SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (2024)

SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (3)

    • SPT 3.9.0
  • Solarint
  • Mar 9th 2023

Please do not ask when mod authors will update their mods to 3.9.0
Bothering mod authors will lead to warnings and repeat offenses will lead to eventual bans.

Bots that don't suck.

REQUIRES latest BigBrain by DrakiaXYZ
REQUIRES latest Waypoints by DrakiaXYZ

Report issues or bugs to here: SAIN Github Issue Tracker

Any issues must include a full list of your server and client mods, the version of SPT you are playing on, and either your Bepinex/LogOutput file or an exact description of the issue you are experiencing and the context of when it occurred. Just telling me "its broken" is not helpful what so ever.

SAIN 3.0: New Features:

  • New Combat AI
    • Fully replaced combat logic.
    • AI Will Run for cover while reloading and using first aid.
    • Entirely new decision system and framework.
    • Bots will move outside their bot-zones to investigate gunfire or chase enemies.
  • Full Bot Customization and Difficulty Modifications while in-game.
    • Press f6 (Default Key) to open new in-game GUI.
    • Includes difficulty presets that modify SAIN config settings.
      • These presets have no influence on other difficulty options in other mods or the selected difficulty when starting a raid. They are ONLY for quickly changing SAIN gui settings.
  • New Tracking of Last Known Position for bots.
    • Bots will only use real sensory information to track where they last saw or heard you, and will remember that location for longer. Bots will share this info if they are in a group, and either using headsets, or close by to friendlies.
    • When making lots of noise from 1 place, bots will get increasingly accurate information on where a sound came from, and be able to see their target from further away, and see them faster if they heard them from the same place that they currently are. Repositioning is key!
  • Bot Extracts
    • PMCs and Scavs will move to extract at the end of raid, or if they are heavily injured and can't heal.
    • If using Looting Bots, SAIN will track how much loot they've gained during a raid (Net-Loot-Value) and can decide to leave if they are satisfied.
      • Can be configured in "Looting Bots" tab in Global Settings.
  • Bots React to you reloading, healing, pulling out grenades, pulling pins on grenades, using surgery, or looting.
    • Yes you can bait the AI now.
  • New Cover System for AI
    • Bots use objects around them in the real gameworld rather than preset static points.
    • Anywhere there is NavMesh and objects, bots will take cover and fight properly.
    • Build with Waypoint's expanded NavMesh in mind, so the entire map is fair game for the AI.
  • New AI Personality System
    • Bots are assigned a personality preset that influences their decisions and talk behavior.
    • Bots with excellent gear will be more aggressive, taunt their enemy, and wait for enemies to show up far less frequently.
    • Currently Implemented: GigaChad, Snapping Turtle, Wreckless, Chad, Rat, Coward, Timmy, Normal.
  • New Squad Personality System
    • Groups of bots will have specific personalities that affects how vocal they are, their coordination, and their aggression level.
    • Currently Implemented: GigaChads, Elite, TimmyTeam6, Rats, Normal
  • New Talk System
    • Solo bots are less talkative.
    • Bot Groups now use a complex system to call out enemy locations, friendly status, their current actions, and requests to other group members in close proximity.
    • Squad leaders will call out orders for bots based on the situation.
    • Personality Specific Voice Behaviors
      • Rats and Timmys may beg for their life and try to stop you from shooting them.
      • Chads/GigaChads will taunt enemies.
      • and a few secret rare events that I wont spoil.
    • New AI Voice Response System
      • AI of certain personalities will respond to voicelines from both the player, and other bots, so if you start talking sh*t, they might start talking back!
      • Friendly bots will voice line back to you, so you can more easily tell when a friendly is nearby so you don't lose that scav karma.
  • New Squad Tactics
    • Squads will work together.
      • Groups of scavs and especially PMCs are far more dangerous than before. Think carefully before engaging a group of well armed PMCs!
      • Squads will try to help friendly members if they are in trouble
      • Squads regroup around their squad leader if they drift too far.
      • Squads will suppress enemies around a corner while a friendly is retreating to heal or reload.
    • New Squad Leader System
      • Each group of bots is assigned a squad leader who gives commands and behaves differently.
      • Killing this squad leader will leave groups less combat effective by disabling Squad Specific bot actions.
      • Try to ID a squad leader and kill them first to make a group easier to deal with!
  • Bot Blind Fire
    • Bots will blindfire over objects in the direction of their enemy.
  • Advanced Search Behavior and Movement
    • Bots will try to peek corners and clear dangerous areas while searching for enemies.
  • Bots now make full use of stimulators and injectors in their inventory.
  • Bots will use hand gestures to friendlies instead of voicelining if those friendlies are within line of sight.
  • Certain equipment items provide buffs or debuffs to stealth against AI if further than 50 meters away. Will work on adding these to the description for items, and expanding on the system for easily adding new items or configuring these values in the future.
    • Currently Implemented:
    • Tan Ulach - 7.5% faster vision speed
    • Blue Untar Helmet - 10% faster vision speed
    • Boonie Hats - 20% slower vision speed
    • Pilgrim Backpack - 10% faster vision speed
    • RAID (couch) backpack - 7.5% faster vision speed.
    • Any face cover - 5% slower vision speed.

