The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)

THE DAILY PROGRESS: CHARLOTTESVILLE: FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 22, 1949 PAGE THREE VAUGHAN AND BOAR: "The President and I have decided. Washington's New Silent Man. -Mouth Truman Aide's Future Comment: No Comment Douglas Larsen WASHINGTON -UP -President Truman and his military aide, Maj. Gen. Harry Hawkins Vaughan, have agreed on a brand new public relations -for General Vaughan.

This it, In Vaughan's words, reported for the Arst time: President and I have cided that from now on I will treat all reporters and newsman uniformly. No matter what question am matter what the circ*mstances. No matter who the reporter is answer will always. be the same- No followed, this policy will be in marked contrast to recent impromptu press conference. la which he: Asked 1 photographer, "How would you like A.

punch in the Told reporters their questions were too stupid to Started to swing at a newsman. the interview by saying information they bought "Is my own. damn bustVaughan had just returned from vacation. Reporters were aking him who bad paid for his trip and about his connection with former Army La. Col.

James V. Hunt. Hunt was named in news. paper story as man who claimed he could help get government tracts and who charged "Ave per for the service. He named Vaughan OD his "very good contacts." Upshot of this whole affair is Congressional investigation of the "Ave per cent" racket, Vaughan's possible demand that connection Vaughan with it, be plus missed as the President's military aide.

The General attributes this and past notoriety to an unfortunate knack for getting Into headlines: me, nobody in this town likes publicity less than 1 do. All I've ever wanted is to be rood military aide to the President. But every time I open my mouth with reporter around something disastrous seems to happen." analysis of press relations la backed up by the list of front-page splashes he has inspired since working at the White House, In 1945 the General Into his boiling bot water when he was quoted saying: Churchill la rulous old "The Roosevelt Administration was a fancy dinner of caviar over long period of time." "Catholics pick their best priests for chaplain duty while the Protestant chaplains are Just ministers who want three-year cation." Next headline was earned when he announced to White House reporters that henceforth they should refer to bim "Chief" military aide. A few. hours later, and one of the few times he has' ever done it publicly, the Presldent emphatically put the eral in his place by saying that absolutely no change in Vaughan's status bad been Then.

came the famous O. Incident involving the Argentine' medal that Vaughan had agreed to A columnist waged 1 bitter campaiga to keep the award Don't Fouget Jerk SOAP Saves on Soap Washes Whiter, Brighter! 3 Briets thundershowers are SHOWERS Weather Bureau for tonight; tomorwith few likely in temperathe north so's in the this morning A SCALDED of 1218 was admitted Hospital: for treatment of when scalded water. de FROM daughter of Mrs. HOSPITAL Fontaine Ave to her fame after by at the University props of various the Christian rid at Church, toMince prayer mesting. OPERATION a dan 1.

taow, of after Wine naturand Martha Ivy, la the Martha Jefferson a bora last, aight Hospital and Mrs. Joha d. Napier, of Street, ANNOUNCED a Lewis D. Gooch, of A sanounce the da mo at 10:00 o'clock last a to Martha Jeferson Hos- A. Reed is recovera a mater operation perTuesday at the Martha Purity Code One) by Septemnode la net up to stop by colleges the feld of football other things, of aid an athlete and tor to board and room Oh code does permit athletes for college to non athletes.

It that mais objection to with only a very 1 of collage -jobs sot compete colleges with where jobs and code sit well 1 Degiale's surroundannouncement that the Board of VisThe set to go along with the NCAA would of Virsuspension football and boxing greatly schedules Virgiaia's suswould me member of the opined, Moscow Ona) radio mid the people very clearly that. each peace only by fight other; only waged by working Dels religious conto split de Vatican sald. the has taken its side of the' declared Holy See intention of who pubwar, or dropattitude to Franof its long Hitler and ago," be said. the Pope of Abyshimself 1 Even Mussolini 4 Buchenwald, face single word Pins he Hitler and his res sear Quincy top rails, In the af wood- GOP Candidate To Appear Here Talk Is Set Monday Night At Court House Walter Johnson, Republican candidate for Governor of Virginia, will speak bare Monday night at the Court House, Thomas H. Wyllie, member of the State and county GOP committee, announced this morning.

