… over and over again. Time would not stop. It kept on going forward but backwards simultaneously. “That damned brat.” Thomas thought to himself as Satoshi was still beaten down significantly. “As I said… Damien’s ability to see the future has one weakness… he cannot see the future of those he doesn’t consider an ally and even though he saw this… he failed to prepare for it. Even if I die… the War will merely continue.” He said to Satoshi who struggled to get up, activating the State of Brahman and Pure Eye in the same sequence of time as Thomas smiled. “Get up. Show me what you’ve got.” Thomas said as he barely aged a few years. 25 years to be exact as his body became burlesque with a handlebar moustache. Satoshi finally used his hands, pulling no punches and kicking and punching Mr Harimatsu, dealing no true damage as Satoshi was grabbed from the scruff of his neck and punched extremely hard in the stomach, causing blood to sputter from his mouth, only for clones to appear and attack him to which they were swiftly countered by mere kicks, punches and glances. Satoshi’s body was healed but Thomas was simply too fast as he was grabbed and pushed into the ground repeatedly. “You and Martha are one and the same.” Satoshi said coldly to which he got up as Thomas was surprised. “Never thought I would see the spunk in you.” Thomas said mockingly as he tried to blitz Satoshi only for Satoshi to backflip in response and fire tear gas at him from his wrist-device. “Looks like Damian is going to be arrested.” Thomas thought to himself in slight disappointment as he smiled to himself, knowing that he wouldn’t be able to lose. “Even if everyone in the room where Ferdinand once was doth come down-!” Thomas thought to himself as Satoshi was shocked, to which Samantha got onto the steps of the Arena and engaged Thomas in CQC, to which Thomas smiled and immediately blitzed his own son, inevitably using Satoshi as a human shield, placing his own son in front of himself. “You’re using your own son as a human shield again?!” Samantha asked in sheer disgust and rage as Thomas smiled. “You don’t remember what happened that day? You f*cking hypocrite.” Thomas asked as he noticed Yi Jing and Damien… looking at the former to his shock. “Abusing Satoshi from a young age, nay, anyone… has its advantages. Wouldn’t you agree?” Thomas asked as Samantha was shocked and traumatised, remembering when she saw the bloodied Satoshi at the age of 3 and saw the exact same situation now. “Satoshi, move away if you ca-! No!” Samantha was about to say only for Thomas to immediately scream a resounding “No!” in response as Satoshi immediately used Art of the Smoke, using the tear gas to his own advantage, simultaneously using the knife in his elbow, stabbing Thomas in the pectoral range causing a slight grimace as Satoshi immediately teleported to Samantha’s side. “You really did always want a mother and father to stand you by, eh?” Thomas said coldly, staring at Damien as he also said this who was visibly irked. “You really think you can take the high ground, boy? How can you take the moral high ground after committing sexual assault, potential child abuse and murder?!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi was visibly annoyed alongside Damien however Damian knew that he was in no position to argue. “You will inevitably be arrested, Damian. Your loss will be inevitable. No matter how much of the future you saw… it will end with you suffering.” Thomas said, to which Samantha immediately blitzed herself in front of him and tried to attack Thomas who countered by continually dodging each attack as Thomas jumped over her and kicked her in her back hard enough to crack it. “You’re just like Martha. A foolish, disrespectful woman.” Thomas said to her as he kicked her only for Samantha to barely turn her head and grab his face, sending him on the ground and just as he was being properly pushed onto the ground… she stared into his eye, causing her to be petrified to Satoshi’s horror. “Saman-!” Satoshi was about to say as his sword unsheathed itself, revealing a golden blade that was untouched. “Silence, boy. This is what she deserves.” Thomas said coldly only for Yi Jing to immediately attack Thomas. “You’re Mr Harimatsu? The kind, portly man that allowed me to see my family and gave me an education when I was 12?” Yi Jing said with disgust, immediately using crows to bind and attack Thomas, only for him to use his petrification power on her as she became a crow clone, exploding in a bowl of feathers as she used more crow clones to not allow herself to be frozen. “If I continually use more clones, then I will-!” Yi Jing thought to herself as she somehow felt her real self being grabbed as Xuanye, her brother, immediately blitzed Thomas at the speed of the sun… only to be petrified as Yi Jing couldn’t let go however her crows were also petrified. “So… the crows are also a part of her technique.” Thomas thought to himself as his grip was too strong. “I am sorry… Yi Jing.” Thomas said as he snapped her neck to the horror of her grandmother. “YI JING!” Wu thought to herself as she finally jumped upwards and using her swords to jump down, plunging one of her swords into the ground and began mercilessly attacking Thomas who visibly struggled to dodge her attacks, only for the Man to blitz him from behind. “She’s still alive…” The Man thought to himself as Thomas looked surprised. “You?! The leader of the Blue Lane and the strongest swordsman around… outside of that bastard, Kouyate!” Thomas said as Wu was then immediately petrified, to which Thomas used the Man’s back, jumping off of it as the Man kicked him… only for Satoshi to use the State of Brahman to amplify his physical statistics. “I thought you would be strong enough to beat me alone but the fact that you need to have everyone including the bitch Samantha to fight me…You are still the exact same as you were back then!” Thomas said as Satoshi immediately rushed him, attacking him with various punches and kicks, causing visible drops of blood to appear as he looked surprised. “If I freeze everyone here, I should be able to escape…” Thomas thought to himself as he was taken aback because, for the first time, he had truly been damaged. “I wouldn’t dare think of escaping.” The State of Brahman said as Thomas was visibly frightened. “That same red, demonic energy!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi glared at him. “I am your end.” The State of Brahman said as Damian, Kulana and the Jade Emperor were also taken aback by not only this raw power, but this authority. It was otherworldly. “YOU CAN’T BEAT ME!” Thomas screamed as he activated his petrified eye. “So my weapons… are gone. It appears thus, that I must now activate the Okami.” Satoshi said calmly as his once armoured Okami’s structure turned into a humongous humanoid, becoming a tengu in form and insanely large wings that towered the Arena in size, as Mr Harimatsu looked like a literal ant with only his bald head and burlesque physique being visible with Satoshi using the Okami’s hands to grab Wu, Samantha and all the rest (except Damien), placing them within his own structure for a means of absolute protection. “You may be at thy weakest of strength, say 2% of thy strength… but that is not enough to beat this defence that can shatter planets with a mere stroke of my blade. It is never a hyperbolic statement with this. The Perfect Okami!” Satoshi then said as Thomas immediately smiled, activating 100% of his strength. “Let’s end this.” Thomas thought to himself as he saw Satoshi’s mountain-sized blade firing upon him and doing some visible damage only to regenerate this in mere moments. “Nanomachines, son… or in my case, ungodly good tech.” Thomas said coldly, surviving a slash that could bisect mountains with some difficulty only to then fire missiles that aimed at the crown of the Okami, using them to teleport in front of the crown of the structure to which Damien immediately teleported behind Thomas mid-teleportation and slashed him in the back of the head with the sword Nuada (Claíomh Solais) to leave an unhealable scar on the back of the head, sending him flying onto the ground only for an arm to fly straight at Damien and then the Okami, sending the Okami onto one knee, using its full striking strength as Damien was sent flying away. Satoshi began to vomit thanks to his cancerous illness as Kulana was shocked. “You guys are f*cking idiots, all of you. Even if you kill me… the true King will return anyway. Its time to die… Satoshi.” Thomas said as he laughed, letting off both his arms at the speed of light, ultimately crushing the Okami as Satoshi was sent flying, ultimately passing out. “You should try fighting for what you believe in sometime, boy. Not for a company, or a nation, or for anyone else. The prison system is bullsh*t. Samantha over there could attest to it… but too bad she ain’t alive to see you.” Thomas said as Kulana stood there, adamant. “The Doctor?” Thomas asked as Jupiter teleported everyone away back to Satoshi’s house, taking Kulana away who healed him shortly after, allowing him to come to. “How the hell did you get promoted… what type of fakery did you pull? Manipulation? Abuse? Sex? Drugs?” Satoshi asked with sheer confusion and disgust digging through him. “You son-of-a-bitch. I told you the truth. You see, Akaria is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it -- we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. Burn it down!” Thomas said, punctuating every statement with a punch to Satoshi’s rattled stomach, from his brass knuckles that were immediately restored to him. “And from the ashes a new Akaria will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive -- free to live as they see fit, they'll make Akaria great again! Even with Sakura as Queen, the