Features from previous versions:

  • Revamped scatter system for bots based on their weapons recoil stats.
    • You can adjust this in the f12 menu. If a mod you are using lowers recoil for weapons, bots will also have reduced recoil!
    • There are additional settings available if advanced settings are enabled in the f12 menu (Checkbox at the top) but I do not recommend messing with this without some fine tuning, or bots won't be able to hit anything.
  • Flashlight detection and blinding for bots.
    • Bots can detect your flashlight beam being shined around and will investigate, they estimate the position and the accuracy is based on distance to to the object being illuminated.
    • Bots are blinded by flashlights at close range, they will have increased recoil and slower aim speed.
  • Dynamic Lean.
    • Bots will lean based on objects around them and their enemies position, and can do so while peeking corners.
  • Weather affects bot visibility.
    • Poor weather conditions will actually have an affect on how well bots can see and how fast they see you.
  • More accurate time-of-day vision.
    • Bot vision will gradually reduce as darkness falls or increase as the sun rises. in vanilla, it changes very rapidly, but only after the sun is completely set.
  • Sound occlusion for bot hearing.
    • The distance bots can hear sounds is affected by objects between them and the source. The more objects - the higher the occlusion.
  • Gunshot audible range based on weapon caliber.
    • In Vanilla, bots hear all unsuppressed weapons at the same range. Now this scales depending on the caliber properly.
  • Subsonic ammo is quieter for bots.
    • Using a suppressor + subsonic ammo will have a dramatic effect on the range bots can hear your gunshots.
  • Rain affects bot hearing.
    • Heavy rain will reduce the range bots can hear sounds.
  • Semi-auto firemode swap for bots firing at 40+ meters.
    • Bots will automatically swap to semi auto when engaging targets at range.
  • Recoil, Ergo, Ammo-Type based fire-rate and full auto burst length.
    • How fast bots shoot is affected by their weapon stats. So low recoil guns will be fired in semi auto at a faster rate at long range, and bots will fire longer burts at close range.


1) Open the downloaded .7z file in 7-zip

2) Select the folders in the .7z file in 7-zip

3) Drag the selected folders from 7-zip into your SPT folder

4) If you couldn't tell, you need 7-zip to extract this mod

Demonstration Video:

SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (4)

  • How do I install?
    • Just drag and drop the two folders in the downloaded zip into the folder you installed SPT to. Thats it.
      • If Installed correctly with BigBrain and Waypoints, you should see SAIN in the f12 menu while ingame, and SAIN being activated in the server when starting it.
  • How do I configure the mod?
    • Press f6 while in-game.
  • My Spawns are messed up!
    • SAIN does not touch bot spawns, loadouts, or anything else that isn't explicitly listed. SAIN is purely bot behavior and actions.
  • How do the difficulty presets work in the GUI?
    • The presets ONLY modify settings within the SAIN GUI. They have no impact on any other mod or what difficulty you select when starting a raid.
  • How do I make the bots smarter?
    • You can't. There is no magical button to make ai do smarter or new things, it has to be manually programmed and designed, this is a replacement AI, so anything the bots do has to be designed and built.
  • How do I configure the mod?
    • Press f6 while in-game.
  • I can't extract the mod files
    • 7-zip is required to extract this mod


STRONGLY Recommended!: Looting Bots by Skwizzy andQuesting Bots by DanW

Another two mods there is no reason not to use, these gets bots moving into new areas and makes them far more life like.