Sponsored by the GOP senior and Young Republican organizations of Charlottesville and Albemarle County, Johnson is expected 1 to touch on the advantages of a twoparty system in Virginia. He will make 15-minute radio address Monday night at 6:15 o'clock. Johnson jumped into the Virginia GOP limelight by becoming the drst Republican to bold La elective once in Northumberland County when wealth's he was elected He resides and practices law at Heathsville: Wyllie said the public is invited attend the meeting. regardless of party a James M. Bart only Republican of City Council, will Introduce Johnson.

The Republican candidate was chief machinist mate in the Navy before be received medical discharge due to Injuries received in dirigible crash. He, graduated from law school and received his masters degree prior to beginning practice la Arlington. He later moved to Heathsrille and was elected Commonwealth's attorney. An open. forum during which questions will be answered will be held immediately following Johnson's speech, Wyille said.

Church Camp Meet To Open Sunday The annual camp meeting of the Potomac District Council of the Assemblies of God will July 24-August 14, at the. camp Route 11, near Marlowe, W. Va. The camp meeting' will be under the leadership of the Rev. 0.

Harrup, district superintendent, will be assisted by ministers and workers from througbout the district. Evangelist Laster: Sumrall, of South Bead, Ind, will be the evenins speaker. The morning bible studies will conducted by the Rev. John W. Follette, of New Paltz, New York.

The Christ Ambassadors, under the supervision of the Rev. Paul Robinson, will bold fellowship service each evening the camp lawn. Childrens Church and Bible School will be conducted dally by Mrs. V. B.

Stinchcomb and her assistants In the Children's Tabernacle, The World Missions Rally will be held August 1, at 3:50 P. M. and daily minister's meeting will be held, with round table discussions of preacher's and 'assemblies' problems. Arms Aid (Continued Pare breakdown on ald for each par ticipating country. Barkley expressed belief the House will act drat on bill to authorise the spending and that this measure will be followed quickly by an appropriation bill to provide such funds are authorised.

When he was asked if the Administration will try to set the legislation through at this session he said: "That's the "You think you can do that and ret out by Sept. 17" a reporter quired. "I fervently hope so," Barkley plied. "I see no reason why we can't." Germany Or Mexico? Beef Question Sizzles MEXICO CITY-UP-Occupled Germany and this ancient Astec capital are in tug-of-war fresh meat. Mexico docen't have year round supply of fat cattle for both herself and foreignera.

Allied authorities bought fresh meat here to be added to the ration of. German coal miners, and thus persuade them to keep on being miners. Mexico City has long relied on the rich Huastecs plain for its beet. The Huasteca doesn't have enough to so round. Mexico City butchers said the cattle were being sold In Tampico.

The rovernment then banned export of Huasteca cattle. This brought protest from the Allied cocupation authorities In Germany. They said the interruption in meat shipments endangered their program in Germany. The situation la further complicated by Mexico's need for dollars. shipments are.

paid for in dollars. CAMERA FANS! HOUR DEVELOPING SERVICE THE PHOTO SHOP ALLIED ARTA, INC. 1118 West Male Street Schuyler News Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hicks and daughters are visiting relatives.

friends 1A Charlottesville and Schuyler. Guests in' 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Pace over the end were Mr. and Mrs.

Werter Hamilton and Mr. and Mra. Herman Pace, of Arlington. Mra. Claude Branch and Miss Audrey Hamner bave returned from trip to Williamsburg.

Miss Annie Goolshy; of Washington, is spending her vacation at her home here. Miss Betsy entertained at a for some of the younger set on Saturday afternooa. Those present were: Mrs. R. Brush and son Billy of Covesville, Mrs.

Emmett Roberta, daughter Brenda and nephew Earl; Mrs. James Kelly and daughter Michelle: Mrs. Harold Saunders and Harold, Jr. and Brenda; Mrs. Earl Kirby and daughters Clara Lillian and Earline; Mira, Ross Kirby, Jr.

and daughter Sandra, all of Schuy. ler; also Mine Viola Young, Miss Carolyn Sue Gentry and Mias Bobbie Dale Smith of Alberene; Master David Embrey of Rockfish, and Mrs, Richard Hicks and daughters, Mary Ann and Nancy Lou of mond. Miss Sarah Lee Tyler sisted with the entortainment. Mr. Mra.