country is a f*cking maelstrom of a virus… those two bastards Mareno and Pangobo ruined the place. The entire continent has gone to waste.” Thomas explained to Satoshi who was still taken aback. “How on earth did-! I'm using war as a business to get elected... so I can end war as a business! In my new Akaria, people will die and all for what they BELIEVE! Not for money. Not for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to fight his own wars! This here school will be the epicentre of the new Akaria where I will rule perfectly and with peace of mind.” Thomas said, constantly interjecting everything Satoshi said, or at least, attempted to get out of himself, with a kick to the face that sent him flying into the Arena. “30 goes of this here Arena. I can crush it with a single strap of my boot. Watch.” Thomas said, crushing Satoshi’s stomach with a single foot, sending the city-sized Arena crumbling into its foundations. “f*ck the police. f*ck the prisoners. Room A. Room B. Every damned Room. The revolutionaries. They all spewed a bunch of bullsh*t predicated on one thing: That freedom can be achieved.” Thomas said as he laughed. “That place is like Iran and Iraq. America thought they could come in and give the place “liberty”. BULLsh*t! Freedom can only come about through burning the old and letting the new prosper. But then people like you…” Thomas said, lighting a cigarette as he said this. “Come in and ruin everything. Defy us. The Lanes… all of them gone because of your insistence to upturn the status quo. You’re like if the East and West had a kid and took a sh*t on it.” Thomas said as Satoshi looked stunned. “I’ll rid this continent, no, the world of all wars. But if we worked together… everything could be done so much faster. But you won’t. Because of ethics. Because of ‘morality’. In prison, such things came about through power, blood and dominance.” Thomas said coldly as his foot was still pressed on Satoshi’s stomach. “I was wrong. You're not greedy – you’re goddamn insane!” Satoshi said as a clone of his grabbed Thomas and sent him flying, whilst also shooting several rounds of tear gas, gunfire and lasers at him. “You wouldn’t want to be so moral would you? Not when you’re “purging the weak," right? What do you know about “the weak”? You weren't born poor. You've never been hungry. You don't know what it's like to fight and steal and kill just to survive... You don’t know what its like losing people you love, do you? Having children, murdering with the slight hope that you can live to see a brighter future. You’re just like the Devil… a dark cloud spread upon the world which will inevitably block the Sun that the world would be able to watch with excitement. That’s the world I want my children… your f*cking grandkids to live in! Why would I need to be some hero when true heroism doesn’t exist in this world? In this world, with light, there will always be shadow; as alongside love, hate is born from the hearts of men and creatures with the defiling of others lower from the subjugation and dictatorial control that those higher give, suppressing all options for individualism and innate desire to sprout like a plant, giving form to ideas that breed false hope in the end. An assassin I will always be.” Satoshi explained as Thomas laughed, spitting out a tooth. “But you did survive! Through sheer force of will following your own set of rules. With your own two hands you took back your life! You survived all alone… that’s real strength.” Thomas said mockingly as Satoshi coldly minced a single glance at him, shooting a cold glare with two glowing red eyes staring at him like a black crow ready to eat their final catch. “I took back my own life… now I will sure as hell take yours.” Satoshi said as he blitzed behind Thomas and used his sword to strike at his neck, doing no true damage at all. “Try and slice my mouth or neck! I ain’t some bird. You'll fail like the others! You're going down! Die, you little sh*t!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi’s clone used the Asura Manus to manifest an attack that resembled a six-armed three-headed demon firing a thousand hands at once into Thomas’ abdomen, but despite pummelling Thomas at extremely high speed, he barely reacted, merely grinning the whole time as Thomas let his clothing be ripped off his shirt, as his upper chest revealed itself, where tendril-like scars spread out from above his heart to his stomach. “This… this is what you get from being in prison. Scars everyday as a symbol of your suffering. Its a good damn thing old Dr Monty gave me this tech. Alchemy does wonders, you know. I heard your brother, Masaru…got the Philosopher’s Stone. But f*ck immortality.” Thomas said coldly as he saw his monocle shattering with a stomp of Satoshi’s foot. “Die! You f*cking piece of worthless crap!” Thomas screamed as Satoshi immediately used a fireball point-blank range to singe Thomas’ chest as he looked visibly shocked. “That wasn’t bad… compared to surviving a world-cutting slash!” Thomas said as Damian appeared in his line of sight. “Betrayer of words… to think you betrayed me. That comes with a consequence… you wouldn’t know that, would you? English brat… give me your breakfast.” Thomas said as his arm became black. Satoshi looked shocked, unable to respond, reminding himself of what Damien did. “This boy killed Sakura. He murdered your girlfriend.” Thomas said coldly to Satoshi, mocking his suffering with every word… as Damian’s eyes were clearly teary. “Feeling remorse? Regret over Hajime’s death? Sad you couldn’t get your dick what it wanted?!” Thomas asked as Damian was mercilessly punched by Thomas, as Damien used his sword to deflect the punches. “ I'm gonna crush you! You know what? f*ck this war. I just want you dead. You freaks! You're going down! I'm gonna knock you out! Die, you little sh*t!” Thomas screamed as Damien teleported behind Thomas and once more tried to slash him in the back of the head only for Thomas to grab it. “That ain't gonna work. Ready or not, Damian… Satoshi…, here we go...! This is nothing but child’s play!” He said to Damien as he smiled at Satoshi. “My turn. You're nothing! I like you, Damien, so I'm giving you another shot.” Thomas said coldly, pushing Damien into the ground and stabbing him with his own sword, ultimately swatting him aside. “You make me sick. Your rap sheet is going to be long after this, make no mistake.” Thomas said mockingly, however he couldn’t react fast enough to Satoshi using his full force to punch Thomas as hard as he could in the face with the Asura Manus. “That one hurt! This is the greatest fight of my life!” Thomas screamed as he coughed up blood, only for Satoshi to headbutt the weakened headteacher, slashing apart the skin over his heart with a drill and his sword… before jamming his hand over the chest. “YOU SON OF A BITCH!” Thomas screamed in rage like a wounded animal as he looked visibly shocked. “You should be lucky I have mercy.” Satoshi whispered into Thomas’ ear as he stared into Thomas’ blackened eye, seeing a younger version of himself as a demonic visage was all that was visible when he gazed at Satoshi; with pulsating, bloodshot red eyes, a blackened form, a man only covered in shadows, the shadows of the valley of death with a hat covering the man’s innocuously non-existent head. “The HAT MAN?!” Thomas screamed as he was horrified, as though he saw his sins. “Don’t speak about consequences when you know freedom.” Satoshi coldly said as Damien got up as Thomas tried to look around and petrify him. “We’re done here.” Satoshi said, allowing his clone to punch Thomas’ genitalia with extreme force, virtually destroying it and his groin as Thomas recoiled, coughing up blood. “As much as I’d want to hold that disgusting thing… you make me sick.” Satoshi said as Thomas smiled, now crumpled on the ground like the coward of a man he truly is. “You and I… father and son… we’re kindred spirits, we are.” Thomas said as he felt himself growing old thanks to the effects of the deaging furnace by way of Hajime and with his death… came its abrupt end. “Your dream… your drug-fuelled delusion… ends…” Satoshi said as he reminded himself of Kouyate and Damien before this nightmare. “Maybe not... You've guaranteed the status quo will go on, for a while longer at least… War… will continue as an institution. The Devil is in the details, son. As an industry, men will fight for reasons they don't understand, causes they don't believe in… But at least I'll leave a worthy successor... You, Satoshi. You carve your own path, use whatever methods you see fit... You don't let legal bullsh*t get in the way. And if it costs a few lives? So be it… even if an ally dies… it will be a sacrifice for your greater good. Akaria will inevitably live on. Corruption will remain the same. Humanity… is greed… and bullsh*t covered by ‘empathy’ and morality. You really… were… my… worthy successor…” Thomas said as Satoshi coldly scoffed. “Yea, yea, stop going on about it. f*ck you, Father.” Satoshi said as he pulled back his hand and ultimately speared Thomas’ chest. “Kouyate was more of a father than you ever could be… sexual nutjob.” Satoshi thought to himself as Thomas laughed. “However… there was a catch… if I used the Eye against you and you alone… death…” Thomas said as his heart was destroyed from the inside as Satoshi then ripped out both of his eyes, crushing the petrified eye and burning his actual eye by firing a plume of flames from his mouth at it. “Give me the cigarette…” Satoshi said to Damien, as he lit it and threw it at Thomas, coldly and calmly walking away as Thomas Harimatsu, the Headteacher… had now… ceased… as the Arena crumbled to nothingness. “Looks like Hajime… really did kill and betray both Mr Harimatsu and Mr Okachi in the end.” Damien thought to himself coldly.