Other fantastic mods:
Realism Mod by Fontaine
Nooky's SWAG+Donuts (Bot Spawn Mod)
and a bunch more I need to add here SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (5)

Report issues or bugs to here: SAIN Github Issue Tracker

Any issues must include a full list of your server and client mods, the version of SPT you are playing on, and either your Bepinex/LogOutput file or an exact description of the issue you are experiencing and the context of when it occurred. Just telling me "its broken" is not helpful what so ever.


  • ANY mod that modifies AI brain types will cause issues.
  • Poop - Not Necessary, you can modify the AI within SAIN GUI menu now. (f6 default key)
  • Poop Variety - Strongly suggest not using this, lots of people reporting major issues with it.
  • No Bush ESP - Incompatible. Already implemented into SAIN.
  • No Grenade ESP - Incompatible. SAIN requires bots to see grenades or hear the pop from them to react.
  • No AI ESP - Implemented into SAIN. Do not use.

Known Issues:

  1. Bots will sometimes get stuck in healing animations
  2. Bots will sometimes vault into places they can't get down from. (Mostly resolved in recent versions, but can still happen sometimes)
  3. Sometimes random stuff in EFT code becomes null, and causes sain code to throw errors.
  4. Bots can do some stupid stuff sometimes, always working on it but creating code for every possible situation is difficult.
  5. Bots sometimes spin in place when trying to look to where they are trying to run, probably just need to adjust some distance thresholds to fix this.
  6. Bots like to crouch every time they start shooting a target that appears
  7. Bots hear gunshots/footsteps from way too far while in areas like the Reserve bunker
  8. Bots don't take into consideration bodies in the place they are trying to search (will take a lot of rework and a new system to fix this)
  9. Tarkov is cursed and made of spaghetti code.

If you experience stuttering on interchange/reserve. This is not caused by SAIN.

It's an EFT issue from their new audio changes. There is nothing I can do it about it.

It happens even on live.

This mod is built from the ground up to maximize performance in any way I can.

Performance tests show little to no difference from vanilla.

I have a Patreon if you want to support my work. I am unemployed and a student, but I am working on this project full time 12+ hours a day, every day, and have been for over 4 months now. Every dollar helps! SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (6)

Link to Solarint's Patreon

HUGE Thanks to everyone in the Discord who helped test the Alpha builds of 2.0. Ya'll are the only reason this mod works as well as it does!

  • weapon
  • Bots
  • client mod
  • Behavior


  • Version 3.0.1

    • Solarint

    Changelog here:…duIRu6OkpUrxIb83k86w/edit
    Zip includes a SPT 3.8.3 version and a 3.9.0 version.

    Install the correct one, please.
    Unless there is something major I need to fix, this will be the last SPT 3.8.3 release for sain, porting stuff back and forth is incredibly tedious.
    Virustotal results:
    3.9.0 dll:…d04c8a681427162?nocache=1

    3.8.3 dll:…082131c3a82eb64?nocache=1


    • Version 3.0.0 - 3.9.0

      • Solarint

      Only works on 3.9.0

      Updated for SPT 3.9.0. Requires the latest BigBrain and Waypoints version!

      Updated download link to a version without extra files in the User Mod that can affect Linux users. Sorry!

      Note: I accidentally left some loose files in a folder called "3.8.0" in the rush to fix the above issue before anyone noticed, you can just ignore it, its just some zips of releases.

      special thanks to Phiveaces for their help getting a few references updated to new EFT code!

      Change log here: 3.0.0 Changelog


      • Only works on 3.8.1 - 3.8.3

        Change Log


        • Version 2.3.3

          • Solarint

          Major Update


          Added detection for when the sain server mod is installed incorrectly. Due to allowing bot types to have sain disabled on them, I need to check to make sure PMC brains are set correctly. You will get an ingame error notification if sain detects that a PMC does not have the correct brain type. Read the error.

          Reworking Bot recoil. (Will need more adjustments)

          Headshot protection slightly reworked. Instead of always aiming for the specific center mass, it will limit the height of their aim target to the height of center mass, meaning stomach shots should be less frequent.