Wilson Moore have returned to their home in Richmond after spending some time with Mrs. Nellie Moore. Mr. and Mra. Eugene Miller, Jr.

visited his father at Hotel Schuyler on Sunday. fu Mr. and Mrs. Carl Deane the dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.

Jim Kelly Friday Mr. and Mrs. Bledsoc Deane have returned to their home in burg after spending several days with Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. Drane. Louts Deane accompanied them bome for a short visit. Miss Alice Baskerville, of Boydton, la visiting Dr. and Mra.

Fred Horsley. Mr. and Mrs. Phil. Moore and family, of Burkeville, and Cadet H.

D. Stroud, Jr. of Camp Lee were guests of Mrs. Nellie Moore. Mr.

and Mrs. A B. Dudley, of Lynchburg, and Mr. and Mrs. 0.

Purvia, of Falls Church, ed Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Purvia over the R.

Lee Martin la Improving from an Illness at his home at Faber. His daughter, Mra. Carl Hewitt, who was called home, has returned to Washington. Mr. and Mrs.

Joha Harris spent their vacation with Mrs. Lucille Rodeter and daughter, Mildred, in the 1 home of her parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. L.

Bell la Middleburg. British Navy Divides War Booty LONDON-UP)-British seamen to receive a share of the war booty they helped their country capture from the Nasia during the war. About $16,000,000 la to be divided among all men and women who served at: the admiral CORN YO Immortalize the memory of a dear departed one. Select nonument of beauty here. Choice of fine stones.

For information, just call PHONE "4 Charlottesville Marble Granite Co. D. Paul Petty, Migr. 810 Preston Are. 1.

Deala A Strapless BRAS A must with sunbacks or off the shoulder dresses and blouses All nylon construction. $3.50 Were Now $2.50 4 ba LEVY'S Location) 122 East Main Obituaries WOODSON RITES Funeral services for John B. Woodson, 22, son of Mr. and Mrn. Charles Woodson, of Crozrt, who killed yesterday in a plant accident at Covington, will be held at 11 A.

M. Saturday at the Loving Funeral Home at Covington, with the Rev. John. Wellford, pastor of Emanuel Episcopal Church at Covincton, officiating. Burial, with graveside services, will be at P.

M. at Hillsboro, Albemarle County. Pallbearers will be Clarence Black, Billy Dollins, Carson Parr, Mack Fitzgerald, Mason Barnett and Mitchell Patterson, all of Albemarie County. He is survived by one brother, James Tucker Woodson, of Crozet. and five sisters, Mary Katherine, Charlotte Virginia, Mattie Francea, Bettie Sue and Nancy Lee Woodson, all of Crozet.

PFO. PRINCEY A. HACKETT BUCKINGHAM, July 22 The body Princey A. Hackett arrived at Dillwyn Wednesday, Graveside funeral services will be held. In the family cemetery near Wingina, Sunday at 1:30 P.

M. with full military honors. The services will be conducted by the Rev. W. R.

Jones, pastor of Mt. Tabor odiat Church, Private Hackett was born In Buckingham County April 16, 1919, son of Thomas Edmund and Boasie Wade Hackett, who survive. He was killed in action la Germany, February 21, 1945. Bealdes his ents he la: survived by hie wife, Mrs. Willie Berry; one son, Calvin Hackett, of Charlottcaville; two.

sisters, Mra, Josie Ayres, lothian, and Mrs. Louise Wilkerson, of Warminater, two half sisters, Mrs. Elizabeth Haley and Mrs. Ruby Haley, both of Charlottesville, and four brothers, J. W.

Hackett, of Richmond, Frank W. Hackett, of Charlottesville, Edmund Hackett, of- Midlothian, and Dennis M. Hackett, of Wingina. RITES FOR MISS DAVIS The funeral of Mias Emily Davia, who died early yesterday mora: Ing at her. home at Woodridge, will be held at 4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from the Scottaville Methodiat Church, the service to be conducted by the pastor, the Rev.

Jack Tay. tor. Interment will follow in the family burying ground near Scottsvilla, of the fleet on down. Another $5,000,000 will re la a lump to the A. F.

for its share in: helping to And and capture enemy ships and The lowest, ranking seamen the cooks and stewards and I deck -swabbers will ret about $16.80 each. That's one share. According. to rank, other omrers and men will ret more shares. Admirals will collect $43 each.