The Aftermath - Part 1[]

This was only the beginning of Satoshi’s trial. “FIND SATOSHI!” A very familiar voice screamed as Satoshi was teleported outside Mr Kagutsuchi’s office. “Satoshi… Damian… Sakura…” Himari Sato, a fellow student in their year approached the three coldly and with an air of caution. “You killed Mr Harimatsu, Mr Okachi, Hajime, Ferdinand and Aloa and every single person in the Purple, Green, Red and Blue Lanes, didn’t you?” She asked Satoshi who glared at her in disgust. Damien looked on, coldly smiling to himself as he knew that he wouldn’t suffer any blame but remained steadfast… seemingly wanting to redeem himself in some form. “He murdered the Headteacher?” Some students asked as Mr Dempsey, found Mr Harimatsu’s charred body and Mr Okachi’s severed body to everyone’s horror. “You did, didn’t you?” The other girls asked, visibly disgusted as many Class B students went out of the classroom to notice the debacle. “Say something!” Himari said as Satoshi’s eyes widened in horror, clearly still traumatised from his encounter with Thomas. “Surround him.” Himari said as she manifested a puppet or two as Sakura and Damian stepped in front of the two, attempting to mediate the situation. “Hey. It wasn’t his fault.” Sakura tried to say, to which Himari remained cold. “I don’t care. He murdered everyone. He murdered millions! Billions!” Himari screamed coldly to everyone whispering. Satoshi’s face grew pale as the State of Brahman manifested in fear with him instinctively dodging each attack that came from the students as he backflipped. He looked rightfully terrified. He was going to be expelled. “You-you don’t get it. Mr Harimatsu was a facad-!” Satoshi was about to say as Mr Kagutsuchi appeared beside him in a room. “A facade for Thomas? You of all people now know the truth. He burned me for power, leaving a mangled, mummified face. I couldn’t attack him… but I will kill you… even if you are the most skilled student in the School. You are his abused child.” Mr Kagutsuchi said as he snapped his fingers, releasing a huge amount of flaming explosions that blew up, causing immense damage to Satoshi. “I am the King of Fire after all… Hajime is a distant relation.” He said to Satoshi in a raspy, cold tone, the latter of whom was barely able to process this. “EXPEL HIM!” Many students shouted as Damien shouted “NO! YOU WILL NOT EXPEL HIM! IF YOU WANT TO GO TO HIM… YOU WILL HAVE TO GET THROUGH ME!” Damien screamed as he turned to Kagutsuchi as he saw Satoshi slowly crawling into a zygote-foetal position, as tears flooded from his face. The trauma was all too much. “Are you capable of taking all of us down, Alanis?” Mr Kagutsuchi asked Damien who glared at him menacingly. “Considering what happened on this day… I am certain.” Damien said as his true self seemingly spoke up with Satoshi immediately attacking Damien, using all of the elements only for Damien to immediately summon Saint George to bind Satoshi as he then forced Satoshi to bite his thumb, seeing sights of the Future for the briefest of moments. “Satoshi is… the White Spirit.” Damien revealed to everyone’s shock. “It also wasn’t him… who did these acts… it was me. I murdered everyone including Hajime, Ferdinand, Mr Harimatsu and Mr Okachi. Do not blame him or Sakura.” Damian said, witnessing Sakura’s inner conflict considering everything he did towards her; as he felt some semblance of guilt, remembering when Satoshi even allowed him to go into his house in the first place almost a year ago. “Very well…” Mr Kagutsuchi said as Minamoto no Yorimitsu appeared and arrested Damian, sending him back to Satoshi’s house in the Blue Lane, to face justice as a member of the remaining Thought Police who was good named “Juno” appeared, covered in black armour. “You, Damian Artúros Alanis West are arrested for the following crimes in the state of Akaria: Assault, sexual assault of Aloa Arundel, child abuse, threatening to attack minors, neglect, battery, torture, kidnapping, starting a war against Akaria and its people, first-degree murder, third-degree burns on numerous occupants of the Purple Lane at the time of 6pm yesterday evening and the killing of many Thought Police. Because you aided and abetted Pangobo Takayushi in the murder of Amane, helped Mareno Harimatsu, stabbed and killed Sakura Jigoku, the Queen of Akaria and ultimately murdered Hajime Ando, Ferdinand Cavalon and Aloa alongside Thomas Fujiwara Harimatsu in cold blood, you will be arrested for 150,000 years with your Dragon, Saint George being bound in the Animal Realm until further notice by His Eminence, the Jade Emperor. You will be bound, blinded with your glasses held underneath as thy sight will be ripped from you. You will have sexual abstinence henceforth. If you dare think anything of encounters of lust, we shalt remove the source of it with force and non-restraint. You cannot bite your thumbs to observe any future as if you do, they shalt be cut off.” Juno said coldly as Damian looked emotionless. “The Party is beyond such humane ignorance. Nothing will come of nothing. Loyalty to the Party is loyalty to the true Royalty. Freedom is Ignorance and Strength is Emptiness except for the Party. The Party is the true helper of the State, for all shall return to the Party once they perish.” She said as she walked, leaving Damien bound and chained to where he once slept in Satoshi’s house as Minamoto no Yorimitsu stared at him the entire time with cold, blank and expressionless eyes as Sakura smiled at Satoshi softly, now with her children in hand. Every member of the Thought Police and 2nd Gang who fought for Pangobo and Thomas Harimatsu indirectly, were rounded up in Akarian Prisons, tortured and killed. “The True War has begun.” The Devil said from within Sakura’s necklace as Damian could visibly be seen crying underneath his blindfold. Was it out of guilt or something else?