          Added scatter and aim buffs/debuffs for bots using weapons with or without different types of optics.

          For example: When using an optic, Bots will be more accurate at long range, and less accurate at close range.

          Bots who are shooting at prone or crouching enemies are now more inaccurate.

          Bot accuracy when only a single body part is visible is now reduced.

          Updated and reworked how bots use flashlights slightly.

          Bots who are searching will turn their flashlight on when turning a corner if they are not a sneaky personality type.

          Added config option to disable sneaky bot search behavior.

          Fixed issue where bots would not properly sense bullets flying by them at range.

          Replaced function that detects this with a brand new one, and its working well.

          Increased distance that bots can see players shooting at them.

          Changes to bot vision:

          Peripheral vision is dramatically reduced, they see much slower, and can see less far on enemies further than 45 degrees to their side.

          Reduced Bot Raycasts against other bots to optimize.

          Bots will have reduced vision speed based on how many body parts are visible or not. So if they can only see your head, they will set you as visible far slower.

          Third Party: Bots have reduced vision speed against Non-Active enemies, if they are currently fighting and the other enemy is more than 30 degrees away from where they last saw their active enemy.

          Bots see enemies infront of them who have shot recently further.


          Hearing range reduced across the board, but especially for bots without headsets (mostly scavs).

          Adjusted chance to hear footsteps, they are less likely to hear footsteps on the max range of their hearing.

          Added config options for max footstep range while not wearing headset.

          Added chance to hear enemy actions (reloading, ect) instead of it being always 100% chance, similar to how hearing footsteps works.

          Fixed Bot Taunting and Responding to Enemies being broken. Bots are talking a lot more now.

          Scavs now respond to friendly voicelines even when actively fighting an enemy, rather than only when at peace.

          (will need to be adjusted now, scavs are a bit too talkative)

          Added option to enable PMCs being allowed to aim for the head.

          Fixed bots not being able to sprint because other code was forcing them to look in a certain direction.

          Fixed bots not sprinting to cover while reloading or healing.

          Reworked bot sprinting, now working much better than before.

          New Stamina management system for bots sprinting. Bots will dynamically adjust how much stamina to use or keep in reserve based on the action they are doing.

          Fixed personality settings not being imported or saved properly.

          Reworked how bots look for and decide to fight enemies that are extremely close.

          Fixed bots ignoring other enemies that are closer when currently "DogFighting" an enemy.

          Fixed bots getting yanked back down to earth after jumping.

          Fixed console errors about coroutines being unable to be started on bots.

          Moved Headshot protection into the "Aiming" category.

          Tweaked sound detection distances and chances.

          Added config options to edit the range bots can hear different enemy actions such as reloading or healing. (Advanced)

          Added config option to change the max range to report enemy actions for bots without headsets.

          Fixed bots not actually "hearing" enemy actions, and thus not being able to act upon the information.

          Added frequency limit on the number of sounds a single player can broadcast to bots per second.

          Moved Max Footstep distance to global settings.

          Added missing sounds that bots can now hear properly.

          - Landing from a fall, Vaulting, Breathing, Heavy Breathing, Pain, injury, and Weapon DryFiring.

          Reduced the distance that bots can hear looting slightly.

          Increased the distance that bots can hear surgery from 40 meters to 55 meters.

          Increased the distance that bots can hear grenades being pulled slightly. 25 meters to 30 meters.

          Slightly reduced the distance that bots think is within range to rush enemies to better match the reality of the time it takes to get there.

          Reworked sounds from aiming, gear, prone, turning to better match the range that a real player can hear those things. Uses the same functions to calculate volume.

          Fixed (?) bots using surgery when enemies are too close, or they've seen them recently.

          Fixed bots not canceling surgery when an enemy is approaching.

          Fixed Errors from SelfActionDecisionClass.

          Fixed Errors from SAINPerson Constructor.

          Added Joke option to General Settings to add random 1% chance at a speed hacker, I could only get them moving about 1.5x as faster before I moved on. SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (21)

          Reworked bot running, they should only pause sprint to turn when they actually need to turn now.

          Moved sain toggles for bots into a new category in global settings.

