The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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THE PLAIN DEALER SATURDAY JULY 15 1967 4 Nardini and Lorain Inc Wins Back Permit rom irst Page casual Lt Zicarelli Recalls Old Days Police Officer for 4812 Years Retires Westgate Women's Misses' and Jr Misses £uiti Ccati CcAtumeA ish Out of Water All sales final sorry no returns GALLAGHER left Plain Dealer Photo (Dudley Brumbach) find new pursuits To Help Rapist Remember Solitary Confinement 2 Days a Year what you did Alan Orvisky I OR THELOOK SEVERANCE CENTER tyt 'X ALL REGULAR SUMMER STOCK MILLIE AUGUST wishes his luck on his Polar bears have built in sunglasses to prevent snow blindness A special lid pro tects the eyes from the arctic glare Plain Dealer Bureau our Lorain men arrested last week in a police raid at the Antlers Hotel were bound to the Lorain County Grand Jury yesterday on morals charges Usually $32 to $45 amous House of Lards rayon and Irish linen summer shifts sparkle ivith distinctive embroi dery Misses' sizes rom a collection ANNE POLfHEK Shaker Square BE SURE TO SEE OUR WINDOWS IMPORTANT NEW KNEES OR ALL women was 11 pm under federal aid to agriculture The minority urged that government programs includ ing price supports and pro duction controls should be phased out as soon as possi Lt George Zicarelli 69 will end his career as a policeman today Now that may not sound Tike much But for a guy who has spent 481 years handling practically every job a police man can handle today will be a tough one to see end not easy to leave after being here so he said started when I was 21 and we were in the old building where the Terminal Tower is now were the days when we didn't have zone cars or all this scientific stuff I re Golf and Country Club is still pending CAMERON NOW is a vice president and owner of 44 percent of the stock in a ort Lauderdale restaurant On Jan 29 1965 a few days before the Lorain Coun ty suit was filed an applica tion was made to the Ohio liquor department to trans fer the liquor permit held by GCM to Lorain Inc The transfer almost went awry on refusal to sign necessary documents showing an agreement to the transfer on the part of GCM The department asked for an affidavit signed by the stockholders or minutes of a meeting consenting to the sale or a certified copy of minutes of the board of directors au thorizing the transfer of the business Since Cameron would not cooperate Lorain Inc asked Gov James A Rhodes to intervene with the liquor department CARL ADAMS who at the time was still vice president and general manager of the Lorain Journal as well as a large stockholder in Lorain Inc sent a letter to John McElroy top aide to thj country club and return It to the ownership of Lo rain Inc The battle was un usual in that it avoided a court appointed reciever for the liquor business Unlike his brother in law John A Gay who received a presidential commutation to cut his sentence for her oin peddling Nardini was successful in regaining the permit Both fought hard for their liquor permits But Gay had lost his before he went to prison THE LORAIN suit against GCM and Cameron was aimed at collecting money allegedly owed Oak Hills GCM had ties to the Chica go crime syndicate The suit also was aimed at collecting $93600 on be half of 52 prominent Lorain County residents who each allegedly paid Cameron $1800 at a banquet The payments were for 10 year memberships in the club According to the Lorain suit GCM or its subsidiary Tamarac Golf Club Inc of lorida received financing of $1 million from Central member that when we had to investigate something we had to get a streetcar ZICARELLI said the only change he would advocate is a return to the old time beats ago we had a beat and you knew the people on the he said some thing happened know' who to ask and someone was bound to tell you But you do it that way today The too big for that But I would still try to keep men on more beats than we have" He also commented on change in murders 1 murders today are nothing like the old time gangland shootings used to kill each other like lies Most of them were boot leg murders have two or three a Zicarelli said he wanted to become a policeman because his two older brothers Carl and John both deceasedwere on the force He and his wife Margaret live at 28499 Edgedate Road Pike The bank spokesman said Cameron had hired an ac countant who had left an ac counting firm with a supply of the stationery The accounting station ery was used by Cameron in applying for the loan and listing assets The bank said it did not know rank Buccieri a top man in the Chicago Cosa Nostra was connected with GCM It also said it did not know that irst National Mortgate Co of Chicago was a financial angel to GCM Other suits in lorida against 000 by the Chicago bank on mortgaged golf carts and a suit by James Kirkwood Jr of ort Lauderdale holder of 46000 shares of GCM for $116000 on an overdue note Summary final judgments were issued in both cases in 1965 A check of courts in Miami and ort Lauderdale shows no suit by Lorain Inc or Oak Hills Country Club Inc