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (5)

The Aftermath - Part 2[]

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (6)

9 months passed. Samantha and her allies mourned Ferdinand. “Samantha… your baby…” Kulana said to her in his hospital. “Yes?” She asked as Kulana’s eyes looked solemn. “I am sorry… your child was tragically stillborn.” He said as Samantha’s eyes dropped, holding her baby’s hands who she named Alfonso. But tragically… he wouldn’t be able to live. “f*ck THAT DAMIEN!” f*ck HIM! WHY DID THAT BASTARD KILL FERDINAND!” She screamed as Kulana tried his best to calm her down. “You must always remember that you have Satoshi and his younger children such as Sora to look after. Treat them the way you couldn’t your own child. Not all tragedies have sad endings.” Kulana said as Samantha broke down crying, her tears dropping on her dead baby, regretting not being there when Ferdinand was sitting there. “I am a failure.” Samantha said as her geisha… Amalen and the other 4 that remained, comforted her in any way they knew how as Samantha contemplated to herself, her soul wanting to join Ferdinand in death but suicide would only lead to more pain.

Outside of that tragedy, Kagutsuchi became Headteacher of the school Mr Harimatsu, once his potential executioner, had ruled over. The Blue Lane was slowly being wiped off of its nuclear radiation, as were the Red and Purple Lanes. The Green Lane was wiped out thanks to the Thought Police erasing it from the annals of history. Their methods were effective. There were only 20 Good Thought Police left, Juno being one of them. As a result of her personal tragedy, Samantha barely interacted with Satoshi, unable to look at Damien or even his direction. Damian was still chained as the Jade Emperor spoke to him but he didn’t respond. No-one could speak to him. It was though his tears that flooded were for something. Something he desperately wanted as Mr Harimatsu’s mocking words rang through his head. “You leave me no choice, Damien. Sakura won’t speak to you. Satoshi won’t. Your delusion, or should I say for thy ears, desire… of love and sex with Sakura bemoans your brain. Know that your actions have caused Samantha’s baby to die.” The Jade Emperor said calmly as Damien smiled coldly but felt a slight hint of regret. “Ashoka… take him.” The Jade Emperor said, whisking him away to the World of Brahman as he felt his spirit appearing in a grey and empty dimension. Damien saw himself no longer blindfolded and with his glasses as Ashoka appeared in front of him, a robed individual of high regard. “Hello, Damien.” Ashoka said as he beckoned him over to a bench that was already there as well as a pool. “Why am I here?” Damien asked as Ashoka looked emotionless but bemused. “Why are you upset? Why are you crying so relentlessly?” Ashoka asked Damian as he looked shocked and surprised. “I… wanted to see someone I haven’t in a while.” Damian said to Ashoka’s slight surprise. “You are too concerned about what was and what will be. There is a saying: yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present.” Ashoka said to Damian’s shock. “You know… when I was far younger, I murdered my brother for kingship and status. It haunted me silently but I had no choice. I thought it would better everything but I did not. It was a chain that bound me until death. Even as I attained Nirvana… such worldly attachments were consuming.” Ashoka said, to Damien who reminded himself of when he murdered Hajime and Ferdinand, the former of whom who he silently considered his best friend but could ne’er truly admit it. “I take it Hajime Ando was the one you considered your best friend despite your actions against him?” Ashoka asked as he nodded. Damien’s eyes began to slightly grow misty. “Yes.” He said as Ashoka calmly smiled. “I can give you a choice. You can either live in the world you came from but the catch being that Sakura will forgive you immediately and you can allow all of your lusts to be fulfilled… or you can meet the man your heart has truly longed for: Your grandfather, Anlawd.” Ashoka explained as Damian wanted to teleport to the Otherworld but Ashoka stopped him. “I…” Damian thought to himself as he knew he couldn’t bite his thumbs because they would be cut off… So instead, he… sucked a bit of his thumbskin that allowed him to see the briefest of moments in the future. “I want to see… my grandfather. f*ck Sakura for now… I will get my forgiveness when it comes.” Damian said abrasively. “Thy language is harsh but good.” Ashoka said calmly as his grandfather, Anlawd appeared with a finger snap as Damian couldn’t help but break down crying as his 13 year old self appeared in his present self (19)’s place, hugging his grandfather as tears streamed down his face. “The war of the Penis hath been lost surely… but the battle of thy desires hath been won for now.” Ashoka said as he disappeared and let the two sit on the bench. “I AM SORRY!” Damian spoke in this World of Brahman and on the outside as he felt his soul finally healing. Everyone was stunned upon hearing this. “It appears that redemption can finally be attained.” The Jade Emperor said calmly, to Sakura’s slight horror and chagrin, knowing that she loved Satoshi moreso than Damien. “Yea… nothing was good after you died.” Damien said to Anlawd who looked empathetic to hearing this, despite having a look of utter disappointment. “My dear child, death comes to everyone. Even the most powerful and most righteous…” He first said, stopping to look at Damien whose glasses were now covered with a mist of sorts. “...And most evil or misguided persons must succumb to death itself. It is ever-pervasive. Your actions have consequences. And in thy case, they are extreme and severe all the same.” He said as Damien looked down, barely able to look his grandfather in the eye out of embarrassment. “But I don’t want to die yet. I thought, that as you said to me… I would become High King.” Damian said as Anlawd calmly stared at him. “You defiled your family name with ye hath done, boy. But I acknowledge… that which the most heinous acts such as assault, be it physical or of the lust-bound type as you hath done… the first step to redemption of any kind… is apologising.” Anlawd said calmly as tears slowly fell out of Damian’s eyes. “How can I apologise? She started i-!” Damian was about to say only to be slapped in the face, causing his glasses to become crooked. “No. Even if she did start it, that is your wanting for her. Her love for you. Your lust. You must apologise… and so must she. Neither of you… not that girl you call Sakura and especially not Samantha can e’er so look at you for Samantha is thus forlorn no matter how hard she can daresay admit it in any level of countenance or balance therein. Apologies…” Anlawd said as he touched Damian’s chest. “Come from the heart. You must let your heart and soul speak all your words. You have done 9 months of being chained, losing all sexual abstinence and having the threat of thy thumbs being cut off. It is time you let the past go and move towards the future. Staying stuck in the past is mere delusion. That is never how I raised you, nor how I wanted to see you live from on high.” Anlawd said as Damian felt something akin to regret. “You bear all the swords, weapons, worlds and knowledge of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, yea, but you still haven’t e’en learned the slightest, no, faintest iota of humility or humanity, Regret has not crossed thy heart. That bridge hath come not. You caused your best friend’s death… your friend’s death, your lust’s demise and your former friend’s suffering in Satoshi. Thou art a kidnapper of children. While I love you… you must be forgiven for your crimes. Talking is merely the start.” Anlawd said as Damian couldn’t do this. He couldn’t agree to this. He wanted Sakura but at the same time, he was, once again, in no moral position to argue any case. His outside body began to move his thumbs and cause his bondages and fetters to shake. “He is moving in response to his spirit likely understanding the gravitas of his deluded actions therein.” The Jade Emperor explained as everyone, especially Sakura and Satoshi, looked shocked. “The heart moves only in response to what is understood.” Wu Zetian explained. “WHAT DO I DO?! WHAT, GRANDFATHER?!” Damian screamed to Anlawd’s visible shock, nodding in slight disbelief. “Apologise. You cannot turn back time to undo anything. Even if you can… don’t. Let thy punishment stay.” Anlawd said as Damian looked deeply annoyed, completely unwilling to accept the reality of his situation. “If you don’t apologise, you will not get redemption. You have the ability of Fionn Mac Cumill to see the future with a bite of thy thumb as well as the powers of King Arthur and all such of the once United Kingdom… and yet still, you are unwilling to acknowledge yourself as the causer of your suffering. Redemption begins with you, no matter how much talking I give.” Anlawd said as Damian looked annoyed, but he knew that no matter how much he tried to dodge everything… he had to apologise. “You cannae come to the side of good after doing what you did.” Anlawd said, effectively beating this into him with verbal talk alone. “Just because thy parents hath died when England was nuked into oblivion by the man you would come to know as your Headteacher, Mr Harimatsu, doth not mean that the past or thy desires involving lack of contact with any age-based females relating to thyself should be fulfilled in a dastardly manner to fulfil man’s desire for sex. At thy age of current renown, you should look to completing your studies and completing your goal, inevitably becoming King… of which you did when you were eighteen.” Anlawd then later explained. “I…” Damian said as it finally got into his thick skull. “Repentance of any kind begins with thy tongue and body. You must acknowledge what you did wrong and improve.” Anlawd said as Damian took off his glasses and wiped off his tears. “... will… apologise to Sakura and Samantha and everyone else… except Ferdinand’s parents since they already died of grief shortly after their beloved son’s death.” Damien said, somewhat mockingly but with regret as Anlawd looked slightly disappointed, given his grandson’s mocking tone. “But… thank you.” Damien said to his grandfather as he hugged his grandfather tightly, to which Anlawd smiled as Damien once again broke down crying with tears appearing underneath his blindfold as he once more slowly began to move his fetters. “I’ll revive Ferdinand and Hajime.” Damien said through his snot-nosed face. “Reviving the dead will only cause Samantha to relieve herself from the world in death… however it will give temporary solace to you both for you can both apologise.” Anlawd said softly as Damian appeared to finally understand what he had to do as his glasses were misty and dirty from his tears. “You do not need to worry anymore… even if you wear your emotions on your sleeve… know that in the end, it will lead to a good end. You must carry our torch… even if your parents are dead… remember this: Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn" ("The red dragon will show the way"). You are our successor… now redeem yourself. Your lustful actions can and may possibly be forgiven by thy suffering victims.” His grandfather said, giving him some form of motivation as he saw himself now back as a 19 year old. “I have faith you will be the King who will lead the Kingdom into Peace. Go, my dear boy… love will always be with you… even if you die by the hand of thy ally… your end wilt be peaceful.” Anlawd said softly as Damian saw his parents’ shadows softly hugging him. “Even though I hath murdered the one who would become the Dragon Saint George… you have done well with him.” Anlawd said calmly as Damian’s outside physical body muttered ‘Saint George… high King… redemption… f*ck’ as he looked happy for his grandson. “Surely… it is time for you to engrave thy name in the Sword of the Stone.” He said as the mysterious elder who once watched Damien doing this when he was 13 revealed himself as Merlin himself who was silent. “Now let thy fate go on. Redeem thyself and thy family name… in both life and death.” Anlawd said, finally disappearing as Damian screamed “DON’T GO! PLEASE! I NEED YOU! PLEASE!!” to which Anlawd said softly “You need me no longer, my child. Let independence be thy inevitable end… my dear King Arthur.” as Ashoka saw the young man sobbing violently on the ground of the grey and empty dimension. “Thus… thy punishment will be done in a day. You have now suffered 150,000 years of torment. It was to be 9 months of physical binding, reflecting how long a child takes to be formed, in relation to Samantha’s suffering… and 150,000 years of mental anguish. You best make this… redemption true henceforth.” Ashoka said to which the Jade Emperor smiled as did Jupiter with his two heads. “Release him from his punishment.” Jupiter said this just as Samantha came in with Kulana, alongside her five geisha and screamed “NO! THIS BASTARD KILLED MY HUSBAND!” to which Kulana calmly stopped her as Damian was released from his punishment. “I-!” Damian said to Samantha who slapped him on the face so hard he was going to pass out. “You think doing whatever it is you did there would solve anything? You murdered someone I loved! YOU CAN NEVER BRING HIM BACK! YOU f*ckING ASSHOLE!” Samantha screamed as blood was already on her hands from her holding her dead baby. “BECAUSE OF YOU, MY BABY…” Samantha said as she grabbed Damian’s clothing with enough force to tear them apart as she forced him to look at her, eye-to-eye. “BECAUSE OF YOU, HE DIED.” Samantha said as she pushed him on the ground, reminding him of his bullies when he was at school as he backed away in fear. “Do you get it now, predator? Murderer? Baby-killer?” Samantha said as Damian looked utterly terrified. “Yeah. I get it. My power corrupted me. My desire for love, sex and belonging swayed me. I sure as hell won’t be able to do anything to make everything better. But there is one thing I can do.” Damian said as Samantha rightfully scoffed. “What could you possibly do? After what you did?” Samantha asked mockingly as Damian began to kneel in front of her as though prostrating, only for her to step on his back in response. “I can… revive Ferdinand and your… dead child.” Damian said in front of everyone, to which everyone looked visibly shocked, especially Samantha who slowly released her foot off of his back. “How?” Kulana asked as Samantha stared at her hands, reminding herself of what she lost on this day and then 9 months back. “I have a cauldron which can revive the dead. Its called the Pair Dadeni. It can restore the dead to life, although the revived persons will always remain unable to speak.” Damian explained as he raised his hand out. Samantha then responded in kind by kicking him in the back of the head and then stomping on his head. “What good is that?!” Samantha asked mockingly as Damian felt the full brunt of her kicks. “Are you satisfied?” Damian asked as she looked utterly enraged but knew that was what her soul wanted. “I… am… sorry…” Damian said to her as Samantha looked disgusted. “What rapist or mass murderer dares to apologise to their victims?!” Samantha asked, still deeply enraged at Ferdinand’s death as she finally released her foot from his now-slightly bloodied head. “You’re so lucky I restrained myself.” Samantha said coldly. “Ones who have empathy.” Damien said as Samantha felt herself wanting to vomit. “f*ckING BULLsh*t! YOU LIA-!” Samantha screamed as she saw the cauldron manifest itself from the ground and summon Ferdinand and her baby, Alfonso, to which Kulana swiftly took her geisha and her to Sakura’s room. Damien was correct. Damien then got up as Hinata and the other children rightfully backed away in fear, remembering when he kidnapped them 10 months ago.