          Added additional options to disable sain for specific bot types. Requires game restart still for all options.

          Removed option to disable sain for player scavs, as p-scavs use the same brain type as PMC, and it would not work properly with the current method.

          Removed option to disable sain for raiders, for the same reason.

          Added check to make sure bots don't get stuck in SurgeryAction.

          Adjusted bot friendly fire checks to be more accurate, hopefully.

          Fixed bots being excluded from playing pain noises in vanilla EFT code.

          Bots now prioritize looking at their enemies last know position more compared to randomly looking around to check for enemies.


          • Version

            • Solarint

            Major Issues Fixed:

            Fixed Issue where bots were getting incorrect information on whether an enemy was in line of sight or not, leading them to not be able to see targets infront of them.

            Fixed Issue where bots who get disabled by an AI limiter will ignore enemies after being reactivated.

            Fixed issue where bots were entering search quicker than intended.

            Performance improvements to coverfinder and bot vision raycasts.

            Adjusted bot sprinting to get them sprinting a bit more.

            Added null check to SelfDecisionClass

            Fixed bots T-Bagging while shooting at enemies sometimes.

            Added new config options to configure the distance that bots will ignore AI gunshots sounds when extremely far from the player.

            Added config option to personality settings to configure the distance a bot while "chase" gunshot sounds, or when they will ignore sounds instead.

            Fixed bot hearing sensor not working as intended and ignoring gunshots sometimes.

            Due to resolving an issue with bot's hearing, I will likely need to rebalance it, as it seems scavs are having a lot of trouble hearing footsteps now. One bug fixed leads into another SAIN - Solarint's AI Modifications - Full AI Combat System Replacement - SPT Mods Workshop (26)


            • Version

              • Solarint

              Performance Optimizations to coverfinder.

              New: Added toggles to disable SAIN for Bosses and Normal Scavs. All behavior will be vanilla with these options enabled for those bot types. Also have a seperate toggle for player scavs. All disabled by default. Requires game restart after enabling or disabling.

              New: Reworked how bots react when enemies are very close, should be better at playing footsies and peeking enemies at close range.

              New: Reworked how bots stop and shoot for distant enemies.

              New: Personality Setting that tells a bot to kick every door they come across if they have an active enemy.

              New: Added new handling for how bots see you faster after repeat contact, instead of working off a timer like vanilla EFT, it now never expires, but scales by distance to the place they last saw you, it also works with hearing and where they last heard you, but to a lesser extent.

              New: Reworked personality settings to break them into categories (gui not updated yet). Old preset personality settings will be reset.

              Reworked how personalities are assigned and how the percentage chance works, it now scales with power level, so their chance to be assigned will increase up to a target power level, until it caps out at the assigned chance.

              New: Added special behavior for when bots detect an enemy using surgery or looting.

              New: Started work on bots considering more than just 1 active enemy at a time when making decisions.

              Fixed door desync while using Project Fika.

              Adjusted bot door opening to prevent them from freezing up for a moment after it opens.

              Trying some experimental stuff with doors in general, let me know if its hella broken.

              Fixed error from grenades in SAIN Bot Controller.

              Fixed bots not reacting to grenades.

              Reworked how bots react to grenades slightly.

              Fixed bots walking backwards off into the distance while they should be fighting.

              Reduced distance that bots will enter extreme close quarters fighting mode (DogFight)

              Fixed: Bots who hear a grenade explosion would consider the explosion position as a last known location, causing them to get confused and look towards where it exploded. They now estimate the thrower's position and go off that information.

              Fixed: Discovered and resolved issue where after a bot is shot, they will get instant, perfect information on their enemy location and look at them, now references their last known location and looks to that, which has randomized dispersion as intended.

              Reworked a lot of bot steering to fix many issues (still wip)

              Reworked how bot's enemies are assigned to make sure their active enemy is being set correctly.

              Slightly reduced the range bots without headphones can hear footsteps.

              Disabled some EFT bot functions that are resource expensive and rarely used by SAIN.

              Added more places that bots can try to throw grenades at to try to flush/kill their enemy.


              • Version

                • Solarint

                Fixed Null Reference in FindCrouchFromCover()


                • Version

                  • Solarint

                  Forgot to include:
                  New: When a bot hears a sound and it came from behind them, the random dispersion is now increased substantially.