pending against GCM One suit involving other creditors following the Chi cago bank against Tamarac By EDDY GILMORE LONDON As far as the Royal Society for the Pre vention of Cruelty to Animals knows Mrs Mary Mitchell is the first human to give the kiss of life to a goldfish action is both remarkable and said a spokesman for the society applaud it We know of cases where humans have successfully given the kiss of life to dogs and cats but never before a Carassius or goldfish MRS MITCHELL who lives in Earnborough owns a goldfish named reddy At 13 years of age he is like a member of the family Entering her drawing room Thurs day Mrs Mitchell found reddy on the floor as cold as a corpse She thought some cat was to blame She asked him her son Roy to give reddy mouth to mouth resuscitation Roy looked at the fish and decided he up to the job Mrs Mitchell fell to her knees placed her lips to the mouth and blew and blew and blew YESTERDAY the goldfish wrns swimming about as if nothing had happened misadventure will benefit other fish sight of reddy lying there on the floor was very said Roy Mitchell decided to sell my fish ing tackle and give up the He is the local champion angler very truly Carl Adams" The letter was forwarded by McElroy to the liquor de partment ollowing this Lorain lawyer William Wickens went to lorida on Mar 11 1965 and saw Cameron He got signature on lists of official stockholders and officers of GCM but the department pointed out he failed to get signature not arized iled with the liquor de partment on Mar 19 1965 was a resolution of GCM di rectors agreeing to sell the liquor business and permit for $5000 to Lorain Inc The resolution contained Camer name which also was not notarized An attached note said Lorain Inc city will be able to close the hotel as a public nuisance Henry Webber city prose cutor contends Atkinson is charged with' five counts of procurement and three counts of statutory rape Keegan and Churchl National Bank in Chicago The financing was issued on mortgages based on phony statements according to the suit The suit said a receiver was appointed for the mort gaged properties and that Cameron had solicited the Oak Hills memberships from Lorain residents when he knew he was going to use the money on country club subsidiaries in other states NARDINI TOLD the Plain Dealer in an interview that the Lorain suit has now been dropped under an agree ment that would put Oak Hills Country Club Inc and Lorain Inc third in line of creditors on the property in lorida As for the valuable liquor permit in the name of GCM Lorain Inc decided to work directly through the state liquor department and not the courts Normally a court appointed receiver would sell the liquor busi ness and liquor permit at the same time to raise money to pay off creditors But this would have meant the country club bar would lose its liquor permit A spokesman for Central imprinted on their to both rapes forced a worn Judge Patton said I an into a car at 36th Street AM GOING to make sure and Ve8a Avenue SW as she that you forget those1 was on her W3y to work about LT ROBERT boss Lt George Zicarelli good retirement would keep the $5000 as' part of its lawsuit instead of actually paying this price to Cameron DEPARTMEJNT then transferred the liquor" permit to Lorain Inc And Lorain Inc decided to tighten up its financial position In December 1965 Adams resigned from the Lorain Journal to become president of Lorain Nardini remained as board! chairman Nardini said he brought Adams in to get rid of un profitable properties some of which also had liquor per mits These apparently in cluded the Vermilion Marina and the A 1 1 Hotel NEXT: The Lorain Ink' octopus 1 am prosecutor william Coyne told the court Leary blamed a maimed hand for problems He said Orvisky raped the women after the fingers of his right hand were blown off in a firecracker explosion last summer 1 are not a you are a Judge Patton told Orvisky sentenced to solitary confinement under 4 in Lorain ace Jury in Hotel Morals Charge By TERENCE SHERIDAN In rare use of an obscure Ohio law Common Pleas Judge John Patton ordered a 20 year old convicted rapist yesterday to spend a day in solitary confinement on the annual anniversaries of the dates he raped two young women The unusual ruling came as (Judge Patton sentenced Alan Orvisky 2118 7th Street to 6 to 40 years in Ohio Peni tentiary "1 realize the seriousness of my crime" said Orvisky repealing what defense law yer Lynn Leary had just 'told Judge Patton THE 6 OOT inch 186 pound defendant then told Judge Patton he could not re call the Sept 9 and Oct 11 that he raped the women after abducting them at knifepoint from West Side streets first 0 our Imports and one of preat collection Wool init with Rhodes instead of to the liquor department The letter dated eb 22 1965 read: McElroy assist ant to the governor office of the governor Mr 'E 1 0 Thanks for your attention to my letter of eb 12 I un derstand the position re the corporate minutes However therein lies the problem and this is why I solicited help to the legal action of Lorain Inc against Golf Club