“Ferdinand…” Samantha said as she remembered when he proposed to her in the World of Brahman, the very same world Damien’s once-shattered soul returned from. “Samantha… will you marry me?” Ferdinand said, placing the ring on her finger softly as she blushed like crazy. She wanted to faint. “I… Y…e…s… considering you saved me from the Family Head… I think I will.” She said confidently.” as she smiled at him genuinely and held her baby in her arms. “Samantha…” Ferdinand said as he smiled at her and held her now-revived child in his arms. His brown eyes grew soft. Despite being literally untethered to the world, he thanked her by kissing her on the lips as she couldn’t help but do the same, rejoicing as their tears collided into a beautiful and oddly-shaped heart shape as Alfonso’s brown eyes were closed. He was too young to see this (obviously :D) as Damien felt a clear sense of disdain towards Samantha but made sure he fulfilled what his grandfather and Ashoka told him to. This was the first step towards his redemption and he finally knew that if it took his life to do it… he would do so, now willingly. “Can I speak to Damien?” Ferdinand asked as both his and Samantha’s faces were blushing heavily from what they just experienced. Despite how much she hated Damien, and believe me, she did… she couldn’t help but somewhat thankful from the bottom of her heart and the ocean depths of her soul for allowing her the once-in-a-lifetime chance to see Ferdinand, the very man who she saw Damien cut down in front of her without a hint of mercy 9 months prior. “O-of course. That damn son of a bitch.” Samantha said, barely able to withhold her distaste for Damien, even with Ferdinand and Alfonso now here. “Damian…I…” Ferdinand was about to say as Damian ran away and out of the house in visible fear. “He really loves running from the consequences of his actions, huh? That damn puta.” Ferdinand thought to himself, running at speed to determine where Damien actually was as he could barely see Damien. In fact, he went invisible using the Ring of Eluned the Fortunate. “Tizona… summon thyself.” Ferdinand said as he closed his eyes, allowing himself to summon the Tizona one final time. “My old friend.” Ferdinand said to the sword, allowing its fear-based power to manifest, frightening Damien’s beating heart who was INVISIBLE AND HUNDREDS of miles away on a nearby cliff-edge, as though ready to take the plunge, as Ferdinand, for the final time, remembered Ashoka’s words regarding the Tizona: “Its passive ability is the power to frighten the unworthy and heal thy injuries based on their premonitions of fear on the physical, mental, spiritual and conceptual level, thus allowing you to control the concept of fear itself. You could do things such as: Impose irresistible commands upon any kind of being through fear, making others feel fear to the point they will become traumatised, completely dominate others through fear, augment fear, evoke and increase fear and horror in others causing the target’s brain to release fear-inducing chemicals, intimidate by mere presence, paralyse a target with dread, make the target give up and completely yield to you, cause fear so powerful that others tune your presence out of sight and mind , nullify their capacities of determination and revere you with respect; a sword with a straight blade that is characterised by having both sides of the guard curved. The pommel also has a characteristic mediaeval design for it was a double-edged sword with a single-handed grip and a straight, tapering blade. It boasted a length of approximately three feet. This made it a versatile weapon for both slashing and thrusting manoeuvres. While there are surviving historical accounts and references to the sword, the exact details of its physical characteristics and performance have become intertwined with legends and myths over time. So, while it is hard to separate fact from fiction sometimes, we can say for certain a couple of things. Tizona was a well-crafted sword that possessed exceptional quality for its time. However, it is unlikely that the sword possessed supernatural or mythical properties, such as the ability to cleave armour effortlessly or cause wounds that never healed. It is a symbol of honour, courage and chivalry. Legends and folklore suggest that the sword possessed extraordinary qualities, granting its wielder invincibility and supernatural abilities. Tales spoke of Tizona’s ability to cut through solid objects with ease, and deliver fatal blows with a single stroke alongside its aforementioned power to control fear in the hearts of unworthy men or women when the wielder is in danger. However, it has a second secret power, that being the power to control fire since it means the Half-Charred Sword with its flames being inextinguishable and absolute. As such, you and the sword can cause natural and supernatural fire effects such as Crown Wildfires, Firestorms, Solar Flares, Hypernovas and Heatwaves to manifest, also can manipulate flames that possess heat that go beyond Planck Level and defy the very laws of Hyper-Thermodynamics. It allows a user to burn or alter anything, even non-flammable, incorporeal, or conceptual things like time and nonexistence as you also have the ability to manipulate the underlying foundation of the concept of fire and concepts associated with it as immunity to fire nor heat can provide no protection from these flames as they will be completely bypassed due to its sheer potency and primaeval nature with its fire being as ancient as Spain itself. Also, Tizona's power depends on the wielder, and it frightens unworthy opponents. When the infantes of Carrión had Tizona, they underestimated the power of the sword, due to their cowardice, but when Pero Vermúdez was going to fight Ferrán González and unsheathed Tizona (a gift from El Cid). As such, it has the ability to slay demonic creatures such as devils, vampires and ghouls. It also has the ability to localise holy power and grants an extra boost of power to the user for it can cleave a world at its fullest of strength… or things bigger in conceptualisation and scope alongside thy own being incredible (in terms of potential thenceforth).” as Ferdinand ran at the speed of sound and miraculously teleported to Damian who was fearful, his heart beating incredibly fast. “What do you want?!” Damian asked in sheer shock as Ferdinand witnessed Hajime, Damien’s best friend, appear as a ghost beside him, stopping Damien from taking his own life and joining his grandfather in death. “You know, bro… I didn’t want you to apologise. I wanted you to finally see the error of your ways, you deluded, English wanker.” Hajime explained as he laughed, all the while maintaining a stoic and nonchalant, deadpan expression. “You’re serious, huh?” Damian asked as he took off his invisibility cloak, revealing himself to the world. Ferdinand held his sword to Damien’s throat, seemingly ready to enact his well-deserved revenge but upon motioning to bisect Damien… the ring on Damien’s hand and his cloak was simply removed and sliced in two instead, to Damien’s shock. “You may have taken my life, my parents’ life through it and my baby’s… you may have murdered your best friend, but as much as I would want to kill you, that would instantly remove my existence in my current form from this world. But… you are my junior teammate.” Ferdinand said as Damian’s eyes widened in shock and amazement. “How can you be so kind?” Damian asked truthfully as Ferdinand shrugged his shoulders. “I always saw you as a younger brother of sorts; a Spaniard to an Englishman. One would think it would be the Spanish Inquisition all over again but nah, it wasn’t. I guess there was one silver lining that you did which was good… murdering Mr Harimatsu was truly for the best considering the pain he caused us all.” Ferdinand explained as Damian looked down. He saw naught but a steep drop. “Committing suicide is a pretty sh*t action. Running away from your actions’ consequences is what you do best but it doesn’t undermine the fact that you truly are and could be a chivalrous person. I can feel it.” Ferdinand said as Damien desperately wanted to jump but he was stopped by a familiar face in Satoshi who grabbed his actual cloak (that he wore) from behind, saving him from his self-imposed grim fate. “You should be grateful Hajime and Satoshi showed you mercy. You may have suffered once but acting on sexual impulse is a killer. And Samantha is right. You are a hijo de puta.” Ferdinand said as he laughed to himself. “I finally take it that you see the black hole, nay, infinity underneath you? The consequences? You know, if Samantha was here, she’d have dangled you over the edge just to show you what you did to everyone.” Satoshi explained as Damien finally agreed. “I am glad your dumbass got it into your thick skull. You can’t control people for the sake of inhumane lust. And anyway, thinking with your dick doesn’t get you girls. Your personality does.” Satoshi and Hajime both said to Damien. “I am SORRY!” Damien shouted as he finally got up and thanked Satoshi and Ferdinand. “Forgive me, Hajime.” Damian said as he tried to summon Saint George, looking despondent. “No worries, dude. It was all Mr Harimatsu’s fault but he tried to betray me anyway numerous times.” Hajime said casually, still with an unfazed facial expression adorned upon his face. “Do you have that medicine to control my urges?” Damien then asked as Satoshi nodded, giving him an injection as he looked visibly scared of it. “The Great Damien, the English Wanker, scared of a needle?!” Ferdinand said as Damien glared at him as Hajime laughed. "Damian, I understand that it may be difficult for you, but this injection is important for your well-being," Satoshi said gently. "It's meant to help alleviate your symptoms and improve your quality of life. Please consider the long-term benefits." Damian looked conflicted, his fear and resistance warring within him. He knew that Satoshi had his best interests at heart, but he was still reluctant to proceed. "Satoshi, I... I'm scared," Damian admitted, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "Why are you so scared?!" Satoshi asked, now getting slightly annoyed. "I... don't want to have to inject it down there!" Damian screamed with fear. "You don't have to do it there! Do it in your arm!" Satoshi said as Ferdinand looked genuinely amazed by Kulana’s technology and simply placed it in his sword. “You are such a puss*.” Ferdinand said as Hajime and Satoshi laughed like crazy with Ferdinand using the tip of Tizona to stab Damien’s genitalia, as he briefly vomited in sheer disbelief, unable to recoil himself. “DAMN!” Damien thought to himself. “Too bad that you now lost your erect and hard-edged feelings down there… but…” Ferdinand said as they all sensed a huge burst of power from the sky. Damien remembered his grandfather stating “You must carry our torch… even if your parents are dead… remember this: Y ddraig goch ddyry cychwyn" ("The red dragon will show the way"). You are our successor… now redeem yourself. Your lustful actions can and may possibly be forgiven by thy suffering victims” as the sky shook with a great wind, such that the entire continent of Akaria began to shake and shudder with absolute fear. “SAINT GEORGE!” Damian screamed as Ferdinand’s sword drew blood but swiftly went away. “Happy now?” Satoshi asked as Saint George roared kindly. “That Dragon’s big… too bad your dragon’s tiny.” Ferdinand said as Damian looked visibly irked. “Now then… your final redemption… with Sakura… begins…” Satoshi said as Damian was obviously nervous but ready. This was it. Damian walked into the house. “Sakura? Can I-I speak to you outside?” Damien asked, clearly wishing for a private resolution. “Of course.” Sakura said, willingly agreeing. "So... how are you?" She asked. "M-me? I am great!" He said as she smiled warmly with her then getting closer, activating her eyes, revealing veins that fired from her temples. “I cannot agree with what you did, even when you revived the dead. Your sexual assault was something that genuinely stunned me. I saw Muro’s eyes in your face when you did. I was utterly terrified.” Sakura said as Damien looked shocked, truly unaware of the consequences of his actions. “I am truly sorry for this. I did not realise this at the time.” Damien said peacefully as Sakura looked shocked. “Truthfully, you using Fragarach against me, and then kidnapping Hinata once two years ago and then kidnapping everyone of my children this year horrified me. Furthermore, the only reason I am able to forgive you in any way is because you forced me to bite your thumb, allowing me to see the future and as such, I saw the real reason why you did all this. But the fact that you still murdered Hajime, Ferdinand and Mr Harimatsu alongside Aloa is disgusted, however I can forgive you for murdering Mr Harimatsu as I murdered Mr Okachi. It was a sacrifice but something well done. But… but… your standing up for me saved me and Satoshi… and it was good you ne’er noticed I was a clone.” Sakura explained as Damien blushed whilst looking visibly stunned upon learning she was a clone. “You-you were a clone? What the f*ck?!” Damian asked as Sakura smiled, revealing her stab wound in her stomach. “Yea. I learned Enchantment to defend against you after all. It is truly tragic.” Sakura said as Damian looked truly ashamed. “I am genuinely so sorry for watching over you like a freak of the Thought Police. I really shouldn’t have done that… but…” Damian was about to say until he was cut off by Sakura saying “You can have a gift for murdering Mr Harimatsu and taking responsibility for us.” in a manipulative yet obviously genuine tone. “Gift?” Damian asked, now blushing heavily as she knew exactly what she wanted. “Considering this whole nightmarish scenario with you being a rapist and such started because you wanted some love one-on-one time and as such, your ability to use the future defined literally everything going somewhat accordingly excluding Hajime giving Thomas and Mr Okachi immortality/ageing them into their primes and ironically betraying them both despite them betraying him by using you to betray him in that final battle between us (Me and you, Aloa and Hajime as well as Satoshi and Ferdinand). However, that gift will be…” Sakura explained as Damien smiled. “One-on-one time between the two of us?” Damian asked as Sakura forced him to reveal the Seal on her elbow that he used to control her, biting her elbow to Sakura’s sheer disgust and horror. “Yes. ‘Sexual contact’.” Sakura said with visible dismay as Damien smiled and agreed, looking truly giddy as she took a breath and teleported Hinata over to Damien, therefore allowing him to apologise to her, which succeeded inevitably. “Now then… one-on-one time.” Sakura said as she was scared but inevitably accepted this as her room door shut as Satoshi watched them through the keyhole to make sure nothing too emotionally damaging to either side happened. Things were looking good. “Sakura… you know I was bullied a lot when I was younger.” Damian said as Sakura shrugged as the kiss she delivered to him shocked him undoubtedly. "SHE KISSED ME! AM I DREAMING!" Damien thought, absolutely flushed with embarrassment. “I don’t like you Damien. At least not like that. I genuinely like Satoshi since I obviously had children with him. I am going to have one more child in 2 years, I believe. Sexual contact isn’t fun because I have never had sex. I do not want sex. Not with you or Satoshi. This kiss is and was our one-on-one time, agreed?” Sakura explained as Damien glared at her. “It is?” Damian asked as Sakura looked confused. “What more could you want?” Sakura asked as Damian smiled and shrugged. “Thanks for genuinely being so kind, Sakura.” Damian then smiled as Sakura then slapped his glasses off, leaving Satoshi to only look at the glasses as he heard Damien blushing, fully shocked upon being blindsided. Needless to say, Damian was kissed until he passed out as Sakura walked out of the room and returned his glasses back to his face.