U. Va. Man Named School Principal The Henrion County Achonl Board yesterday appointed Rufus J. Costen as the new principal of Tuckahoe School. Mr.

Costen, a native of Suffolk, is well known in Charlottesville. He received his B. A. and M. A.

degrera from the University of Vir. ginia. Since leaving college he has held positions in schools Wayncaboro, Covington, and School. and for the past 12 years has been principal of Gretna. schools.

For many years he was or of arrangements at the Summer! Quarter sessions held at the veralty. He married Mine 'Mary Carter, of this city, whose parents ed the University" Commons for many years; A daughter, Miss Sylvia Costen, has. charge of the. woman's page of the Richmond News-Leader. GET THE AD-READING HABIT A Complete The Admiral 7 Refrigeration Service Commercial--Domestic Have Your Repairs or Installations Done By 3681-R De Witts Refrigeration Service from Vaughan.

In Vaughan's defense President Truman, at large banquet, called the columnist an "8. 0. Churchmen and club women all over the country protested the President's use of those Initials, The General Is big and plump. His chins hide the top of his shirt collar and bia stomach hides his belt when his coat is of, His love of braid, colorful medals and fancy uniforms gives sort of stage-like quality. When he laughs, which loud and free quently, he abakes all over.

Not generally known is the fact that the General, who is 55 and native of Clascow, Mo; is also favorite of Mrs. Truman. Vaughan and the President met during the early days of World War 1 and have remained friends lever since, Until 1940, Vaughan', made fair living selling creosote and railroad ties. 'Then be' threw his lot In with Truman and became treasurer of his senatorial campaign. His association with the President was interrupted during World War 11 while be served 23 months In Australia provost marshal.

He was discharged for injuries in a plane crash but came back on stive duty as military alde to Vice President Truman soon after. His rise from colonel to major general was rapid after that. The General not heavy drinker, has been widely" ported. He is Sunday school teach. er and elder in the Presbyterian Church of Alcxandria, Va.

He and This wife live In modest' room brick They have daughter 20 and a COD 14. Latch Breaking Count 4 Brings Fine Of $25 Robert Deer, of Schuyler, was Aned $25 and costs in Albemarle Trial Justice Court today on conviction of unlawful and wilful injury to real property. He allegedly broke a latch on door of Emmmett Tyre's residence at Schuyler in attempting to CAter without permission. GEI THE AD-READING HABI Our ESTIMATE PLAN enables each family to control the expense, Hill Irving FUNERAL HOME LEt MAN PAST ST. PUONE 440 MARKET 'More People 'Are Now Using Daily Progress si Classified Ads Than Ever Before! Why The Cost Is Small.

Results Are Good. Nearly Everybody Reads The Classified Section. Your Ad Will Reach More Than 30,000 Readers Per Day. Economic Meeting Place For Buyer And Seller. And It's casy to place a Classified Ad.

Simply phone 190 before 12:00. Noon, day advertisem*nt is to run: Place your copy: Give your name and address and CHARGE IT. Invoice with copy of your. advertisem*nt will be mailed you the day of insertion. There is no extra charge for this service if invoice is paid within seven days.

Newspaper classifed advertising serves business, Industry and 1. There is no better way to buy, sell, trade or rent than through a Daily Progress Classified Ad. THE DAILY PROGRESS More People 'Are Now Reading The Daily Progress Than Ever Before 8 4 SACRIFICE' 187 ACRES NEAR FARMINGTON CLUB This Depot tract and is located on paved road, 2 miles north of Ivy miles west of Farmington. About acres cleared and remainder in timber, 20 to 30 and springs, a two 50-acre large streams, a river along one boundary, lake site. Offered at give-away price of $60 per 'ocre, which is about 2-3 of the value of the wood.

See your broker or write to Richard M. Welling; 1915 Ashland Charlotte, N. C. Cannon Turkish BATH TOWELS Medium Weight in Assorted Colors and All White. At Only Special O.

E. CiL. Hawkins Nest Deer Te Jefferson Theatre 106 Last Main Phone 676.

The Daily Progress from Charlottesville, Virginia (2024)
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Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

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Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.