Management they will not cooperate in any way and will not furnish the minutes IS a situation com pletely beyond the control of Lorain Inc and it was for that reason that I had hoped the department would see fit to modify their de partmental procedures as long as doing so was not in conflict with any statu tory requirements is nothing Kaps fa Columbus liquor lawyer) or our local attorney can do as regards securing cooperation from Lome Cameron Golf Club Man agement or any of their principals for trying Yours LOTA KELLY CHAGRIN BOULEVARD AT LEE IN SHAKER WHfll VSV I HAPPENING js i a National Bank in Chicago told The Plain Dealer that the bank was unaware operation 'in Lo rain at Oak Hills Before fil ing the suit in lorida the bank tried to determine all assets of GCM including op erating agreements The bank also was un aware of the Lorain suit against GCM he said If it had known about the lease agreement in Lorain the bank would have considered attaching business This would have meant a court appointed receiver and the possible loss of the liquor permit The bank received a lor ida court order of foreclo sure for $1058000 on April 14 1965 The bank mortgage had been made for a $400 000 loan to satisfy a first mortgage on the Tamarac Golf Club and for $600000 to buy the Venetian Isles Yacht Club in lorida THE BANK said both properties had been investi gated and were worth more It forclosed because of what it called fraudulent statements made to it by Cameron WMKITT SHAKER VAN AKEN SEVERANCE "SQUARE CENTER CENTER TTWTHE new lllllLGRIM SHOE SALON Cleveland Severance Jr 39 of 1038 21st Street bellboy and bartender Giannini is charged with at tempted statutory rape pro curement and keeping a place for prostitution If Giannini is convicted of the latter charge a misdemeanor that will be The main witness at prelim itried in Municipal the inary nearmgs Biuiiicipau Court here was a 15 year old girl A full courtroom heard her tell of her experiences as a prostitute at the hotel The accused are Olimpio Giannini 72 owner of the hotel red Atkinson 25 and Lawrence Keegan 24 hoteltyach face on count of statu residents and Joseph Church'tory rape i Kiss Saves $130 )pen 10 (o 5 JO save 13 on famous maker shifts dates am going to instruct the warden that on the anniver sary of the crimes each year that you are in the peniten tiary you are to be placed in solitary confinement so you will remember to those One of the forced at about a bridge at 65th Street and Madison Avenue NW where she and a woman friend vveie Qq0 Code section 294705 waiting lor the rapid transit wiuCh permits the court to de I TH a month lai er 1 termine the neriod to be ser center 1 Severance Van Aken LLud IlYN JjIUlllIl IdlLi lei 11 asked Judge Patton leaning Orvisky who pleaded guiltyved forward to peer at Orvisky an only child who was found by a psychiatrist to be but mentally ill or are two women who will go through life with this THE PLAIN DEALER The Plain Dealer established as a weekly in 1842 became a dailv evemna pater in 1845 Morning and Sunday Editions i founded in 1885 by Holden i Published Daily and Sunday by The orest City Publishing Company 1801 Superior Avenue Cleveland Ohio 44114 Telephone 523 45Q0 Member of tie Associated The' Associated Press is entitled exclusively to the use for republication of all the local news printed in this newspaper as well as all AP news dispatches I Subscription rates for The Plain Dally 10c Sunday 25c Home Delivered Dally only 50c per week Doily and Sunday 75c per week By mail per year In advance Including postage: Dally $2600 Sundov: irst and Second $1300 Third to Eighth Zones I Class Postage Paid at 1 Cleveland Ohio arm Policy Panel avors ree Market 1 New York Times service qs alleviated and farmers are ble WASHINGTON A presi i able to earn incomes from Minority and majority dential commission recom the market that are compara ireed displaced small mended yesterday that agri 'ble to nonfarm shouid be helped! cultural policies for the future' T(le coniinissjon split 16 to tl 0 gh various programs to 1 11 on me iieeu uh cuiiiuiuing rolhor than crnvprnmonr 1 grams However a majority of the 29 member National ood and iber Commission called for continuation of federal farmprograms the problem of excess capacity in farming Sale! '3 I Ujftir 'Will Vo WI MR fll "ft Jr ty' MAT 151 Boulevard It I nrm lapplt an I men turllfi tlrnll If I I Bfotcn irilli qrollo litu If I Of lotpA fjfcri irilli honp I A in 11 Il I N't I I I Ml 1 I I i '1 I I I I feitaif iii I I I I If A 'll Xt 'k IS PD PHONE NUMBERS If you do not know the Centrex number of the person you want CALL 523 4500 po QUJCKLINE 523 4810 CIRCULATION Hom Oolliory Some 523 4600 Moil Jvbicriptiom 523 4050 CLASSIIED WANT AOS 523 5555 Corrections Concellotloni 523 4200 Doolh Holicoi 523 4860 DISPLAT ADVERTISING 523 4360 CITY NEWS DESK 523 4800 QUESTIONS ANSWERS DIAL A DIETITIAH 523 4880 SPORTS INORMATION 523 4580 Ik ty 4 WMKITT SHAKER VAN AKEN SEVERANCE "SQUARE CENTER CENTER.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

Phone: +2678139151039

Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.