The War[]

“So… dealing with them won’t be that hard.” The Devil thought to himself as Samantha immediately tried to attack her only for Samantha to be sent flying away as Ferdinand immediately responded, using Tizona’s fear-inducing abilities on Sakura’s body, heart and mind. “Enchant: Separation. For a ghost, you are strong.” The Devil said, grabbing and holding his face for a moment as the Man (Minamoto no Yorimitsu) and Wu Zetian immediately bound Sakura within their grasp, using Wu’s dual wield swords to send Sakura flying out of the house. “Die…die…” Juno screamed as the Devil had somehow possessed her, using Multi-Body Enchantment to do what the name said on the tin as Juno was forced to die at the hands of Samantha who looked visibly saddened. “You'll be dead anyway.” The Devil said to Ferdinand coldly as he looked surprised. “Where is Damien?” He asked as the Devil coldly laughed in his face. “In Hell.” He said mockingly. “I thought you guys would be useful or good. But I was wrong.” The Devil said as he saw the Inuit Chieftain summoning a continent of ice to seal him within only for the Devil to say “Alchemical Chain”, binding the Chieftain in chains that could bind a continent in place, countering the ice breath completely as the Devil coldly smiled.

"Now then... burn in the very fires you stoked." Satoshi coldly said as he walked away, puffing the cigarette and throwing it behind him as he walked away. The Devil looked annoyed as Sakura stared at him. “You know… I questioned why you murdered my mother in that illusion and helped me learn Enchantment. It was all to slay you at the end by riling me up emotionally, wasn’t it?” Sakura asked as the Devil nodded in slight disappointment. “You make me sick.” Sakura said as she slapped him with immense force. “Good. You’ve finally won.” The Devil said, laughing coldly to himself. “Akaria falls with me gone so good luck trying to salvage what is left. You truly are my successor even if for a short while. It also thus appears that thy necklace that I made for you will be… meaningless.” Sakura said as she summoned the Sword of Sigil’s Destruction. “Goodbye… Father. May we meet again.” Sakura said as she held the sword above her. “You really are just like your mother… a devil of kindness.” The Devil said as Sakura cut his head off, burning his soul as the flames from Satoshi’s cigarette engulfed his glowing red eyes. “Farewell… Queen of Hell.” The Devil said to himself as a tear fell down his wretched face, as Sakura walked away, forever changed and as the new Queen of Hell. "If you excuse me... I have your daughter to marry." Satoshi said coldly as he teleported away never to be seen again. With that, a white light devoured every one of the Devil-Possessed allies, only for Samantha to be teleported miraculously to Ferdinand, still holding her baby as she stared at Damien’s dead body. “Thanks, you serial killer-rapist… at least I can finally forgive you for giving me the chance to be a mother for these 3 months. I still don’t forgive you for what you did to Ferdinand but consider it a small act of kindness.” Samantha thought to herself as Ferdinand smiled at her softly. “You know, Gary Stu… I am glad we met even if it was under suspicious circ*mstances.” Samantha said to Ferdinand as she smiled at him, to which he shrugged his shoulders. “This isn’t goodbye. This is simply the end of our journey here.” Ferdinand said softly as Alfonso (their child) was also devoured in a white light of sorts. “I didn’t want to see you go. But now that I do… I loved you.” Samantha said as Ferdinand burst out laughing. “Te amo por todo la tiempo. Es eternal. Farewell… my Queen.” Ferdinand said as Satoshi and Sakura looked in sadness, realising that Ferdinand was right, deep down. “Yi Jing…I must say you produced two splendid… shinobi.” Ferdinand said as the Man stared at him, nodding peacefully alongside Wu. “HA! THE INTROVERT FINALLY SPEAKS!” Danjong sarcastically commented as everyone (literally) glared at him in disgust. “Satoshi… you have effectively surpassed us all. All us Emperors. Even the Man. But, I do have to ask… where is the Jade Emperor?” Xuanye asked as Emperor Wu stared at Satoshi with a peaceful smile. “Inside me. I… ate him.” Satoshi commented as Danjong quipped “We have a cannibal!” to which Sakura giggled slightly. “You ate him?!” Wu Zetian asked as Satoshi’s mouth forcibly opened, vomiting out a ball of light which became the Jade Emperor. “Now then… let us go up.” He said, snapping his fingers and forcing everyone to the World (where Akaria, etc was) to which Kulana’s bloodied body remained, sitting patiently as everyone felt absolute guilt, with Satoshi kneeling beside him. “Why?” Satoshi asked with clear self-hatred in his eyes… as his eyes glowed, time freezing completely as his Gem of Gabriel appeared in hand, revealing a far taller man, adorned with technology meeting a doctor who resembled Kulana, as Satoshi used his full strength to shatter the Gem, allowing its energies to simply go into the dust… only for it to return to his soul in an attempt to heal him. “At least he died fighting for what was right. Sacrifice is better than having the capacity to do the right thing but not doing it out of the satisfaction of self-induced eternality.” The Jade Emperor said as Satoshi got up and then stood up. “Looks like this is it.” Satoshi said, but unbeknownst to him, Ferdinand and Samantha locked lips, with their tears adorning their vision and to that Ferdinand disappeared in a beautiful white light as Samantha broke down crying, her hands on the ground as Sakura comforted her alongside Wu Zetian to which the Man smiled. “You did your Master proud there. As much as I despise you for killing me and being an international terrorist… the good has outshone the bad in a clear and true fashion of absolutist belief. But that is also the consequence of the war. Billions have died… along with those you love. It is the sacrifice of war.” The Man said as Sakura sat down with Sakura. “Remember what Kulana said. You still have my children. They are growing up. You can help raise them as if they were your own.” Sakura said as Samantha raised her body up from the ground slightly. “Ferdinand wouldn’t want this for you either. While I understand your trauma… we should get up and look to a brighter future and you must have faith that you will meet Ferdinand again.” Sakura said as Samantha said “BULLsh*t!” only for Wu Zetian to intervene. “You know… when I had Xuanye and Yi Jing’s mother, I was to have another child but he died in childbirth. I was deeply traumatised but my husband at the time (who later died in conflict) spoke a few words of wisdom: The loss of one thing will inevitably lead to the birth and finding of something new - and to that was my daughter. Just because you lost your child in death does not mean you cannot live. Live with a sense of pride that you got the chance to be a mother for a time of shortness. Not all babies get to live to see such a long time. I am grateful that I have my grandchildren here anyway. Live on and do not let ten-thousand things rue thy life in misfortune.” Wu herself spoke as Samantha looked guilty, as did Wu’s own grandchildren. “Really? Can I live on? Suicide isn’t something I should do?” She asked as Wu nodded in genuine disapprovement. “Think of what Kulana would want.” Wu herself spoke softly as Samantha’s tears were already devouring the ground, finally getting up and deciding to have funerals for Damien, Kulana, Ferdinand and Zidine in a short period of time. “Anyhow… it is time.” Yi Jing said to Satoshi and Sakura as they both smiled at her. “I am sorry for taking my own life back then. But you guys have truly shown yourselves as Black Crows. I am no longer needed. Farewell… my dear friends.” Yi Jing said as Xuanye snapped his fingers, healing Satoshi’s Cheng Ying as he smiled. “Where is Hajime?!” Yi Jing asked as the Jade Emperor pointed upwards, confirming that he disappeared on his own terms. “Now then… get the ultimate Sword, boy. It is time your ultimate self comes through.” The Jade Emperor said as all 10 Emperors (those who bore swords being 6 of them) allowing their swords’ full power, potential and traits to fuse into Satoshi’s “Cheng Ying” for good as the power of the Shadow Sword fused itself into Satoshi’s ring for good that was already completely annihilated. “Now then… let us go.” Minamoto no Yorimitsu said, shaking his former enemy’s hand with conviction as they all went away, finally at peace as Samantha accepted that she would live on for a while to see Sakura’s children grow. “Come. Danjong, Gyeongyhe and Gyeongsuk, back to the Purple Lane.” Sejong said as he bowed to the Jade Emperor, Sakura and Satoshi. “Wait. I have one more shot to use this. World Reconstruction Enchantment: Universe One!” Sakura thought to herself as she felt her soul being damaged, but still allowing herself to do this for the sake of Sejong and his family, releasing a bright light to burst forth from the earth and engulf all caught in its area of effect as the Purple Lane was restored with them hearing Baba Yaga’s familiar laughter from above. “COME!” She screamed, forcing her house to grab Sejong and his family, taking them away to their homes. “Now then… for the funerals.” Samantha said, wiping away her tears as Damien’s body was buried a day later alongside Kulana, Zidine and Ferdinand’s funerals. Every single person that knew Zidine best came: the Kingdom of Hesperia, the Brothers and all those who knew Zidine buried him with full honours as his hammer lay in front of his grave to which Satoshi simply spoke: “Stories. In the end, that’s all we’ll ever be. That’s all we’ll leave behind. Some tales told and retold down through time. The greatest of these are the ones that never die. The stories that stand immortal. Enthroned. The worthiest of all our many imaginings. These are the stories...of which gods are made. This has been the saga of King Thor. Long may he reign.” and as they said this, a black raven, Muminn (Memory) shat out a feather from its orifice with two wolves howling from separate mountains; as they all went, having mourned him therein as Peace was resolved at the cost of the entire Akarian continent being annihilated. Ferdinand’s funeral came with Satoshi, Sakura and the Jade Emperor comforting Samantha for hours; whereas Damien’s funeral was quiet as his shattered glasses lay in place of a wreath.

The End of an Era[]