                  New: The max range a bot will shoot before swapping to semi auto is configurable now and depends on caliber (found in Global Settings => Shoot). Previously it was 40 meters for all bots and all weapon types, now it can go up to 100m for machineguns (for example)

                  New: Added toggles for different bot types to force them to turn their flashlight off when they don't currently have an enemy to fight. (Default to force off for PMCs and Goons, toggles are found in GlobalSettings => Flashlight)

                  New: Added a enforced delay/reaction time for how quickly bots can react to and hear noises, this changes depending on if they are at peace or have an active enemy. Can be changed in Global Settings => Hearing. (Default values are 0.2 seconds for when they have an active enemy, and 0.35 seconds when they are a peace (no enemy))

                  Increased default range flashlights can dazzle a bot (40 meters from 30 meters)

                  Fixed bots crouch spamming and returning to standing while walking around.

                  Fixed bots trying to sprint then stopping in some cases (was caused by the above issue)

                  Fixed bots looking in the wrong direction sometimes. Especially when moving to extract. Was caused by the code thinking a bot was sprinting when they were not.

                  Fixed issue where bots would not add an obvious threat as an enemy and would ignore them.

                  Fixed bots hearing and reacting to themselves.

                  Fixed bots trying to run or move to cover that is unreachable.

                  Fixed: Added additional check to make sure SAIN Coroutines are being stopped.

                  Fixed: Added null check to BotUnstuck Coroutine.


                  • Version

                    • Solarint

                    The standalone No Bush ESP and No Grenade ESP are now labeled as incompatible with SAIN. You must uninstall these to use SAIN.

                    Update: Forgot to include a few changes.
                    Suppressed bots will now have reduced accuracy, vision speed, vision distance, and more scatter, and the amount is increased based on more suppression.
                    Bots in a squad will call out to their fellow members if they are close when clearing your last known position, often calling you a god damn puss* while doing so.

                    Bots can sometimes Leap into cover (more of an easter egg) very low chance.


                    Rewrote AI Cover-finder to increase performance substantially.

                    Performance Optimizations all over the dang place.

                    Simplified Search functions while I rewrite the system.

                    Added AI vs AI fighting limiters to increase performance. Essentially - bots will think slower and be slightly worse at finding cover when only fighting other AI, especially if a human player is far away. (Can be disabled in settings)

                    2 new bot personalities!

                    1. Snapping Turtle - A player who finds the balance between rat and chad, yin and yang. Will rat you out but can spring out at any moment.
                    • Rarer than other types (30% chance)
                    • PMC only.
                    1. Wreckless - Rush B Cyka Blyat. Who care if I die? Gotta get the clip.
                    • Extremely rare. (3% chance)

                    Squad Personalities! - Config options yet, but It is planned.

                    1. Gigachads - Maximum Vocalization and highly coordinated.
                    2. Elite - Quiet and highly coordinated.
                    3. Rats - Were the rats.
                    4. TimmyTeam6 - Very vocal, low coordination.

                    Chad Personality types are now no longer PMC only, gigachad is still PMC only.

                    Raiders, Rogues, and Bloodhounds can no longer be assigned Timmy or Coward personalities.

                    Rewrote how AI Power level is calculated from scratch. Now takes into account way more variables and looks at the composition of their gear and attachments.

                    Added a few fun easter eggs.

                    New Personality settings: Jump Push chance, Can BunnyHop during jump push, BunnyHop chance (default is very low chance)


                    Added a new default Difficulty Preset: Default with Harder PMCs.

                    Reworked how presets are handled. Default presets are no longer exported and wont be in the Presets folder, only custom presets are handled in this way now.

                    Old presets should work, but starting fresh is always recommended.

                    Clarified the warning on a version mismatch for presets. Also made the warning smaller.

                    Added new friendly response system.

                    When playing as a scav, other scavs will respond with voicelines letting you know they are also a scav.

                    AI Scavs will also talk with each other way more and be noisy (can be disabled)

                    Added optional folder to zip with a few other mods from me.

                    Bots now open doors WAY faster than before. (Can be disabled)

                    Added brand new path finder for bots running to cover. They should get stuck on stuff and miss corners far less often.