“The baby is likely to absorb the rest of her remaining energies. Even after she restored them post-birth.” Hanuman explained with an intense calmness. “Open it! With what?!” Satoshi said in absolute rage. “Your own hand.” Hanuman said as Satoshi looked at Sakura’s stomach and inside it, noticing the baby eating energy-like nutrients in her stomach. “The baby’s almost out… Forgive me. Just relax.” Satoshi said as he noticed Sakura’s veins were shooting out of her temple as her eyes started to rapidly bleed over time. “HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO RELAX?!” Sakura screamed, only to try to allay herself with the thoughts of her other children that she had without issue. “The demonic power in tandem with her ocular ability is combining and slowly killing her, along with this.” Hanuman explained as Satoshi manifested a drill-like contraption with his hand, as he gently ripped her stomach open, as he swallowed his vomit upon doing this, as this dark energy continued to be absorbed into her stomach still. “Satoshi, please… I’m likely to die because of this as well as prior exposure to the Shadow Sword. That sword…. is demonic as it absorbs negative energy and demons’ blood and lifeforce as well as anything else it touches. But I have something to give you too.” Sakura explained as her necklace was now turning ice blue as the red aura began to utterly break out through the necklace only for the ice to freeze it over. “Take my necklace… and give it to our child. I forgive you for everything henceforth. Just live on please. I remember the Jade Emperor’s words too. Let it be. Don’t try and change what needs to be done. Even if you get depressed alongside the others, know that I’ll be at peace but we’ll meet again. Remain loving and never give in to your darkest desires. But I’m so, so sorry!” Sakura said as tears streamed down her eyes as tears started to fall down Satoshi’s face. “Don’t apologise for this beautiful being. They’ll be just like you: kind, warm, gentle and caring.” Satoshi explained to Sakura’s body as it began to wither away slowly, as the baby’s head began to pop out. “Satoshi… ever since we met…. I- I felt as though we were destined to meet by fate. I’m sorry for what happened back then but it was natural having found out that my parents had died by what happened by your hands. My mother would’ve adored you even with my father now gone, Akaria is peacefully restored. Samantha and the others are alright, even with Kulana dead as Issun and some of the geisha and Oiran being killed. Ming Hao and Xian are still alright, having new limbs now. I’m so glad we met and had 6 beautiful children. But I’m sorry for being a demon. I’m glad you didn’t kill me otherwise we wouldn’t have met. I wish things were different since you are an angel and a very beautiful one at that. My necklace will likely be spread to each child after them, generation by generation. Perhaps next time when we meet, we won’t be reincarnated. My baby’s head is popping out meaning I’ll shortly be dead due to complications. He’ll probably possess the demonic power and angelic power in their complete forms. Hanuman really is a great monkey. After my death, bury me somewhere which you feel is right. My eyes can be removed and implanted into our child, even if they are our final one or burn them away with Hellfire, so they can no longer be retrieved and thus my clothing… can be given to be Hinata when she gets married or falls in love. I hope she falls in love with someone who can accept her willingly, just like… you. But just make my funeral short. I don’t deserve such a humble eulogy. And as the saying goes, ‘Shi ga Futari wo Wakatsu made’. Farewell… my one, true love.” Sakura gently said as she felt water go on her lips, as Satoshi kissed her lips with tears in his eyes, as well as hers, with the baby popping out completely; “It's a boy… How beautiful. He will be… just like you, his father…. A gr- great and loving man… who had to sacrifice everything… for those he cared for.” Sakura said, as Satoshi looked at him lovingly yet with sadness in his eyes. “We’ll call him Ryu, thus meaning dragon. After Saint George.” Satoshi said as she smiled peacefully with blood devouring her body entirely. “Such a b- beautiful name… just like yours. You’ll be a great…. father… Thank you for everything you’ve given me… S-Satoshi.” as her pale, white eyes closed for the final time, as she died with a smile on her face. “Till death do us part.” Satoshi said to Sakura’s now dead body as the baby was still in her now bleeding stomach as Hanuman looked down painfully as he grabbed the baby with tears in his eyes, with the baby constantly crying with locks of ice-blue hair as he noticed his eyes slightly opening, revealing blue pupils with a black sclerae. “He’s awakened the Pure Eye?” Satoshi and Hanuman thought to themselves as he appeared and clothed the baby as Satoshi held Sakura’s body as he dropped to his knees and screamed as tears fell on to her dead body. “SAKURA!!” He screamed in absolute agony and rage as he remembered everything from the Past, as his eyes never flashed with Hanuman still holding onto his baby. “Hanuman… just send Ryu over to the House. And please take this, for these will be in his possession.” He said as Hanuman obliged, taking the sword and necklace. “You bore the Heavenly Sword of Miracles?” Hanuman asked as he looked slightly shocked, but remained calm. “Yes. It was a Gift from Beyond and a Sword from the Past Long Gone, seemingly. This necklace was granted to him by Sakura though.” Satoshi explained as Hanuman nodded and disappeared into thin air, doing so. He looked at Sakura’s body and gently held it as it took half an hour for him to appear at the place they kissed that fateful day 2 years ago, as he looked at the sky, now raining. “Even the skies are crying for her.” Satoshi thought to himself as he lay her dead body on the ground with the Sakura tree that she was placed underneath blowing gently in the wind, as Hanuman teleported back to his location with everyone from the House, the Red Lane, Blue Lane and Akaria looking utterly heartbroken, all donned in black with the Loyal Guards placing their spears down in respect as their hands were placed on the chest. His children especially looked heartbroken. Hinata stared at her mother’s dead body with her eyes activated as veins showed themselves in a vain attempt to see her insides, as nothing could be seen. “So Mom is… dead.” Hinata said as she looked at her father, as he nodded peacefully, as she also noticed her new baby brother as she held him in her arms, cooing him away to sleep. “He has different eyes… just like Father.” She thought to herself as Orihime’s Umbrella showed itself as she started crying immediately, bearing both of her mother’s hair pins. “Satoshi… she’s dead, huh? At least she died with a smile on her face with you by her side.” Samantha said calmly as a stone grave appeared and gently bound her body in an incredibly large monument as even Ming Hao and Xian appeared behind Satoshi. A paper appeared in Satoshi’s hand. “To Sakura Jigoku, a beloved mother, a great woman and a beautiful woman of whom all loveth. A demon of royalty but a truly good Princess and Queen. A good sister and near-perfect woman of whom none can match in elegance and beauty.” Satoshi calmly said as he looked at the grave with a peaceful smile as the grave remained eternal and solemn, as Orihime made a flower from the raindrop and placed it on the grave.

49 days passed as multiple flowers and candles were passed each day. Every day Satoshi and those who mourned, of which rivalled thousands, placed sakura flowers and other flowers alongside candles. Satoshi soon placed the final flower on her grave, that was in the shape of himself and Sakura in the Torii as they stopped this ceremonial act, perhaps recognising that she was already at peace, as everyone returned to their respective places of residence after that.


Samantha is a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of others. She is also very impatient, disliking people who don't answer her questions quickly enough. As an Akarian police officer, she maintains a cold sense of justice and discipline and laid the law down whenever the need arose. According to her geisha such as Amalen and Kaguya, she is "cool and beautiful, warm and full of passion", while to Ferdinand, Erza is strong, cool and a little scary but relied on by everyone, even so she can be really girly and liked sweet things and cute clothes. Despite her rather conservative clothing and view of the world, she maintains a staunch sense of loyalty towards Satoshi after their brief yet fruitless encounter before he headed off to Akaria.

However, this is all likely a facade since she demonstrates a lot of emotions especially towards those she cares about such as her Geisha as after Ferdinand died, she immediately went for the kill and nearly killed Damien with a single punch. She can also get flustered easily, especially towards Ferdinand and after the Green Lane War ended, she hardly forgave Damien until he mentioned that he could revive Ferdinand, demonstrating a rather complicated personality. As a mother, from what little is seen, she appears to be naturally gifted towards motherhood.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: At least 8-C | At least 7-C | Far higher at full power

Name: Samantha, Bitch (by Harimatsu)

Origin: Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年)

Gender: Female

Age: Presumably in her twenties, likely thousands of years old as a reincarnate

Classification: Police officer and Former brothel owner

Powers and Abilities: Martial Arts, Acrobatics (Enhanced Condition), Supernatural Willpower (Survived seeing her baby die and witnessing Damien kill her husband in front of her), Pressure Points Strikes (Constantly punches people in the chest), Weapon Mastery (As a police officer)

Attack Potency: Building Level (Superior to the Cho Hai and Pak Tsz in the Red Lane who can freeze entire small buildings with ice; should be equal to Pangobo Takayushi) | Small Town Level (Was able to fight Amane) | Large Town Level (Was able to briefly fight Thomas Harimatsu in Close Quarters Combat)

Speed: Hypersonic+ (Could dodge gunfire) | At least FTL (Can fight Amane)

Lifting Strength: Peak Human (Could lift Amane and fight Damien)

Striking Strength: Small Town Level (Was able to fight Amane) | Far higher (Could punch Damien hard enough to shatter his ribcage)

Durability: Small Town Level (Scales to her striking strength) | Large Town Level (Survived a nuclear bomb landing on top of her after her building was crushed)

Stamina: Above Average or Superhuman (Survives getting shot in the face, sliced in the neck and in the stomach as well as having her ear sliced off)

Range: Extended Melee Range

Intelligence: Gifted (As a Police Officer, she is skilled with multiple situations) | Genius (in combat; can analyse multiple things happening at once)

Equipment: Guns or handcuffs (as a police officer)

Weaknesses: She can be manipulated and her emotions can be manipulated, leading her to make rash decisions.

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (7)
Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (8)
Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (9)

The Family Head's Wife[]

“Damien… your package is here.” The wife of the Family Head said as Hinata was awake and visibly upset upon seeing him. “Where’s Mr Fireworks?” She asked as Damien was taken aback. “He’s dead.” He whispered, only for her to start crying, remembering him for his kindness; reminding Damien of Sakura after what he did to her… non-consensual kissing. “Satoshi ain’t here, so I ain’t got anyone to stop me.” Damien thought to himself, grabbing Hinata from behind as she wailed and kicked her legs, attempting to wriggle free. “What are you trying to do?” Ferdinand said, with his sword, the Tizona still on his shoulder, one hand ready to throw down if he had to. “I, you and Hajime are part of Mr Harimatsu’s security detail. I am going to be promoted… please… don’t get in my way.” Damien said as Ferdinand sensed something was wrong. “He killed Hajime?” He thought to himself, visibly stunned as he then appeared in Damien’s way. “You’re getting in my way? Do you… want to die?” Damian asked, remembering when he bit his thumb after breaking down outside Sakura’s house after doing the ultimate deed of villainy towards her, seeing the futures that existed and gaining all the knowledge of the world. “You think you can kill me? Really?” Ferdinand asked without arrogance as Damian threw Hinata in the air as she screamed. “Damn you!” Ferdinand screamed but as he tried to grab her, Saint George used his large mouth and grabbed her instead, leaving Ferdinand in shock. “If he attacks me, I’ll-!” Damien thought to himself, immediately summoning Fragarach, causing the Spaniard to remain unmoving. “That sword… I can’t even think… damn you, Damien.” Ferdinand thought, for his hand was slashed off… only for the Tizona’s power to manifest, frightening Damien’s beating heart; simultaneously forcing Damien into his dragon’s mouth as Ferdinand breathed in shock, now realising the lengths which he would go to to attain his goal. “My hand… it's gone.” Ferdinand said to himself… only for the fear that Damien had in that brief moment to regenerate his hand in a golden miasma of light. “Its good… I have this… otherwise this place would be my death amidst my grave of nonexistence.” Ferdinand thought to himself only for the hand to then slip, forcing Ferdinand to grimace at the fact that he lost his hand permanently thanks to Damien now hardly having fear of the situation. He ran back into the room as the Wife of the Family Head laughed at this, taking his severed arm for herself. “A part of my plate… nice dish. The Husband will love it.” She said to herself, realising its true value with Ferdinand grimacing as Samantha looked shocked. “What- Silence yourself. Damien is going mental!” Ferdinand spoke in rage, blood pouring out of his mouth in rage and betrayal adorned itself unto his face like a crown, as he knew he couldn’t just heal it.

Damien smiled from his dorm room as a tear fell down his right eye, realising that no matter what and in the end... Sakura would be his. No matter what allies he had to take out. He looked at the ceiling, his glasses having been lost in the blood black hole Amane caused. “Damn bastard!” He thought to himself coldly, remembering it all in a flash only for him to decide that sleep was the best recourse. “Samantha!” Ferdinand said to her as she still struggled to break her bindings, slashing them for her, both of them knowing that things were dire. “Are my Geisha and Oiran alive?!” Samantha said in rage, staring at her wrists and legs as Ferdinand looked down. “I don’t know.” He explained as Samantha looked angered without doubt. “How do we escape that psychopathic cannibal?” She asked, realising how bad things were getting. “We don’t.” Ferdinand said as he knew that this was no lie with the Family Head smiling as the door opened, to Ferdinand and Samantha’s shock. “Sir… we are here with Lady Samantha.” Amalen and the other Geisha and Oiran spoke to the Family Head with the Wife looking jealous upon witnessing them. “Come, my dear sex slaves… the Men are all yours.” The Family Head said calmly, allowing and commanding the Soldiers of the Blue Gang to come and reveal themselves in sexual desire as they all went into their rooms, allowing them to become the Family’s own, locking all of the rooms in silence.

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (10)

“Can we finally attack?” The Wife said as the Family finally readied themselves for the War, using the Blue Lane as a means of defence, using the country-sized city as his Barrier and fortress whilst also using the buildings of the poorest half of the Green Lane to finally enact his supernatural revenge.He then used his Crows as visual extensions of himself, allowing them to observe things from far above and potentially transfer them to himself in the form of events, witnessing how the Wife of the Family was ruthlessly killing anyone in her way by way of the fan, slicing enemy soldiers’ throats and fighting off the Police without any true efforts

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (11)
Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (12)

Despite this, Pangobo and the Family Head respectively sensed Wu of Zetian running towards either side's forces, demolishing them without any effort because outside of Sakura and the Wife… she was the Strongest Woman in the World. The Jade Emperor then sensed the Red Lane somewhat being protected only for the Family Head to act on impulse and slight fear.“She’s here!” Ferdinand thought to himself as the Wife of the Family was still murdering people ruthlessly, using her fans against her enemies, slicing people’s faces, wetting her fans to attack everyone at once with her defending her kids at the same time. “Come, weaklings!” She said, firing huge bodies of knives from her fans as the spirits continually defended the Family regardless as everyone looked stunned. Thousands of soldiers died with ease as she was horrified to hear screams coming from behind her, seeing a blur attacking her soldiers. “Wu… Minamoto…” Both the Man and Wu of Zetian thought upon sensing one another as the Wife saw soldiers, those of her own and the enemies, being sent flying as Ferdinand was on the side where Wu could appear and Samantha was at the back of the Wife, defending her from all opposition with the Man appearing only to be punched back into next week, steadying himself with ease as he smiled, reminding himself of when he sliced Samantha’s ear off. “Focus all efforts onto the Man! DESTROY THE BLUE LANE’S LEGACY!” The Wife screamed, rallying her troops for battle… a battle to the death as they ran to their doom with Minamoto being a puppet of Carnage as Damien looked amazed. “Saint George: Kill-!” Damien said as the Man completely blitzed his perception. “Anlawd’s grandson… eh?” The Man said as Damien violently attacked the Man as both of them clashed with each other and struck him with his sword, sending him flying into the ground as Saint George was also sent flying with him as Damien was now on the ground with those from the Red Lane slowly encountering him. “Forget him! Let’s end them! For now our restraints are gone!” Ming Hao said with conviction, as they fired their respective weapons, as they fought with their hands, breaking a few of the enemy soldiers’ necks only to feel gunfire from multiple sides, as they dodged these with some difficulty. All that was heard after that were screams from many people. Ming Hao continued to punch multiple members of each respective rank. “You bastards!” She screamed in rage for the first time, as Xian shot at other people with his pistol as the other ranks of the Cho Hai worked together with the Wife’s daughter attacking Ming Hao only to have her hands broken and her neck snapped with a cold smile coming from Ming Hao as her neck snapped back into position to Ming Hao’s horror, as she was sent flying back with Wu finally jumping upwards and using her swords to jump down, plunging one of her swords into the ground and kicking Ferdinand as soon as he could react. “Looks like we have a fight with a newbie, EL CID!” She said as she violently struck him with her dual wield swords, as he casually parried the strikes away despite having one arm with him attempting to strike her arms only for her to jump up. “Your arm is your weakness.” Wu thought to herself as Ferdinand was barely able to respond to her incredibly fast strikes which were as fast as the speed of light to him. “Pangu: Celestial Wave.” The Jade Emperor thought to himself as earthquakes occurred once again as his thoughts created massive waves, damaging the animals on both sides. “Lunar Vortex - White Hole.” Taizong said from all the way above ground, sending a white hole flying towards the Stealth Jets as Ferdinand smiled with the Family Head countering this by firing nuclear warheads and a miniature black hole to try and end Taizong. “Part 2 - Love of Wuji He Taijitu!” Wu thought to herself as her swords continued to glow with a pink energy as Ferdinand could barely react in time, causing him to almost lose fingers of his remaining arm. “Darkening Mist.” The Jade Emperor said as mist surrounded the Four Evil and Sacred Animals, as the Hundun easily evaded it, only for the mist to darken on the ground where he and the Allies were fighting as every soldier looked shocked, activating their gear with the Prison Guards watching from Akaria, sniping at the weaklings of the Red Lane with Samantha fighting against Minamoto with the Wife attacking Wu alongside Ferdinand, chaining herself up to withstand the fan’s knives and attack the Wife as Ferdinand stabbed her in the chest. “Part 3: Final Love of the Jade Emperor!” Wu said as pink energy was being absorbed into her twin Swords as Satoshi used his Eye from above to see black energy in the left sword and white energy in the right sword.

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (13)

“FINALLY! I GET TO FIGHT THE BITCH!” Wu screamed as the Wife used Tessenjutsu to mercilessly attack her only for Wu to dodge all of the attacks, slashing her arm nearly off only for the Children to attack her without mercy.

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (14)

“Now then… let us fight.” The Wife said as they fought, briefly on equal terms only for the Wife to be pulled towards Wu with the Children about to stab her… as red flames devoured the Children, burning them into smithereens as the Wife looked terrified, seeing her children dying in front of her as her rage manifested itself fully, allowing her to give everything she had as Satoshi looked on from above, observing how Hajime had now made himself known in a major way with the Family Head looking visibly taken aback by the action that Hajime had done, now realising that he should’ve finished him off when he had the chance back then. The Wife was slowly being overpowered as her body was now grabbed by Wu’s twin blades with the Wife noticing a storm above her. “Engaging the Family Head will not end well.” Minamoto no Yorimitsu thought to himself as the Wife immediately used the fact that she was literally underneath her husband’s Jet to briefly teleport away in the form of a beam as she used this immediately with Wu using that to her advantage, mercilessly attacking the Wife who used her fans against Wu with immense speed who dodged these flippantly only to have a chair thrown at her as the Family Head was horrified, teleporting them both away for his own sake, knowing what him fighting would lead to. “Fan-Nado!” The wife spoke, firing knives at Wu who dodged the attacks, only for the empress to use her robes as defence with the Wife trying to put Wu on the backfoot. “You are alone without any help.” The Wife proclaimed as Wu then decided to immediately get serious. “Final Heavenly Love: Twins of Love!” She screamed as multiple meteors dropped from above and clones of her appeared near her, with the Wife looking amazed, only to sharpen her fans fully, allowing herself to counter this Empress with any measure of skill, attempting to brutalise the woman in revenge for her children’s needless murder as she used the drugs in her pockets to shape themselves into a two-section staff, fully willing to end her now with Wu coldly smiling, dodging each attack with skill and grace, only to feel her lip being sliced considerably as the Wife danced like a maniac, summoning beautiful energy waves around her to survive the meteors that could wipe out large islands casually however Wu bit her tongue and decided to attack the Wife in a flow state of sorts, fully understanding that if the Wife died… the First Gang would completely fall apart. “I was raised by fan users as a child before the Akarian police took me away, stripping me of my future rank and potential.” The Wife explained only for Wu to completely ignore this monologue, using the Gan Jiang and Moye to try and murder her irrespective of this with the Wife dodging each attack with almost as much skill as Wu herself. “Now then… what if you die?” The Wife asked as Damien continued his assault from the skies, aiming down at everyone, regardless of faction as Sakura saw this and flew straight at him… only for him to smile however her arm was bitten off and devoured by Saint George as he smiled, even blushing at this fact… only for the arm to regenerate, grabbing Damien’s face instead, forcing him to teleport away as a result. The Wife smiled menacingly, knowing that she could win and end everything as she sharpened her fans continuously and passively, amplifying its attacks nigh-indefinitely as the Tikbalang appeared in her stead only to be annihilated by the godlike swordplay of Wu… who was deeply disgusted by this horse-man, ultimately using her full speed to coldly bind the Wife, slashing her wrists off, disabling the fans’ usage for good and just as she was about to break out… Ferdinand appeared and slashed her head off, slicing it in two as Wu was visibly amazed, smiling calmly, realising that her side would win with the Family Head looking horrified and deciding to act in a suicidal manner, realising just how bad things were now becoming; his delusions clouding him ever moreso.


Though not exposing much about herself, she appears to be a loyal individual who lives for battle and satiating her desires. She demonstrated a lot of respect for Wu whilst mocking her.

Powers and Stats[]

Tier: Unknown | High 7-A | At least 6-C or 6-A

Name: Unknown, Family Head's Wife

Origin: Monogattari no Jūnen (物語の十年)

Gender: Male

Age: Unknown, likely thousands of years old

Classification: Wife of the Family Head

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts (She is casually able to fight Wu with hints of Chinese wushu and ballet moves), Weapon Mastery (Well trained in tessenjutsu, but also uses bōjutsu and sai daggers. Can control her weapons from afar without holding them), Stealth Mastery (Skilled assassin and spy), Enhanced Senses (Sensed Wu from miles away), Social Influencing (Convinced the Green Lane army to fight the other Lanes), Air Manipulation (Can summon gusts of wind to form deadly tornados for many purposes, such as deflecting incoming projectiles), Teleportation (Can instantly teleport over short distances), Damage Boost (Can boost the damage of her fans)

Attack Potency: Multi-City Block level to Island Level or Multi-Continental+ (Was able to fight Wu)

Speed: At least FTL+ (Was able to fight Wu who is faster than light)

Lifting Strength: Multi-City Block level to Large Island Level or Multi-Continental+ (Was able to fight Wu)

Striking Strength: Multi-City Block level to Large Island Level or Multi-Continental+ (Was able to fight Wu)

Durability: Island Level (“Final Heavenly Love: Twins of Love!” She screamed as multiple meteors dropped from above and clones of her appeared near her, with the Wife looking amazed, only to sharpen her fans fully, allowing herself to counter this Empress with any measure of skill, attempting to brutalise the woman in revenge for her children’s needless murder as she used the drugs in her pockets to shape themselves into a two-section staff, fully willing to end her now with Wu coldly smiling, dodging each attack with skill and grace, only to feel her lip being sliced considerably as the Wife danced like a maniac, summoning beautiful energy waves around her to survive the meteors that could wipe out large islands casually however Wu bit her tongue and decided to attack the Wife in a flow state of sorts, fully understanding that if the Wife died… the First Gang would completely fall apart.)

Stamina: Superhuman (Survived whilst having her wrists sliced off)

Range: Extended Melee Range, Tens of Meters with fans

Intelligence: Extremely Gifted (Manipulated everyone including Ferdinand)

Finale Part 10: Samantha and the Family Head (Mareno Harimatsu)'s Wife (2024)
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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.