                    Completely rewrote how bots track your last known position using audio and visual cues from squad members and themselves.

                    All information a bot has is "real" sensory input. Bots do not cheat.

                    Bots will now see targets further away based on if the target has been shooting from that same position.

                    Bots now get more accurate information the more shots are fired from a single position, simulating "certainty" in locating a sound source.

                    Reworked most of the squad voice systems.

                    Added a few new voice line situations for squads.

                    Tons of new config options to tweak to your hearts desires.

                    Slightly increased the height a bot aims for with Headshot protection turned on, should reduce the stomach shots.

                    Added stealth bonuses or debuffs for gear. Currently the system is very limited. But currently the buffs are:

                    Tan Ulach: 7.5% faster vision speed against enemies wearing this.

                    Blue UNTAR helmet 10% faster vision speed.

                    Pilgrim Backpack 7.5% faster vision speed.

                    RAID backpack 6.25% faster vision speed.

                    Boonie Hats: 15% slower vision speed.

                    Any face cover: 2.5% slower vision speed. (even the mustache)

                    Squads now communicate between each other more information on a shared enemy. If 1 bot knows you are healing, they will report that to the others. So now you can get jump shot by an entire squad! Yay!

                    New Squad Decision - Push Suppressed Target - If a fellow member is suppressing an enemy, other members will push hard to kill the suppressed enemy.

                    New Squad Decision - Group Search - Bots will follow the squad leader and attempt to search together.

                    Goons are now fully utilizing SAIN PMC AI. Good Luck.

                    Bots who are prone or aiming down sights now experience 20% less recoil impulse, making them more accurate.

                    Bots with machineguns will lay down suppressing fire more consistently and for longer.


                    • Version 2.2.1

                      • Solarint

                      2.2.1 -

                      Fixed bots sometimes failing to react to being shot when they can't see their enemy when they were previously at a peaceful state (No Enemy or No threats heard)

                      Fixed incompatibility when using both Jiro's Battery System and Realism Mod.

                      Adjusted some numbers that were resulting in bots being a bit too easy than intended.

                      2.2.0 -

                      Looting bots integration (requires latest looting bots version)

                      Bots will extract when their inventory is full and they have picked up enough loot to satisfy them. (Can be configured in Global Settings => Looting Bots

                      Bots will see you slightly faster or slower depending on your speed and pose, if you are sprinting they will see you much faster.

                      Bots will see targets slower if their target is above them, and faster if they are above their target.

                      Reworked GUI. Added ability to rename presets in the gui. Editing a default preset now automatically creates a new copy.

                      (still a bit jank, working on it)

                      Optimized and greatly improved Cover finding for bots.

                      Reworked Headshot protection entirely. It's much more consistent and reliable. Now On by default.

                      Reworked bot recoil entirely. It has a more direct impact on their aim.

                      Bots who can't currently see their enemy but are being shot at will fire blindly toward the source. (especially at night)

                      Tweaks and adjustments all over the code.

                      Nerfed bots AD/AD strafing sometimes. it's smoother and less frequent.

                      Adjusted and added new voicelines for bots in squads.

                      PMCs will react better to hearing enemies.

                      Scavs will talk and respond to your voicelines if you are a scav.

                      Bots can rush their enemy in more situations, like if their enemy is heavily injured, or prone and healing up.

                      Bots with machine guns will lay down more suppressing fire.

                      Bots will go prone with under fire and far from any cover if it protects them more.

                      Bot movement and steering is smoother and less jittery.

                      Fixed bots leaving flashlight on during the day.

                      Added optimizations for bots that are far from the player.

                      Fixes issues when using SAIN and Project Fika

                      Added Performance Mode in General settings.

                      Added tons of new config options in personality settings.

                      Fixed bots using surgery at bad times (mostly)

                      Greatly reduced chances of bots getting busy hands bug.

                      And so much more.

                      Known Issues:

                      Bot aim is a jittery when shooting at close range.

                      Performance in this version should be better overall, but feedback is required on more PCs on the actual difference.


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                      Author: Annamae Dooley

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                      Author information

                      Name: Annamae Dooley

                      Birthday: 2001-07-26

                      Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

                      Phone: +9316045904039

                      Job: Future Coordinator

                      Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

                      Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.